Every day at 4:15 a.m., Helen Ryvaris out the door running—rain or shine.
“I’m just an ordinary person doingextraordinary things,” says Ryvar, asingle mother of three who runs her owncleaning business during the day.
The 43 -year -old Ryvar took uprunning in 2020.
Four years later, she is a Guinnessworld record holder for consecutive1half-marathons. By May 12 this year shehad run one every day for 743 days—allwhile raising money for her favoritecharities2. The previous3 record forofficially timed half-marathons was 75.
“The runs have become the easypart—it’s juggling life that has becomethe daily ongoing task,”said Ryvar, whohas three teenage children.
Ryvar doesn’t follow any specialdiet—just three balanced4 meals a day—and doesn’t really care about her speedwhen she runs. But she says it’s importantto run at the same time every day.
“I found doing it every day, you justget used to it,”she said.
Her advice is fairly simple:
—Drink plenty of water.
—Have a balanced diet and early nights.
“Form a habit,”she says. “If you’renot comfortable doing it by yourself, join agroup. Sign up for a race. When you have agoal, it makes a great difference.”
每天早晨4 點15 分,海倫·瑞瓦爾都會出門跑步———風(fēng)雨無阻。
現(xiàn)年43 歲的瑞瓦爾從2020 年開始跑步。
四年后,她成為連續(xù)半程馬拉松的吉尼斯世界紀錄保持者。截至今年5 月12 日,她已經(jīng)連續(xù)743 天每天跑完一個半程馬拉松,同時為她最喜歡的慈善機構(gòu)籌集資金。此前正式計時的半程馬拉松記錄是75 天。
瑞瓦爾不遵循任何特種飲食———只 是 一 日 三 餐 營 養(yǎng) 均衡———也不在乎自己跑步時的速度。但她說,每天在同一時間跑步很重要。