In 2016, Charlotte Liebling was volunteering at a thrifts3 shop in London,England.
Liebling noticed that many people dropped off stuffed animals. People broughtteddy bears, rabbits and other stuffed animals in good condition. Some were sold,but most of the well-loved soft toys were thrown away.
“I knew they had sentimental4 and emotional value,”she said. “I was sad tolearn most of them ended up at the landfill5.”She said she couldn’t imaginethrowing hers away.
In 2019, she put her ideas into motion6. The company she has set up is a“soft-toy adoption agency”. It cleans up donated soft toys and resells them online.
In the past five years, Leibling has collected more than 60,000 soft toys. Shehas cleaned them up and sent them to new homes.
She has donated 50 percent of her profits7 to charity, she said.
Before the stuffed animals are posted for the public, they go through a hightemperaturesteam cleaning. Some of them will then get extra repairs.
“Our stuffed animals help teach children the importance of giving somethingsecondhand a second chance,”said Liebling.
Liebling has big hopes for each Loved Before toy. She wants them tobe looked after and passed down for decades8 instead of ending up in alandfill.
She said she believes that her second-chance toys are very valuable.It’s because of the love and adventure they’ve already experienced.
“I love that we can give them a second chance to be loved,”she said.
2016 年,夏洛特·利布林在英國倫敦一家舊貨店做志愿者。
2019 年,她將自己的想法付諸實踐。她創(chuàng)立的公司是一家“毛絨玩具收養(yǎng)機構(gòu)”,負責(zé)清理捐贈的毛絨玩具并在網(wǎng)上轉(zhuǎn)售。
在過去的五年里,利布林已經(jīng)收集了6 萬多個毛絨玩具。她已經(jīng)把它們清理干凈,送到了新家。