Sheru, the king of jungle1, died one day, and now the animals in the jungledid not have a king. There was no discipline2 in the jungle. All animalsfollowed their own rules. Some animals began to say that when king was there,everything was well. Now it was difficult to live in the jungle. If any outsidercame to attack3, what would happen?
Bholu bear came ahead with an idea. He said to the animals, “We canhold an election4, to select5 our king.”All of them agreed with Bholu bear, butthe problem was that everyone thought themselves as a king. Pihu peacockthought of a way out and said, “Whoever wants to stand for election has to dosome allotted6 work in a timely and good manner.”Everyone agreed with Pihu.
Every applicant7 was given work according to their skill. Robin fox wasgiven the job to clear the dust from the forest. Monu monkey was asked to clearthe spider webs. Ghanu elephant was given the job to fill the holes in the groundwith stones. Renu rabbit was asked to clean the grass around the trees.
Few days passed. All the animals and birds gathered to see the progress.Renu, Monu and Robin had completed their work. But Ghanu elephant did notput stones in the hole. The question was raised about whose work was to becelebrated. Renu rabbit came up with an idea, and let animals vote8 for theseapplicants. Whoever got the maximum9 votes would be their next king.
The next day, all the animals gathered together to vote. Voting wascompleted nicely, and the vote counting started. Ghanu was ahead in thecounting and secured10 more votes. Finally, Ghanu was declared11 as the winner.
Everyone was surprised. At that time Eagle, the king of birds, said,“Youall are surprised how Ghanu elephant won? Correct! The reason is that everyday Ghanu brought stones near the hole according to his assignment12, but hesaw that the eagle’s eggs were in the hole. Ghanu gave up his wish to becomeking and saved the eagle’s egg by his caring act. As you know, in the junglethere are many birds. So Ghanu got the most votes and became the king of thejungle. Learning from Ghanu’s example, we the birds have decided to be kindto others, and to care for each other.”
After listening to this, everyone accepted Ghanu as the king. A simple actof kindness by Ghanu made him the leader by winning the hearts of hisfollowers.