I stared at my reflection in the fulllengthmirror for what seemed aneternity1. Next to me were the dozens ofdresses I’d already thrown into the“reject2”pile.
Dress shopping for my thirty -yearhigh school reunion had become veryfrustrating. I’d gained weight slowly overthe years. How could I possibly find adress that looked good on me and howcould I attend the reunion looking likethis? I hadn’t seen most of my classmatessince high school graduation. Surely,everyone would notice I had gainedweight. I felt embarrassed and ashamed. Ifinally chose a simple black dress, onesize too big, so it would be loose3 andcover my curves4.
That evening I tried on the dress againat home. Who was I kidding? The dresslooked horrible! Just then, as if on cue5,my husband and young son walked in.
“Mom, what are you wearing?”Myson giggled6.“That dress is too big! ”
My husband agreed. I looked at myreflection once more; I looked like I waswearing a sack7. I don’t know whatcame over me, but I started to laughuntil happy tears fell. It felt so good tolaugh! It must have been contagious8,because we all stood there laughing.
I returned the dress the next dayand in its place I bought a bright red,formfitting9 dress! This time when Istood in front of the mirror, I couldn’tbelieve it—I loved what I saw.
“Wow, you’re so beautiful! ”myhusband said, when I turned around toshow him.
On the day of the reunion I wasnervous. I slowly walked into the venue10.
“Honey, there’s no way you can’tbe seen with that beautiful red dress,”my husband said.“Flaunt11 it! ”
He knew just what to say to makeme feel better, and he was right. Justthen, one of my friends ran over tohug me.
“You look amazing,” she said,excited.“I couldn’t miss you walking inwith that cute dress! ”
That evening I reminisced12,laughed and danced the night away.
That was nine years ago. Sincethen, I have learned to love my body.
That moment I stood in front of themirror was a turning point for me. Irealized later that those dresses I tried ondidn’t look bad on my body; it was myinsecurities13 that made them look bad.
My reflection in the mirror was thereflection of my lack of confidence.
But nowadays, Ilove what I see!
1. eternity 永恒,永久
2. reject 次品,廢品
3. loose 寬松的
4. curve 曲線
5. cue 暗示,提示
6. giggle 咯咯地笑
7. sack 大麻布袋
8. contagious 具有感染力的
9. formfitting 合身的
10. venue (活動的)場所
11. flaunt 炫耀
12. reminisce 敘舊;回憶舊事
13. insecurity 不安全,無把握