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I am the CEO of DiplomaticWorld , a quarterly magazinebased in Brussels, Belgium. I readwith great interest the specialedition of China Today on China-EU talent exchanges. I had thegreat pleasure to participate in the2024 China-Europe Talent Forumin Beijing, which I am convincedis an important stepping stoneto fostering innovative talentcollaboration between China andEurope.
In the geo-politically turbulenttimes we live in, long-termprosperity can only be realizedif China and Europe, two largeeconomies in the world, worktogether. We must build bridgesbetween China and Europe, nottariff walls. Such cooperationneeds to include a strong peopleto-people component. Both sidesneed more talent exchanges inorder to have a workforce fit forthe future: flexible and adaptable.
The challenges we face, afterall, are not too dissimilar: theimpact of disruptive technologiessuch as AI and aging populations.In this regard, I am pleased to notethat the EU-China High-LevelPeople-to-People Dialogue hasresumed this year after a four-yearhiatus. It is crucial to foster mutualunderstanding and trust. Theresurgence of this dialogue marksa noteworthy stride in revitalizingthe exchanges that decreased duringthe pandemic period.
Moreover, the creativeeconomy is emerging as a powerfulglobal force in driving innovation.It is an open, inclusivelandscape where different regionsof the world bring their own culturalvalues to the shared table.It is a melting pot of distinct,unique identities and the creativeeconomy can benefit from thiscornucopia of knowledge and im mense talent.
So I was very happy towitness the launch of the GNIS(Global Network for InnovationService) China-Europe InnovationCenter, a gateway forattracting global talented minds.
Barbara Dietrich
I am the CEO of Sora Aviation,a U.K.-based startup whichhas developed a 30-seater electricvehicle take-off and landing(eVTOL) aircraft. As air taxiswill serve the premium market,our eVTOL buses are eyeingair mobility affordable for thegeneral public.
In September, I visited theBeijing Daxing InternationalAirport where an internationalforum was held themed onairworthiness and safe developmentof the low-altitude economy.As one of the participants,I joined other experts from theaviation industry in China andEurope, discussing eVTOL’sprospects across the globe andits role in urban air mobility.
I felt it a great honor to beinterviewed by China Today forits Special Report in the Novemberissue. The articles under thetheme “Low-Altitude Economy,a Buzzing New Growth Engine”are refreshing and informative.As most of the attendees (atthe forum) pointed out, futureaircraft should be completelyelectricity-driven, emitting lesscarbon dioxide compared withcars and with less commutingcost.
More importantly, its solelyhuman-centered design shouldensure safety, accessibility andcomfort.