KarushKuhnTukcer Type Optimality Conditionsfor Neatly Quasiconvex Function
LU Guangjing,YOU Manxue
(School of Mathematics amp; Information,China West Normal University,Nanchong Sichuan 637009,China)
Abstract:Optimality conditions play a very important role in optimization problems,especially for optimization algorithms.However,in the study of quasiconvex programming,there is little research on the KarushKuhnTukcer type (KKT type) optimality conditions for nondifferentiable quasiconvex programming.In this paper,we study the relationship between GreenbergPierskalla subdifferential (GP subdifferential) and lower global subdifferential of neatly quasiconvex function,and characterize some KKT type optimality conditions for neatly quasiconvex function based on lower global subdifferential and GP subdifferential.
Keywords:optimality condition;quasiconvex programming;global subdifferential;GreenbergPierskalla subdifferential;sublevel set
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