- Carnival:One day in Rio
g.這個消息的確令人失望。3.常用來作表語的V?ing形式詞匯有:interesting 令人感興趣的exciting 令人激動的delighting 令人高興的disappointing 令人失望的encouraging 令人鼓舞的pleasing 令人愉快的puzzling 令人費解的satisfying 令人滿意的surprising 令人驚異的worrying 令人擔心的
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2023年5期2023-06-02
- Task 1
cating (令人陶醉的), an aging writer looking back on an ambitious yet simpler time. Another is Annie Dillard's Holy the Firm, her poetic 1975 ramble (隨筆) about everything and nothing. The third book is Julio Cortázar's Save Twilight: S
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2021年4期2021-11-24
- Luosifen listed as China’s intangible cultural heritage “螺螄粉”上榜國家級非遺
pulsive(令人厭惡的) for the first-timers, but those who try it say they can never forget the magical taste. Luosifen is made by boiling rice noodles with pickled bamboo shoots, dried turnips(蘿卜),fresh vegetables and peanuts in spiced r
瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2021年9期2021-11-01
- Task 7
sgrace (令人感到羞恥的人或事) to the language.Sometimes, I laugh at my fish? ? 18? ? , but, in the end, the joke is on? ? 19? ? . Every laugh is a culture? ? 20? ? ; every laugh is my heritage (傳統(tǒng)) fading away.1. A. custom B. games C. chara
瘋狂英語·愛英語 2021年4期2021-08-16
- Task 1
cating (令人陶醉的), an aging writer looking back on an ambitious yet simpler time. Another is Annie Dillards Holy the Firm, her poetic 1975 ramble(隨筆) about everything and nothing. The third book is Julio Cortzars Save Twilight: Selec
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2021年4期2021-08-16
- 隨便談談
視野 2021年10期2021-06-02
- 隨便談談
。學書(謂習字)令人俊,學詩令人雅,學劍令人壯,學柔術令人健。于眾人忙亂時,能以靜遇之;于眾人艷羨時,能以淡處之;做學生定然是好學生,將來便能做些事業(yè)。常玩月令人心靜,常玩水令人心淡,常讀書令人心廣,常下棋令人心忿,常賭博令人心詐,常閑散令人心蕩。得意時,以靜處之,則心不驕矜;失意時,以靜處之,則心不憂傷。忙時,以靜處之,則心不內亂;閑時,以靜處之,則心不外馳。與好友假不得,與俗友真不得。宜真而假,宜假而真,其失均也。善笑是有趣人,善哭是多情人,善不笑不哭文萃報·周二版 2021年10期2021-03-24
- 隨便談談
。學書(謂習字)令人俊,學詩令人雅,學劍令人壯,學柔術令人健。于眾人忙亂時,能以靜遇之;于眾人艷羨事,能以淡處之;做學生定然是好學生,將來便能做些事業(yè)。常玩月令人心靜,常玩水令人心淡,常讀書令人心廣,常下棋令人心忿,常賭博令人心詐,常閑散令人心蕩。得意時以靜處之則心不驕矜,失意時以靜處之則心不憂傷,忙時以靜處之則心不內亂,閑時以靜處之則心不外馳。與好友假不得,與俗友真不得。宜真而假,宜假而真,其失均也。善笑是有趣人,善哭是多情人,善不笑不哭是深心人。哭人之意林 2020年22期2020-12-04
- 巖棲幽事
陳繼儒香令人幽,酒令人遠,石令人雋,琴令人寂,茶令人爽,竹令人冷,月令人孤,棋令人閑,杖令人輕,水令人空,雪令人曠,劍令人悲,蒲團令人枯,美人令人憐,僧令人淡,花令人韻,金石令人古。人有一字不識而多詩意,一偈不參而多禪意,一勺不濡而多酒意,一石不曉而多畫意:淡宕故也。少飲酒,多啜粥;多茹菜,少食肉;少開口,多閉目;多梳頭,少洗??;少群居,多獨宿;多收書,少積玉;少取名,多忍辱;多行善,少干祿。便宜勿再往,好事不如無。讀者 2017年22期2017-10-28
or all那些令人不勝其煩的垃圾信息究竟從何而來?面對惡意軟件,我們又該如何應對?lt's usually a young woman, moving through the subway from person to person. Politely, she asks if commuters would like to sign up to her WeChat account. In this case, she explains it's a漢語世界 2016年5期2016-10-25
or all那些令人不勝其煩的垃圾信息究竟從何而來?面對惡意軟件,我們又該如何應對?Its usually a young woman, moving through the subway from person to person. Politely, she asks if commuters would like to sign up to her WeChat account. In this case, she explains its a sm漢語世界(The World of Chinese) 2016年5期2016-01-10
- 隨便談談