Chinese Physics B
SPECIAL TOPIC—Two-dimensional magnetic materials and devices
- Magnetic and electronic properties of two-dimensional metal-organic frameworks TM3(C2NH)12*
- Vertical WS2 spin valve with Ohmic property based on Fe3GeTe2 electrodes?
- Spin orbit torques in Pt-based heterostructures with van der Waals interface?
- Strain drived band aligment transition of the ferromagnetic VS2/C3N van der Waals heterostructure?
- Controlled vapor growth of 2D magnetic Cr2Se3 and its magnetic proximity effect in heterostructures?
- First neutron Bragg-edge imaging experimental results at CSNS?
- Passivation and dissociation of Pb-type defects at a-SiO2/Si interface?
- Revealing the A1g-type strain effect on superconductivity and nematicity in FeSe thin flake?
- Optimized growth of compensated ferrimagnetic insulator Gd3Fe5O12 with a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy?
- Gate-controlled magnetic transitions in Fe3GeTe2 with lithium ion conducting glass substrate?
- Ultrafast structural dynamics using time-resolved x-ray diffraction driven by relativistic laser pulses?
- Multiple solutions and hysteresis in the flows driven by surface with antisymmetric velocity profile?
- Magnetization relaxation of uniaxial anisotropic ferromagnetic particles with linear reaction dynamics driven by DC/AC magnetic field?
- Influences of spin–orbit interaction on quantum speed limit and entanglement of spin qubits in coupled quantum dots
- Quantum multicast schemes of different quantum states via non-maximally entangled channels with multiparty involvement?
- Preparation of a two-state mixture of ultracold fermionic atoms with balanced population subject to the unstable magnetic field?
- Quantum metrology with coherent superposition of two different coded channels?
- An optimized cluster density matrix embedding theory
- Entanglement of two distinguishable atoms in a rectangular waveguide:Linear approximation with single excitation?
- Quantum speed limit for the maximum coherent state under the squeezed environment?
- Identification of unstable individuals in dynamic networks?
- Migration and shape of cells on different interfaces?
- Nonlinear vibration of iced cable under wind excitation using three-degree-of-freedom model?
- Detection of multi-spin interaction of a quenched XY chain by the average work and the relative entropy?
- Nonlinear dynamics of cell migration in anisotropic microenvironment?
- Ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain in a resonator
- Dynamic modeling and aperiodically intermittent strategy for adaptive finite-time synchronization control of the multi-weighted complex transportation networks with multiple delays?
- Design of an ultrafast electron diffractometer with multiple operation modes?
- Terahertz radiation generation by beating of two chirped laser pulses in a warm collisional magnetized plasma
- Possibility to break through limitation of measurement range in dual-wavelength digital holography?
- High-resolution three-dimensional atomic microscopy via double electromagnetically induced transparency
- Multiple induced transparency in a hybrid driven cavity optomechanical device with a two-level system?
- GaSb-based type-I quantum well cascade diode lasers emitting at nearly 2-μm wavelength with digitally grown AlGaAsSb gradient layers?
- Tunable optomechanically induced transparency and fast–slow light in a loop-coupled optomechanical system?
- All-fiber laser seeded femtosecond Yb:KGW solid state regenerative amplifier?
- Mid-infrared supercontinuum and optical frequency comb generations in a multimode tellurite photonic crystal fiber?
- Ultrabroadband mid-infrared emission from Cr2+:ZnSe-doped chalcogenide glasses prepared via hot uniaxial pressing and melt-quenching?
- Chirp-dependent ionization of hydrogen atoms in the presence of super-intense laser pulses?
- Assessment of cortical bone fatigue using coded nonlinear ultrasound?
- Thermoacoustic assessment of hematocrit changes in human forearms?
- Effects of Prandtl number in two-dimensional turbulent convection?
- ISSDE:A Monte Carlo implicit simulation code based on Stratonovich SDE approach of Coulomb collision?
- Unstable mode of ion-acoustic waves with two temperature q-nonextensive distributed electrons
- Plasma characteristics and broadband electromagnetic wave absorption in argon and helium capacitively coupled plasma?
- Discharge characteristic of very high frequency capacitively coupled argon plasma?
- Numerical investigation of radio-frequency negative hydrogen ion sources by a three-dimensional fluid model?
- Numerical simulation of anode heat transfer of nitrogen arc utilizing two-temperature chemical non-equilibrium model?
- Micro-pinch formation and extreme ultraviolet emission of laser-induced discharge plasma?
- Stability of liquid crystal systems doped withγ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles?
- Structural,magnetic,and dielectric properties of Ni–Zn ferrite and Bi2O3 nanocomposites prepared by the sol-gel method?
- Highly tunable plasmon-induced transparency with Dirac semimetal metamaterials?
- Sphere-shaped SiGe micro/nanostructures with tunable Ge composition and size formed by laser irradiation?
- Strain-tuned magnetic properties in(Ga,Fe)Sb:First-principles study?
- Nanoscale structural investigation of Zn1?xMgxO alloy films on polar and nonpolar ZnO substrates with different Mg contents?
- Molecular dynamics study of coupled layer thickness and strain rate effect on tensile behaviors of Ti/Ni multilayered nanowires?
- An improved model of damage depth of shock-melted metal in microspall under triangular wave loading?
- Probing thermal properties of vanadium dioxide thin films by time-domain thermoreflectance without metal film?
- C9N4 as excellent dual electrocatalyst:A first principles study?
- Ohmic and Schottky contacts of hydrogenated and oxygenated boron-doped single-crystal diamond with hill-like polycrystalline grains?
- Phase transition-induced superstructures ofβ-Sn films with atomic-scale thickness?
- Adsorption and rotational barrier for a single azobenzene molecule on Au(111)surface?
- Atomic and electronic structures of p-type dopants in 4H-SiC
- Fang–Howard wave function modelling of electron mobility in AlInGaN/AlN/InGaN/GaN double heterostructures?
- Mobility edges and reentrant localization in one-dimensional dimerized non-Hermitian quasiperiodic lattice?
- Strain-dependent resistance and giant gauge factor in monolayer WSe2?
- Thermoelectric enhancement in triple-doped strontium titanate with multi-scale microstructure?
- First-principles study of plasmons in doped graphene nanostructures?
- Protection of isolated and active regions in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using selective laser annealing?
- High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission study of large magnetoresistance topological semimetal CaAl4?
- Negative tunnel magnetoresistance in a quantum dot induced by interplay of a Majorana fermion and thermal-driven ferromagnetic leads?
- Barrier or easy-flow channel:The role of grain boundary acting on vortex motion in type-II superconductors?
- Magnetic dynamics of two-dimensional itinerant ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2?
- Current-dependent positive magnetoresistance in La0.8Ba0.2MnO3 ultrathin films?
- Strain-modulated ultrafast magneto-optic dynamics of graphene nanoflakes decorated with transition-metal atoms?
- Analysis of properties of krypton ion-implanted Zn-polar ZnO thin films?
- Influence of sulfur doping on the molecular fluorophore and synergistic effect for citric acid carbon dots?
- Enhanced absorption process in the thin active region of GaAs based p–i–n structure?
- Origin of anomalous enhancement of the absorption coefficient in a PN junction?
- Exciton emission dynamics in single InAs/GaAs quantum dots due to the existence of plasmon-field-induced metastable states in the wetting layer?
- Topology optimization method of metamaterials design for efficient enhanced transmission through arbitrary-shaped sub-wavelength aperture?
- Direct growth of graphene films without catalyst on flexible glass substrates by PECVD?
- A multi-band and polarization-independent perfect absorber based on Dirac semimetals circles and semi-ellipses array?
- Low temperature ferromagnetism in CaCu3Ti4O12?
- Analysis on diffusion-induced stress for multi-layer spherical core–shell electrodes in Li-ion batteries?
- Temperature and current sensitivity extraction of optical superconducting transition-edge sensors based on a two-fluid model?
- C band microwave damage characteristics of pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor?
- Design and optimization of a nano-antenna hybrid structure for solar energy harvesting application
- Device design based on the covalent homocoupling of porphine molecules?
- Pyramid scheme in stock market:A kind of financial market simulation?
- Experimental study on age and gender differences in microscopic movement characteristics of students?
- Using agent-based simulation to assess disease prevention measures during pandemics?