Abstract: About vocabulary teaching ,the situation of traditional teaching : “easy to teach ,difficult to study.” had already come into being. The students were not interested in the boring vocabulary. Therefore, the teachers must arouse the students studying vocabulary interests, and lead students thinking and participating in the teaching actively. Through so many methods such as abundant association , bold imagination , logistic inference, consequence ,arrangement and conclusion, the teachers help the students self-study ability, and let the students master the scientific study methods, and in order to get interests, varieties and actual efficiency of lessons.
Key words: vocabulary teachingassociationimaginationconsequenceconclusion
1.創(chuàng)設(shè)情景。教師板書“wheel、chair”,讓學生聯(lián)系已有知識。2.激發(fā)興趣。學生發(fā)現(xiàn)原來這兩個單詞是由wheel(輪子)、chair(椅子)合成的,不由脫口而出“輪椅”。3.提問引導。類似的詞還有哪些?請同學們在聯(lián)系已學過的以及本單元的合成詞。4.探索求解。學生通過討論,查找工具書,找出這類詞。如:本單元詞匯:wheelchair、bathroom、best-seller詞匯延伸:bathrobe、bedroom、reading room 、dining room5.直觀感受、參與學習。學生看到“輪椅”就聯(lián)想到“wheelchair”,以上所述詞匯呈現(xiàn)于這幅畫面。學生就可以用幾句話把這些詞“串”起來。如:After taking a hot bath in a bathroom, the old man put on his bathrobe immediately and sat in the wheelchair .He wanted to go to the bedroom so he went through the reading room and then the dinning room. Now he is lying on the bed and reading a book which is a best-seller of this year.6.懸念設(shè)置。由合成法構(gòu)成的合成詞很多,我們可按名詞、形容詞、動詞、副詞、代詞分類,并舉例說明。7.討論查詢。學生相互討論或查詢工具書對合成詞進一步了解。8.點撥升華。英語單詞相當一部分都是合成詞,只要根據(jù)所學單詞“一刀兩斷”甚至“三斷”,就極易掌握其詞義。9.理解歸納。“一刀兩斷”甚至“三斷”,掌握其詞義,根據(jù)已有知識理解詞義,再根據(jù)已有詞性加以運用。
1.圖片演示、直觀感受。教師用圖片或肢體演示幾大感官,學生直觀感受。2.設(shè)置活動,教師演示。如:做出舌頭被“燙”的動作,讓學生猜其含義。3.參與學習。學生很容易猜出“舌頭tongue”的讀音,因其諧音“燙”,且記憶非常深刻。4.點撥升華。從“燙”聯(lián)想到“舌頭”,不僅是人的“舌頭”而且還有事物的“舌頭”。如:鈴舌the tongue of a bell 。5.提問引導。要求學生討論得出由“tongue”聯(lián)想到的詞組。6.探索求解。the tongue of a shoe(鞋舌) the tongue of a fire(火舌)。7.理解歸納、師生互動。以詞義的這種演變方式聯(lián)系到人體各個部分的詞。如:the head of a bed(床頭);the mouth of a river(河口);the face of a cliff(懸崖的正面);the lip of a bowl(碗邊);the teeth of a saw(鋸齒);the nose of a ship(船頭);the eye of a needle(針眼).