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2010-12-25 07:02:18李靜
重慶與世界 2010年12期

文/本刊記者 李靜


文/本刊記者 李靜




















還有一點(diǎn),必須在交通規(guī)劃與管理之間有效地相互協(xié)調(diào)。交通規(guī)劃是一種城市規(guī)劃責(zé)任,而管理是由交警完成的。所以兩者 必須相互協(xié)調(diào)結(jié)合,才會(huì)產(chǎn)生好的效果。


理查德:重慶的公共交通系統(tǒng)主要是以巴士為基礎(chǔ)的,輕軌和BRT快速公交的發(fā)展也在一定程度上減輕了巴士 線路的負(fù)擔(dān)。我認(rèn)為這個(gè)城市需要更多有效的巴士?jī)?yōu)先路權(quán),要讓市民覺(jué)得坐公交不是因?yàn)樗麄儧](méi)有私家車,而是因?yàn)樗麄冊(cè)敢?、享受坐公交,公交巴士?yīng)該成為人們出行交通的一種選擇。





合理土地利用 公交引導(dǎo)城市發(fā)展







Pe rhaps because tha t Brisbane is the siste r city w ith Chongqing, M r. Richa rd had a lready go t used the life in Chongq ing and has a specia l friend ly fee ling fo r th is city, which is now like his second hom e town.

M r. Richa rd m oved to Chongqing because o f his job in 2008.He first visited and lea rned m o re abou t Chongqing, the histo ry and the fu tu re o f the city in 2006 w hen accom panying the Depu ty Mayo r o f B risbane to cond u c t a Transpo rt Sem ina r in Chongq ing.“My im p ression o f Chongqing is m o re than the geog raphy; it's quite a d iffe ren t city w ith a b lend o f histo ry and vision fo r the fu tu re.”In Richa rd's eyes, Chongqing is a city tha t no t on ly built on the m oun ta in bu t a lso a t the jo ining o f the two rive rs. It's a city w ith the b lend o f m ode rn and ancien t histo ry. It is the new and o ld a rch itec tu re w hich m ade it so specia l.“Because the Chinese cen tra l gove rnm en t has m ade so m any decisions tha t we can fina lly see the m a jo r g row th and change o f Chongq ing.” Men tioning abou t his im p ression o f Chongqing, Richa rd was rea lly excited.

As the Hono ra ry Trade Am bassado r o f Brisbane, and the regiona l m anage r o f Austra lia MRC com pany, M r. Richa rd is busy eve ry day, he m ust no t on ly be the friend ly am bassado r fo r the comm unica tion be tween Chongqing and Brisbane, bu t a lso m akes e ffo rt on the u rban transpo rt deve lopm en t.

BRT is a Touchstone

As a g loba l transpo rt p lann ing and tra ffic enginee ring consu lting com pany, M cCo rm ick Ranking Cagney (MRC) has been active ly the Chongqing Mun icipa l Gove rnm en t, the Urban Planning Bu reau and the Construction Bu reau in their p lanning to re lieve the p ressu re o f tra ffic congestion and increase the use o f pub lic transit.

Repo rte r: W ha t a re the m a jo r coope ra tion be tw een MRC and Chongqing be fo re?

Richa rd: The first p ro ject in Chongq ing was the review o f the p lanning and design, the construction and the im p lem en ta tion o f the BRT dem onstra tion line. W e d id tha t on the beha lf o f the Chongq ing construc tion bu reau. Ou r o the r p ro ject is the m a jo r review o f Chongqing u rban transpo rta tion m aste r p lan ou t to 2020. Those two a re in te resting, one looked a t the de tail o f being built today; the o the r vision is o the r 10 yea rs away.

Repo rte r: W hy d id you have p lan o f build ing BRT line in Chongq ing?

Richa rd: BRT line was no t ou r p lan. The Chongqing go ve rnm e n t p la nne d it. Chong q in g ha s a BRT deve lopm en t com pany, which has been looking a t how to in troduce BRT in to Chongq ing w ith the cha llenges it has. W e assisted in a de tailed review du ring the construction phase and p rovided de tailed repo rts to assist in the fu tu re deve lopm en t o f BRT in the city

Repo rte r: How is th is p ro jec t going now?

Richa rd: Bo th o f ou r p ro jec ts a re com p le ted. BRT is in ope ra tion and extended since 2009. It's a p lan o f ne two rk fo r the BRT line. On ly one line is built now as a dem onstra tion line, so peop le can see wha t it looks like and how it was d iffe ren t. The aim is to dem onstra te wha t BRT is to the city, then the peop le can m ake decision o f to m ake m o re, wha t they think abou t it, how the best to build them and whe re to build them.

Expe rience Chongqing's Tra ffic

In re cen t yea rs, Chongq ing has speeded up u rban iza tion, the popu la tion and owne rship o f ca rs, trave l dem and has substan tia lly inc reased; Richa rd has a lso expe rienced a lo t on th is. “I live in Yu Bei and trave l to Yuzhong eve ry day. I sha re the tra ffic p rob lem eve ry day w ith loca l peop le. I take a taxi, som e tim e by bus. Regu la rly I sha re the road w ith eve ryone e lse, I have com e to lea rn and unde rstand the tra ffic p rob lem. It's a bene fit to m e to live he re because, as a p ro fessiona l, I can be tte r unde rstand tra ffic p lanning needs and re la te to m y job and th ink o f o the r ways to he lp.”

Repo rte r: W ha t do you th ink o f Chongqing's tra ffic?

Richa rd: Tra ffic congestion is a big issue in the cen tra l o f the city. My city in Austra lia is one o f the m ost rap id ly deve loped a reas in Austra lia and we unde rstand the situa tion in Chongqing because we expe rience the sam e p rob lem w ith tra ffic congestion, the need to p rovide a qua lity pub lic transit system as a viab le a lte rna tive to ca r use and to im p rove the environm en t. W e need bo th long te rm stra teg ic p lans and sho rt te rm im p rovem en t p lans.

Repo rte r: Do you have any suggestions abou t this cu rren t tra ffic p rob lem?

Richa rd: Many things. First, the re is a need fo r e ffec tive regu la tion and be tte r con tro ls ove r how tra ffic conducts itse lf. Second, the re is a need fo r a qua lity educa tion p rog ram fo r a ll road use rs. Th ird is the need fo r e ffective en fo rcem en t. In the en tire m a jo r city, tra ffic p rob lem s a re caused by quick deve lopm en t and the exp losive desire fo r ca rs. O fficia l ru les a re igno red o ften as m o to rists figh t fo r eve ry inch road, thinking it w ill m ake their jou rney faste r; bu t it doesn't, it slow s it down tra ffic .

The next im po rtan t thing is tha t the re needs to be e ffective coo rd ina tion be tween tra ffic p lann ing and m anagem en t. Tra ffic p lann ing is a responsibility o f the u rban p lanning while Managem en t is done by the tra ffic po lice. We a re g lad to see a b ig im p rovem en t in the last yea r.

Repo rte r: righ t now the re a re abou t m o re than 6000 buses in th is c ity, so is deve lop ing the pub lic transpo rta tion system one o f the m e thods to so lve this p rob lem?

Richa rd: Pub lic transpo rt system in Chongqing has trad itiona lly been based on bus. W ith the deve lopm en t o f the ligh t rail ne two rk and the BRT lines m ass transit w ill he lp the bus rou te ne two rk. One key cha llenge is to m ake the pub lic transit system a ttrac tive to a ll use rs. The comm un ity shou ld no t see buses as a sa fe ty ne t fo r those tha t can't a ffo rd ca rs; the pub lic transpo rt system shou ld be the re fo r m o re peop le's choice fo r trave l.

Repo rte r: Besides tha t, wha t e lse so lu tions tha t we have to so lve the city tra ffic jam?

Richa rd: First, we need to speed up bus trave l. A ne two rk o f bus-on ly lanes and bus p rio rity m easu res a re required.The city can gain expe rience o f o the r wo rld exam p les and MRC can he lp p rovide this,

A lso the re is a need to streng then pa rk ing m anagem en t.. Pa rking cha rges shou ld be reviewed and, m ost im po rtan tly, the en fo rcem en t o f illega l pa rking m ust be im p roved. We need a beau tifu l city, a sm oo th city, no t a city crow ded by ca rs and tra ffic jam s.

Support Five Chongqing Programm e

Richa rd pu t fo rwa rd a lo t o f constructive and m ean ing fu l ideas on tra ffic p rob lem; W hen m en tioned abou t five Chongq ing p rog ramm e, Richa rd is ve ry suppo rtive. He thinks tha t p rovid ing m obility fo r the peop le, increasing pub lic transit and reducing the dem and fo r ca rs actua lly links the Five Chongqing's toge the r. “Im p roving m ob ility is a key e lem en t o f sm oo th Chongq ing, because the city's roads w ill be less crow ded. As m o re peop le can be encou raged to use new m ass transit system s g reenhouse gas em issions w ill be reduced and the re w ill be less po llu tion con tribu ting to bo th a Fo rest Chongqing and a Livab le Chongqing. a m o re con tro lled road space m eans less tra ffic acciden ts wh ich w ill con tribu te to a Sa fe Chongq ing.”

“W e a re a lways looking fo r a good oppo rtun ity to coope ra te w ith Chongqing gove rnm en t, no t on ly w ith the city, bu t a lso w ith the d istricts and coun ties to build up Chongqing toge the r and achieve the comm on vision. Richa rd to ld us tha t in the fu tu re the m ain a reas tha t MRC Com pany focuses on a re still bus and BRT system, as we ll as transpo rt p lanning and tra ffic m anagem en t and the increase in the use o f in te lligen t transpo rt system s to he lp sm oo th Chongqing. Bu t can a lso he lp in the deve lopm en t in the airpo rt, po rt a rea and in pa rticu la r in the Maste r Plann ing o f the transpo rta tion and m obility in the exciting Liang jiang New Area.“ We hope tha t the fu tu re bus system o f Chongqing w ill be m o re a ttractive and e fficien t; we w ill a lso com b ine the subway w ith BRT to m ake Chongq ing peop le trave l faste r th rough the in teg ra tion o f a sing le m ass transit ne two rk using bo th Ligh t Rail and BRT.”

A u s t r a l i a s e e k s t o A c t i v e l y P a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e C o n s t r u c t i o n o f T r a f f i c-S m o o t h C h o n g q i n g——I n t e r v i e w w i t h R i c h a r d F i l e w o o d,t h e R e g i o n a l M a n a g e r A s i a o f A u s t r a l i a M R C C o m p a n y

W r i t t e n b y A g g i e & Ga r y Hy n s o n

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