“In the next three years, China w ill further contribute $14 m illion to the G lobal Fund to help developing countries to prevent and treat AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.”
Chen Zhu, Chinese M inister of Health, at the second international conference on China-A frica cooperation in health on February 15 in Beijing
“We believe there should be the lifting of sanctions by certain countries. W e think that is the voice of the Zimbabwean peop le and that is also the view of all the parties concerned here in Zimbabwe.”
Chinese Foreign M inister Yang Jiechi, addressing journalists during his visit to Zimbabwe on February 11
“Experience has proven that presetting results for the reform or forcing premature reform plans w ill not only underm ine the unity of UN member nations, but also harm the reform process, which w ill not be in line w ith any party’s interests.”
Chinese Foreign M inistry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu, in response to a question about the reform of the UN Security Council on February 12
“We are w illing to join Ghana in im proving its infrastructure base. W e w ill be happy to give our contribution toward the infrastructure development of Ghana.”
Chinese Ambassador to Ghana Gong Jianzhong, at a media briefing in Accra, capital of Ghana, to announce the visit to Ghana by Chen Deming, China’s M inister of Commerce
“This transaction is a catalyst for the development of a global capital markets community, delivering the best, most transparent and innovative services for clients and issuers, wherever they are.”
Duncan Niederauer, Chief Executive Offi cer of NYSE Euronext,commenting in New York on the combining of NYSE Euronext and Germany’s Deutsche Boerse
“Our new public reading stage w ill im prove the level of debate and scrutiny of bills by giving everyone the opportunity to go online and offer their views on any new legislation. That w ill mean better laws—and more trust in our politics.”
British Prime M inister David Cameron, commenting on launching the fi rst stage of plans to give the public the right to comment on every aspect of new legislation