Investigation of Difference Feed Patch Antenna Miniaturization Based on HFSS
(Shool of Information Science and Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China)
Abstract: Analysis the operating principle of the patch antenna, deduce formulars to calculate the antenna parameter, use the Ansofts HFSS finite element analysis software to amend and optimize the parameters. And research the divergence of the S parameter, bandwidth, area used and gain when we impel the antenna in different position with different dykanol. Back fed patch antenna has a wider relative and absolute bandwidth, smaller footprint and impedance matching is also better, the side-fed antenna has superior directivity and gain. If we choice the silicon as the material of substrate will have a lower S parameter and a smaller area used than FR4, but the directivity is weak.
Key words: patch antenna; HFSS; bandwidth; S parameter; gain
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