burn out (火)燃盡,燒完自滅
contrast with與……形成對照
throw oneself on...撲倒在……上
make a sound發(fā)出聲音
again and again一再,屢次
by mistake錯誤地
(be) identical to和……一樣,與……一致
as follows如下
knock out摧毀
get out of control擺脫控制
as far as we know據(jù)我們所知
break down分解
vice versa反過來也一樣,反之亦然
bring... back to life使…… 復(fù)活
declare war on向…… 宣戰(zhàn)
make a breakthrough取得重大突破(進展)
pick up停下來讓某人搭車(船等);救起
to one’s astonishment令某人驚訝的是
A. 大綱詞匯
murderv. 謀殺
refusev. 拒絕
breathev. 呼吸
rushv. 沖,猛沖
curev. 治愈
drownv. 淹死,使溺死
lastv. 持續(xù)
woundv. 使受傷
dropv. 扔下,投下
shavev. n. 刮胡子
encouragev. 鼓舞,鼓勵
armv. 裝備,武裝
wingn. 翅膀
fearn. 害怕,恐懼
headn. 頭目,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)
operationn. 行動
beachn. 海灘
nationalityn. 國籍
stationn. 根據(jù)地,駐扎地,基地
chainn. 鏈條,鐵鏈
couragen. 勇氣,膽量
combn. 梳子
tractorn. 拖拉機
jarn. 罐子,廣口瓶
carrotn. 胡蘿卜
deepadj. 深的
B. 大綱外常用詞匯
clonev. 克隆
terrifyv. 使驚恐,使受驚嚇
contrastv. 對照
insertv. 植入,插入
reproducev. 復(fù)制,使再現(xiàn)
resistv. 抵抗
sowv. 播種
analysev. 分析
spitv. 吐出(唾液)
accompanyv. 陪伴,陪同
absorbv. 吸收
invadev. 入侵,侵略
abandonv. 放棄,拋棄
occupyv. 占領(lǐng)
overlookv. 俯視,往下看
wearyv. 使人疲倦;使人厭煩
condemnv. 責(zé)難;譴責(zé)
rescuev. 營救,拯救
yellv. 大叫,呼喊
unloadv. 卸下
retreatv. 撤退,后退
surrenderv. 投降
quotev. 引用,引述
emotionn. 感情;情緒
fiancéen. 未婚妻
nightmaren. 噩夢
genen. 基因
nonsensen. 胡說八道,胡扯
bacterian. 細菌
make—upn. 構(gòu)成,構(gòu)造
geneticsn. 遺傳學(xué)
pean. 豌豆
proceduren. 程序
virtuen. 道德上的優(yōu)點,善行
regulationn. 法規(guī),條例
pestn. 害蟲
suspectn. 嫌疑人
fingernailn. 手指甲
samplen. 樣本
violencen. 暴力
survivorn. 幸存者
troopn. 部隊;士兵
commandern. 指揮官
heroismn. 英雄主義,英雄氣概
memorialn. 紀念碑;紀念館
graven. 墓,墓穴
backpackn. 背包
bombn. 炸彈
campaignn. 作戰(zhàn)行動,軍事行動
viewn. 觀點
imagen. 影像
sacrificen. 犧牲
beddingn. 被褥,寢具
messn. 混亂的局面
perfumen. 香水
scissorsn. 剪刀
barbershopn. 理發(fā)店
chinn. 下巴,下頜
moustachen. 小胡子,髭
waxn. 蠟
sharpenern. 磨器,磨具
liberationn. 解放
constitutionn. 憲法
vinegarn. 醋
statesmann. 政治家
strategyn. 策略,戰(zhàn)略
peacekeepern. 維和人員
disagreementn. 爭論,矛盾,意見不合
civiliann. 平民; 文職人員
identicaladj. 完全相同的,同一的
beneficialadj. 有益的,有用的
imaginaryadj. 假想的,虛構(gòu)的
incredibleadj. 難以置信的
acidadj. 酸(性)的
geneticadj. 基因的,遺傳基因的;遺傳學(xué)的
exceptionaladj. 特別的,非凡的,卓越的
compulsoryadj. 強制的,強迫的
handyadj. 方便的,便利的
sci—fiadj. 科幻的
intactadj. 完好無損的,完整的
senselessadj. 無意義的,欠思考的
memorableadj. 難忘的,特別的,值得回憶的
confidentialadj. 機密的,秘密的
worthwhileadj. 值得做的,有價值的,有用的
eventuallyadv. 最后,最終
afterwardsadv. 后來
despiteprep. 不管,不顧
a sequence of一系列的
war memorial戰(zhàn)爭紀念碑
1. wish后接的賓語從句用虛擬語氣;
2. If 虛擬條件句;
3. 錯綜時間虛擬條件句。
1. terrify v. 使驚恐,使受驚嚇
(1) terrified adj. 恐懼的,很害怕的
(2) be terrified of sth / doing sth 懼怕某事/ 做某事
(3) 注意:terrified比afraid的語氣更強,害怕的程度更大一些。
2. refuse v. 拒絕,回絕
refuse to do sth 拒絕做某事
Please bear in mind that you can refuse me instead of cheating me. 請記住, 你可以拒絕我,但不可以騙我。
3. contrast v. 對照,對比;形成對比
(1) contrast A and / with B 把A與B進行對比
(2) contrast with sth(靠近或做比較時)與……顯出明顯
4. fear n. 害怕,恐懼
(1) 當fear作名詞,意為“恐懼”時,多為不可數(shù)名詞;當fear作名詞,意為“憂慮;擔心的事”時,為可數(shù)名詞。
(2) for fear of 由于怕/以防……
(3) in fear of 擔心/害怕……
5. cure v. 治愈,治好(病人或動物); 治好(疾病)
6. resist v. 抵抗,反抗;抗拒;忍耐,忍住
(1) resist表示“抵抗,反抗;抗拒”時,既可作及物動詞,也可作不及物動詞。
(2) resist表示“抵擋;保持原狀;不受……傷害;抗(酸)、耐(熱)等”時為及物動詞,后面通常接名詞或動詞—ing形式作賓語。
(3) resist表示“忍耐,忍受”時作及物動詞,常用于否定句,可接名詞、代詞或動詞—ing形式,也可作不及物動詞。
7. absorb v. 吸收(液體,氣體,光,聲等);汲取,理
be absorbed in 專心致志于,全神貫注于
Are the children absorbed in what they are doing?
8. arise v.(問題、困難等)發(fā)生,出現(xiàn);升起,上升
(1) arise out of 由……而引起/ 產(chǎn)生;從……中產(chǎn)生
The misunderstanding between us is arising out of the bad quality of communication.
(2) 原形—過去式—過去分詞為:arise—arose—arisen
9. abandon v. 放棄,拋棄
(1) abandon sb to sb/sth(不顧責(zé)任、義務(wù)等)遺棄某人
(2) abandon sth to sb / sth (不得已)放棄/舍棄……給……
(3) abandon oneself to sth 某人陷入/沉湎于(某種感情)
abandonment n. 離棄,遺棄,拋棄
abandoned adj. 被離棄的,被遺棄的,被拋棄的
10. drown v. 淹死,使溺死
(1) drown sth in sth 把某物浸泡在……里
(2) drown sb / sth out 壓過/ 蓋過某人/物
11. last v. 持續(xù),繼續(xù);繼續(xù)存在,持續(xù)起作用,持久
12. occupy v. 占領(lǐng);使用,占用(空間、面積、時間等)
occupy sb / oneself in doing sth / with sth
She likes her work so much that she always occupies herself with it.
13. condemn v. 責(zé)難;譴責(zé)
condemn sb / sth for / as sth
The newspaper was condemned as lacking facts in its reports. 這家報紙被指責(zé)其報道缺乏事實。
condemnation n. 責(zé)難;譴責(zé)
14. rescue v. 營救,拯救
(1) rescue sb / sth from sb/sth
(2) 比較save和rescue的區(qū)別:
15. drop v. 扔下,投下;掉下,落下;液體滴落,滴下;
(1) drop sb / sth (off) 中途卸(客);中途卸(貨)
(2) drop back / behind 后退,落后,落在……后面
(3) drop by / in / round 順便訪問,順便拜訪
(4) drop in on sb 順便訪問,順便拜訪某人
(5) drop into ... 順便走進(某處)
(6) drop off 打盹兒,小睡
(7) drop out (of sth) 不再參加,退出,脫離……
16. courage n. 勇氣,膽量
take courage (from sth)(因某事而)鼓起勇氣
courageous adj. 勇敢的,無畏的
17. cheers int.(用于祝酒)祝你健康!
cheer v. 歡呼,喝彩,加油
n. 歡呼聲,喝彩聲
cheerful adj. 快樂的,高興的,興高采烈的
18. worthwhile adj. 值得做的,有價值的,有用的
(1) be worthwhile to do sth 值得去做某事
(2) be worthwhile doing sth 值得做了某事
1) worth只能作表語,意思為“值……的”、“相當于……的價值的”、“有……價值的”、“值得……的”。由于它類似介詞,故須在后面接名詞或動詞—ing形式作賓語。
2) worthy可作表語,也可作定語。作定語時,意思為“有價值的”、“值得尊敬的”、“應(yīng)受到賞識的”;作表語時,意思為“值得……的”、“應(yīng)得到……的”,其后接of sth,也可以后接to do sth。
3) worthwhile與worthy一樣,既可作表語,又可作定語,表示某事因重要、有趣或從中受益大而值得花時間、金錢或努力去做,一般意為“值得的”、“值得做的”、“有意義的”。用作表語時,可后接動名詞或動詞不定式。
19. encourage v. 鼓舞,鼓勵
(1) encourage sb in sth 在某事上鼓勵某人
(2) encourage sth in sb / sth 在某人/ 某物上助長某物
20. arm v. 裝備,武裝
arm oneself / sb with sth 用某物武裝某人自己/某人
He knows he has to arm himself with knowledge and ability as long as he wants to continue his work.
21. burn out(火)燃盡,燒完自滅;燒掉(家、店、財產(chǎn)
The small fire had burnt out before the firefighters came here. 消防隊員來這兒之前,這場小火就已經(jīng)熄滅。
The fire that lasted for one hour burned out all his possession, which made him hopeless.
I think he may burn himself out if he continues to study so late.
(1) burn up 燒光,燒盡
(2) burn sth to the ground 把……夷為平地
22. get out of control 擺脫控制;無法管理
It was a minor inconvenience in the past, but now it is starting to get out of control.
(1) be in control (of ) 掌管;管理;控制(……)
(2) be under control 被控制??;處于控制之下
(3) bring / get / keep sth under control 控制;抑制……
(4) lose control (of ) 失去控制(……)
(5) take control (of) 掌控(……)
1. (1) He often stays at home watching TV after supper, but ___ goes out for a walk.
(2) Though he has failed a few times, he will ___ succeed in business.
(3) Can you stand on end with your hands on the ground for ___ ?
A. some timeB. sometime
C. sometimesD. some times
2. (1) The film brought the hours back to me ___ I was taken good care of in that far—away village.
(2) The picture brought me back to the hours ___ I spent with the villagers when I was 12.
A. untilB. that
C. whenD. where
3. (1) — Where do you think ___ he ___ the computer?
— Sorry, I have no idea.
(2) — Where on earth ___ he ___ the computer?
— Sorry, I have no idea.
A. had; boughtB. has; bought
C. did; buyD. 不填; bought
4. (1) — Happy birthday to you!
— ___ .
(2) — Have a nice weekend!
— ___ .
A. Thank youB. You are the same
C. The same to youD. OK
5. (1) — Are these your magazines, Mary?
— Yes, ___ .
(2) — I’m sorry I’m late.
— Oh, ___ .
A. that’s rightB. it’s quite all right
C. quite rightD. you’re right
6. (1) Many students find ___ difficult to learn.
(2) Many students find ___ language difficult to learn.
A. EnglishB. an English
C. the EnglishD. England
7. (1) We will never forget the days ___ we spent together in London.
(2) We will never forget the days ___ we worked together in London.
A. thatB. for which
C. on whichD. when
8. (1) I ___ that he work out the problem himself.
(2) I ___ you would write me back soon.
A. hopeB. expect
C. insistD. wish
9. (1) — Did you see anyone in the hall?
— ___ .
(2) — How many people did you see in the hall?
— ___ .
A. No oneB. Not one
C. NoneD. Not any
10. (1) There stand a lot of trees on ___ side of the street.
(2) There stand a lot of trees on ___ side of the playground.
A. allB. both
C. everyD. either
11. (1) ___ into the river, you will feel much cooler.
(2) ___ into the river, and you will feel much cooler.
A. JumpB. To jump
C. JumpedD. Jumping
12. (1) I would rather you ___ yesterday.
(2) Don’t come tonight. I would rather you ___ tomorrow.
A. comeB. will come
C. cameD. had come
13. (1) This kind of fruit is ___ sugar and water.
(2) What interested you ___ at the exhibition was the iceboat.
A. mostlyB. best
C. mostD. almost
14. (1) It was such a moving and exciting film ___ I saw it twice yesterday.
(2) Don’t talk about such things ___ you don’t under—stand.
A. whichB. that
C. asD. like
15. (1) The writer and scientist ___ present at the meeting.
(2) The writer and the scientist ___ present at the meeting.
A. wereB. was
C. hasD. had
16. (1) Three years later he turned ___ doctor.
(2) Three years later he became ___ doctor.
A. anB. a
C. 不填D. the
17. (1) The computer center, ___ last month, is very popular among the students in the school.
(2) The computer center, ___ now, will be very popular among the students in the school.
(3) The computer center, ___next year, will be very popular among the students in the school.
A. to buildB. to be built
C. being builtD. built
18. (1) I bought Granny a present, ___ she liked it very much.
(2) Get up early tomorrow, ___ you will miss the early train.
A. becauseB. so
C. orD. and
19. (1) ___ hard and you’ll make rapid progress in your English learning.
(2) ___ hard, you’ll make rapid progress in your English learning.
A. WorkingB. To work
C. WorkD. Worked
20. (1) He raised his voice in order to make us ___ him in the noisy place.
(2) He raised his voice in order to make himself ___ in the noisy place.
A. heardB. hearing
C. hearD. to be heard
21. (1) He often sees the boys ___ football on the playground.
(2) The missing boys were last seen ___ near the river.
A. playingB. played
C. playD. to play
22. (1) The person referred to her ___ us a lecture on current affairs last week.
(2) The person referred to by her ___ us a lecture on current affairs last week.
A. to giveB. give
C. givingD. gave
23. (1) ___ , he knows a lot.
(2) ___ , he doesn’t know much.
A. Young as the boy isB. So the boy is young
C. Young so the boy isD. As the boy is young
24. (1) Not until you came ___ goodbye to us after staying here for ten days.
(2) It was not until you came ___ goodbye to us after staying here for ten days.
A. that he saidB. said he
C. did he sayD. he did say
25. (1) Our house needs ___ .
(2) Our house needn’t ___ .
A. cleaningB. cleaned
C. be cleanedD. clean
26. (1) The top of cave was not ___ twenty feet high.
(2) There is ___ nothing interesting in his speech.
A. nearlyB. most
C. mostlyD. almost
27. (1) ___ is well known to all, the earth is round.
(2) ___ is well known to all that the earth is round.
A. ThatB. With
C. ItD. As
28. (1) It’s good ___ you to take a walk after supper every day.
(2) It was really stupid ___ him to refuse the invitation.
A. ofB. to
C. forD. at
29. (1) The workers ___ a new hospital by the end of last year.
(2) A new hospital ___ now.
A. have builtB. had built
C. is being builtD. were building
30. (1) Is this museum ___ you visited the other day?
(2) Is this the museum ___ you visited the other day?
A. thatB. where
C. in whichD. the one
第一部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)
第一節(jié) 單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
1. I am not good at expressing myself, but my brother, ___ , is good at it.
A. contrasting with itB. by contrast
C. in contrastD. with contrast
2. — You studied hard those days. Why did you still fail the exam?
— I could ___ everything except the great neverousness while taking the exam.
A. persistB. consist
C. resistD. insist
3. The man ___ the bad habit of taking drugs, and his wife persuaded him into getting rid of it.
A. dropped downB. dropped out
C. dropped byD. dropped into
4. — Danger! Don’t go swimming in the deep pool!
— ___ I do?
A. What aboutB. So what
C. What ifD. How about
5. That girl wishes she ___ a fish in Maldives, and she ___ in the clean water freely and comfortably.
A. is; can swimB. will be; can swim
C. was; could swim D. had been; could swim
6. Whether the event created by terrorists is big or small, the pubic must ___ the creator.
A. condemnB. scold
C. attackD. blame
7. In order to cook a quick meal, my mother put lots of wood on the big fire to make the wood ___ .
A. burn upB. burn out
C. burn downD. burn away
8. When you feel unhappy under stress, take a ___ breath and have a rest for a while to relax yourself.
A. bigB. deep
C. strongD. heavy
9. As we know, boxing is a rough sport in which one boxer tries to ___ the other.
A. knock overB. knock into
C. knock outD. knock at
10. His doctor warned that these pills had an endless side effect ___ him, though they could cure him ___ his cancer.
A. in; ofB. in; for
C. on; ofD. on; for
11. Chemicals in the body can ___ our food into useful substance.
A. break upB. break out
C. break downD. break off
12. Although he was just joking about my work, I still felt ___ deeply by his words.
A. injuredB. hurt
C. cutD. wounded
13. He says to me with anger from time to time that he wishes he ___ you.
A. never knewB. would never know
C. had never knownD. would have never known
14. ___ the heavy burden on yourself and do what you really want to do.
A. Throw aboutB. Throw on
C. Throw backD. Throw away
15. As the reviewer said, if the player ___ , the result of this football match ___ very different.
A. had scored; would be
B. had scored; would have been
C. scores; would be
D. scored; would have been
第二節(jié) 完型填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
At every point of my life, I have two types of education.
___16___ offer me the basic knowledge of how to make a living, and the other is my___ 17___ who teaches me how to___ 18___ .
I once questioned myself about the___ 19___ of education in school, and five minutes later there were a list of things in my mind. I___ 20___ agree that those things as above___ 21___ are important in people’s lives. Graduating from high school is a pathway to the higher education. ___22___ when it comes to the opposite way, how many people put what they have learned in school into daily life properly? When I was in high school, sometimes I thought that school taught me___ 23___ to think instead of how to think.
The teachers always came up with the___ 24___ of what you can do and what you can’t do at school.___ 25___ I had many extremely good teachers that helped open my mind to the outside world. But the person whom I listen and look up to has always been my father as the___ 26___ teacher for all my life. As my role model, my father is a man of___ 27___ words who spends most of his time with___ 28___ and doing sport activities. When he has free time, he usually comes out of the house, seizes the white hammock(吊床)to the mango trees near the yard, and lies himself in it___ 29___ listening to the sound of nature. One of his favorite sports is tennis. He goes to the sport club nearby to play tennis every evening,___ 30___ new faces each week. “Being
___31___ is the most important in people’s lives” is his___ 32___ . What I did not___ 33___ before is that sports___ 34___ help people in making decisions and be more confident. “Never love something that cannot love you back” is what my father used to say. He teaches me not to___ 35___ material possessions.
16. A. PeopleB. SchoolsC. FriendsD. Neighbors
17. A. uncleB. e—palC. fatherD. friend
18. A. liveB. learnC. workD. dream
19. A. happinessB. failure C. importanceD. things
20. A. evenB. muchC. stillD. completely
21. A. guessedB. mentionedC. toldD. heard
22. A. ButB. OrC. SoD. And
23. A. whyB. whenC. whoD. what
24. A. meansB. waysC. rulesD. ideas
25. A. SomehowB. WhateverC. SomewhereD. However
26. A. youngestB. bestC. worstD. oldest
27. A. manyB. moreC. fewerD. few
28. A. meB. natureC. peopleD. ladies
29. A. whileB. afterC. beforeD. until
30. A. learningB. talkingC. meetingD. enjoying
31. A. proudB. richC. healthyD. wise
32. A. futureB. bookC. joyD. belief
33. A. realizeB. guessC. hopeD. insist
34. A. stillB. alsoC. yetD. hardly
35. A. ownB. loseC. tryD. love
第二部分 閱讀理解(共10小題;每小題2分,滿分20分)
“Women who fail to get enough shut—eye each night risk gaining(增加)weight,” a Cleveland—based researcher reported.
In a long—term study of middle—aged women, those who slept 5 hours or less each night were 32 percent more likely to gain an important amount of weight (adding 33 pounds or more) and 15 percent more likely to become fat during 16 years of follow—up than women who slept 7 hours each night.
“This level of weight gaining—15 kg, or 33 pounds—is very clinically(臨床)important in terms of risk of diabetes (糖尿?。゛nd heart disease,” Dr Sanjay Patel of Case Western Reserve University said.
Women who slept 6 hours nightly were 12 percent more likely to experience major weight gain and 6 percent more likely to become fat compared with those who slept 7 hours each night.
The 68,183 women in the study provided information in 1986 on their typical night’s sleep and reported their weight every 2 years for 16 years.
Women who said they slept 5 hours or less each night, on average, weighed 5.4 pounds more at the beginning of the study than those sleeping 7 hours.
After removing the influence of age and weight at the beginning of the study, women who slept 5 hours or less each night gained about 2.3 pounds more during follow—up than those who slept 7 hours nightly. Women who got 6 hours of shut—eye each night gained 1.5 pounds more than those who slept 7 hours nightly.
The researchers analyzed the diets and physical activity levels of the women, but failed to find any differences that could explain why women who slept less weighed more. “We actually found that women who slept less, ate less,” Patel said.
“In terms of exercise, we saw a small difference in that women who slept less exercised slightly less than women who slept more but it didn’t explain the results of our findings,” Patel said.
“All in all, it seems that diet and exercise are not related to the weight gain in women who sleep less,” Patel concluded.
“It’s possible that sleeping less may affect changes in a person’s basal metabolic rate(基礎(chǔ)代謝率)—the number of calories burns when at rest,” Patel said.
Another possible contributor to weight regulation that comes to light recently is called “non—exercise related burning”, which refers to a natural activity such as restless or standing instead of sitting. “It may be,” Patel said, “that if people who sleep less, also move around or are ‘restless’.”
36. The best title for the passage is ___ .
A. The Explanation of the Diets and Physical Activity Levels of Women
B. Women Who Fail to Get Enough Shut—eye Each Night Risk Gaining Weight
C. Possible Contributor to Weight Regulation
D. A Study About Women
37. According to the study, ___ .
A. women who slept 5 hours or less each night were more likely to become fat than those who slept 7 hours each night
B. women who slept 6 hours nightly were 12 percent more likely to become fat than those who slept 7 hours each night
C. this level of weight gaining—15 kg, or 33 pounds—isn’t very clinically important
D. the women reported their weight every year for 16 years
38. What may affect changes in a person’s basal metabolic rate?
A. Eating less.B. Exercising less.
C. Eating more.D. Sleeping less.
Jack Benny was one of the most famous names in show business. As a child, Benny learned to play the violin. After finishing school, he joined the Navy. He continued using his violin to perform for sailors. In one show he was chosen more for his funny jokes than for his skill with the violin. That experience made him believe that his future job was a comedian(喜劇演員).
Benny developed a show personality that had all the qualities people disliked. He was known for being too stingy—he refused to spend any money unless forced to do so. On his shows Benny often spoke of his appearance, especially his baby blue eyes. As he grew older, he always claimed to be 39 years old. Benny rarely made jokes that hurt other people. Instead, he would let the other actors on the show tell jokes about him.
In real life, he was very giving and he was a person people liked having as their employer. Benny entered the new media of television in 1950. Five years later, he dropped his radio program to spend more time developing his television show. At first his appearances on television were rare. By 1960 Benny Show had already been a weekly television program. It continued until 1965. Benny appeared in about twenty films during his life and a few became popular. In 1963 Benny returned to Broadway for the first time since 1931.
Benny received many awards(獎)during his lifetime. Perhaps the honor that pleased him most was that his hometown of Waukeegan named a school for him. This was a special honor for a man who had never finished high school.
Benny continued to perform. He died of cancer in 1974. At his funeral his friend Bob Hope said, “Jack Benny was stingy to the end. He gave us only eighty years.”
39. Benny was determined to be a comedian after ___ .
A. he joined the Navy with his violin
B. he played the violin for the sailors
C. he performed on a show for the sailors
D. he left the Navy for Broadway
40. The underlined word “stingy” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “___”.
A. cleverB. stupid
C. meanD. giving
41. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Benny?
A. His first appearance on TV was very successful.
B. Most of his films became well—known to Americans.
C. Benny treated all his awards as nothing.
D. His greatest achievement was developing show business.
42. We can learn from Bob Hope’s words that ___ .
A. Benny performed only eighty years
B. Bob felt very sad about Benny’s death
C. Benny devoted himself to TV business
D. eighty years was enough for Benny
For five—year—old Edward Wright, the donkeys(驢子)he visits each week aren’t only lovable animals to pet and ride, they are also teaching him to speak.
Edward picked up selective mutism(選擇性緘默癥)when he was aged two. Selective mutes have their own rules of where and who they will and won’t speak to. “He’d chat at home, but if we were in a supermarket or at the doctor’s he wouldn’t say a word,” said Edward’s mum. “At kindergarten he’d point to pictures of what he wanted to do each day rather than telling the workers. I wasn’t too anxious at first when he didn’t seem to babble away like his brother and sister did. He let our older children do most of the talking for him, so we didn’t notice at first.” But the health visitor was more worried and suggested a hearing test. It was discovered Edward had a problem which can lead to damaged hearing. Edward had the operation successfully when he was three. Doctors believed his speech would quickly improve but it didn’t.
A special needs adviser suggested he might gain from regular visits to EST, a donkey riding treatment centre. Edward went there weekly last September. At first he wouldn’t talk to the workers or children there. Gradually he became more confident. After a few weeks he began whispering orders into the donkeys’ ears. Later he would say instructions out aloud to stop and start them while riding. At school he now talks to friends in the playground and he answers teachers when they ask questions.
The manager of the EST donkey centre, Cathryn Williams, has watched Edward’s progress over the months. “Besides bringing some enjoyment into their lives, it really helps the overall development of children with special needs or disabilities,” she said. “With Edward it’s about building his confidence.”
43. According to the passage, a selective mute ___ .
A. opens his mouth willingly at home
B. never opens his mouth outside his own home
C. uses his body language instead of speaking
D. speaks to certain persons in certain cases
44. The underlined phrase “babble away” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “___”.
A. thinkB. behave
C. listenD. talk
45. What’s the reason for Edward’s selective mutism?
A. Lack of confidence.B. No chances to speak.
C. Lack of care.D. Poor hearing.
第三部分 寫作(共四節(jié),滿分55分)
第一節(jié) 閱讀表達(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)
An American friend of mine who was high up in a big corporation had worked out a way of handling a flood of e—mails before most of us had, even heard of the concept. If any information he was sent was vital enough, his lack of response would ensure the sender rang him up. If the sender wasn’t important enough to have his private number, the communication couldn’t be that important. My friend is now even more senior in the same company, so the strategy must work.
Almost every week now, there seems to be a report suggesting that we are all being driven crazy by the bother of e—mail. If this is the case, it’s only because we haven’t developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it.
__________ . Firstly, you junk anything with an exclamation mark on a string of capital letters, or from any address you don’t recognize or feel confident about.
Secondly, e—mails don’t all have to be answered. Because e—mailing is so easy, there’s a tendency for correspondence to carry on for ever, but it is permissible to stop an endless discussion or to accept a point of information sent by a colleague without acknowledging it.
Thirdly, a reply e—mail doesn’t have to be the same length as the original. We all have e—mail pals who send long, chatty e—mails, which are nice to receive, but who then expect an equally long reply. The charm of e—mail can consist in the simple, incomplete sentence, totally regardless of the format of the letter sent by post. You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e—mail with a brief reply.
46. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
The possible existence of annoyance results from our inability to sort out e—mails.
47. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence.(within 10 words )
48. What advice is given in the last paragraph? (within 10 words)
49. For what purpose does the author mention his American friend in Paragraph 1? (within 10 words)
50. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.
第二節(jié) 單詞拼寫(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
51. I have dreams of this place and wonder what it would be like to ____(呼吸)this air.
52. It’s reported that three children ____(淹死)after falling into the river.
53. He showed great ____(勇氣)and determination in accomplishing this difficult task.
54. My parents always ____(鼓勵)and supported me in my choice of career.
55. In face of so many policemen, the crowd ____(武裝)themselves with sticks and stones.
56. We asked him to come to our party, but he r_______________, which made us unhappy.
57. My doctor managed to c_______________the awful noise in my ear at last.
58. The study showed a deep f_______________among the old of being abandoned to the care of strangers.
59. He’s making a big effort now, and I hope it l_______________for more than one week.
60. I d_______________some change into the donation box and left for the classroom.
第三節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
______I have a cat named Mimi. Her hair is as white as snowy.
61. ___
I often play on games with her. She delights me a lot and
62. ___
I treat her as friend. Every morning, I say goodbye
63. ___
to her before I went to school, and Mimi waves her64. ___
front leg to me. She brings me many pleasure and joy.
65. ___
And it takes time and costs money to keep a cat. My
66. ___
brother, as well as I, spend much time taking care of
67. ___
her, feeding her and clean her. Besides, we have to clean
68. ___
the rooms in which Mimi stays from time to time;69. ___
otherwise the cat will make it very dirty and smelly.
70. ___
第四節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)
1. 重視分數(shù)的理由;
2. 重視實際能力的理由;
3. 你的觀點。
1. 詞數(shù):120左右;
2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。
參考詞匯:忽視 neglect
Which Is More Important, Scores or Practical Abilities?
Some schools pay more attention to scores, while other schools attach more importance to practical abilities.