如果你是個終結者迷,或曾因泰坦尼克號而潸然淚下,抑或在那個暑假曾驚嘆于阿凡達世界的神奇,你可知道這些傳奇大片都出自于同一個導演之手?對,他就是卡梅隆,3D 特效的締造者,好萊塢的造夢大師。如今泰坦尼克號又一次夢幻般地駛?cè)肓巳藗兊囊曇埃?D阿凡達的續(xù)集2, 3也在卡梅隆導演緊鑼密鼓的籌備之中。在驚嘆于他的的電影的同時,讓我們一同來探索大導演的傳奇生涯吧!
英文名(English Name): James Francis Cameron
中文名(Chinese Name): 詹姆斯·弗朗西斯·卡梅隆
出生日期(Date of Birth): 1954年8月16日
(August 16th, 1954)
出生地(Place of Birth): 加拿大安大略省(Ontario, Canada)
職業(yè)(Career): 導演(director)
畢業(yè)院校(Graduation): 加州州立大學(California State University)
代表作品(Representative works):
《魔鬼終結者》Terminator;《真實的謊言》True Lies
James Cameron is a man who led the film industry go into twenty-first century. When he stood on the stage of Oscar, Cameron waved his hands above his head and shouted, “I’m the king of the world!” Just like what
Cameron has said, he really is.
Cameron was born in Canada, his mother is a painter and his father is an electrical engineer. After entering the University of California, he studied physics, but finally he dropped out of school and worked as a mechanic. After he read the Star Wars, he began to stay in the library all day to study how to make a movie, and his home filled with various filming equipments.
“One thing you should know, once we begin this adven-
ture, once I started making the film, the only way to stop me is to kill me,” Cameron said. Cameron experienced the taste of failure in his first film. In the process of filming, he didn’t get along well with Italian staff. When the filming is completed, the producers didn’t let him join the end of the movie clip (剪輯) for his lacking of experience.
The 25-year-old Cameron got angry, and used a credit card to open the studio door, then tried to use editing machine (剪輯機) by himself. Finally, he successfully used the Italy’s editing machine to do the entire movie clip. In the process, James Cameron determined to no longer work for any person, and began to make his own film. And after that, Cameron began his legend. After working by himself, his great work includes The Terminator(1984), Titanic(1997), and Avatar(2009). As everybody knows, Titanic(1997), and Avatar(2009) both were the highest-grossing films in the history.
He was challenging himself all the time. Cameron created the 3D technology for Avatar and now he used a very fashion technology to made Titanic a 3D one. And now we can see that the 1997 film Titanic in the form of 3D has appeared on the big screen. Cameron revealed the production plan and five big hotspots. Just as he put 3D in film for Avatar, his great idea came again that he decided to use the high-tech method to recreate the film Titanic. And now, we can thank for director Cameron that we get the second chance to experience his great works.