Commissioning of 0.6 Mt/a Jet Fuel Hydrotreating Unit at SINOPEC’s Shijiazhuang Refining and Chemical Branch Company
The 0.6 Mt/a jet fuel hydrotreating unit at SINOPEC Shijiazhuang Refining and Chemical Company adopts the jet fuel hydrotreating (RHSS) technology for removal of mercaptans over the new-generation hydrotreating catalyst RSS-2 developed independently by RIPP to produce the #3 jet fuel while concurrently meeting the needs for manufacture of low freezing diesel in winter time. The construction of this unit was kicked off on September 14, 2011 and attained mechanical completion conditions on October 18, 2012. All facilities included in the process flow diagram were operated on November 7, 2012, with all pieces of equipment brought online successfully to crank out on-spec #3 jet fuel product.