Successful Startup of Jinan Base for Production of Heavy Base Oil and Bright Stock
The SINOPEC Jinan Branch Company by adopting the process flow scheme involving solvent refininghydrotreating-solvent dewaxing-clay refining and relevant technology developed by RIPP has constructed the HVI II lube base oils production unit, which came on stream in October-November 2012. This unit has manufactured successively from the distillates of #3 and #4 draw lines of vacuum tower and light dewaxed oil, respectively, the HVI II-6 base oil, the HVI II-10 base oil and bright stock (HVI II-150 BS), respectively, with their viscosity index reaching 100, 95 and over 90, respectively, to meet the SINOPEC’s quality standard for the HVI II base stock quality, while concurrently manufacturing #64 and #70 fully refined wax and #80 microcrystalline wax.
The study on the Ling-Shan crude assay conducted by RIPP has revealed that adoption of the process flow scheme involving solvent re fining-hydrotreating- solvent dewaxing-clay re fining and relevant technology can signi ficantly upgrade the base stock quality at the Jinan refinery from the MVI base stocks to the level of the HVI II base oils along with producing the bright stock, the high melting wax and micro-crystalline wax that are urgently needed by the market to bring about sizable economic bene fits to the enterprise. The Jinan re finery management has attach great importance to this research achievement by launching the construction of a production base for manufacturing heavy base oils and bright stock, including a 2.0 Mt/a crude pretreatment unit, a 600 kt/a propane deasphalting unit, a 350 kt/a solvent re fining unit, a 280 kt/a solvent dewaxing unit, a 300 kt/a hydrotreating unit, and a 160 kt/a clay re fining unit.