1) JST: Knowledge Flows in the J-Global foresight: Selected Indicators (Mari JIBU)
2) KISTI: Improving Data Quality for the Construction of National R&D Informationin NTIS (Chulsu Lim)
3) JST: An initiative to share and use JST-funded research information (Tsutomu KUROSAWA)
1) JST: Open Access Policy (Akira NISHI)
2) KISTI: KISTI’s Open Access Activities Update (Tae-SulSeo)
3) KISTI: KISTI’s Digital human Project and Medical Repository (Sang-Ho Lee)
1) JST: Renewal of JaLC Project and its Updates (Takafumi KATO)
2) JST: ComprehensiveIdentiflcation System - Improved Identification for Author Affiliation and Bibliographic Records (Takashi HORIE)
3) KISTI: Author Identification and Author Name Authority Control Project of KISTI (Seok-Hyoung Lee)
4) WanfangData (ISTIC): From Information Service to Intelligence Service-Practice of Wanfang Med Online (ZHANG Xiumei)
1 會議標識照片
2 JST大竹暁理事致辭
1) JST: The Future Role of J-STAGE (Kota AOYAMA)
2) KISTI: Life-cycle Journal Publishing Service (Tae-SulSeo)
1) JST: Promoting Science and Technology Exchange using Machine Translation (Kenichi SUMIMOTO) (Toshiaki NAKAZAWA)
2) ISTIC: Towards Multilingual Scientiflc and Technical Information Service: Machine Translation and Cross-lingual Information Retrieval (ZHANG Junsheng)
3) ISTIC: The Application of service virtualization technology in scienceand technology information services (ZHANG Jing)
4) ISTIC: Science & Technology Information Service for Technology Innovation (ZHU Lijun)
5) JST: Read &ResearchMap (Miho HORIUCHI)
6) JST: Ontology development in National Bioscience Database Center (Tatsuya KUSHIDA)
1) JST: ASTP (Asia Science & Technology Portal) Updates (Junko SHIRAISHI)
Parallel Session (Round-Table Style)
Policy Oriented Session
1. Changes and new developments in response to the new governmental administrations in the area of STI andits related fields
2. Open Access in STI (with emphasis on R&D data)
3. Additional topics (to be agreed upon among the participants)
Technical Oriented Session and Service Oriented Session
1. Identification in STI
3 KISTI代表團長致辭
4 會場鳥瞰
5 日式工作餐照片
6 ISTIC/KISTI代表團長會間討論