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Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue

2013-03-26 22:27
當(dāng)代外語研究 2013年3期

ARestudyofChinaEnglish, by JIA Guanjie, p.8

China English has been changed a lot since last century, and nowadays, more and more China English can be easily found in English.An increasing number of scholars are interested in the study of China English, which has aroused hot disputes among scholars at home and abroad who have different ideas about China English.China English is not Chinglish; China English and Chinglish differ from the wrong and artificial English in China.

OnDiscourseAnalysisTheoryofViennaSchool, by JI Weining, p.14

Vienna School is one of the main approaches in critical discourse analysis, which analyses discourses from cognitive perspectives.Their model is characterized by unique theoretical framework and analytical model, with a large quantity of context knowledge and large copra of data as precondition.An introduction to this school is helpful for those who do discourse analysis, especially who do critical discourse analysis.

TheFusionofVerbsofContactbyImpactintoCaused-MotionConstruction:AConnectionistViewofVerbsandVariantsinConceptualFrame, by XIA Xiaorong, p.18

The thesis focuses on the fusion of verbs of contact by impact into caused-motion construction.Hitverbs are supposed to fuse into caused-motion construction whilestrikeverbs are not.However, the corpus data of verbs of contact by impact in caused-motion construction show that it is unnecessary for a clear cut between the two subclasses of verbs.Only if the construal profiles the impact brought about the hitting action, rather than instrument or body part, the action could be connected to the caused-motion event and the verbs fuse into the construction.The different semantic features also connect the verbs to different variants of caused-motion event to different degrees.

ConceptualMetaphorsofHotfromtheEmbodiedCognitivePerspective:AComparativeStudybetweenEnglishandChinese, by LEI Dan & QIN Xiugui, p.24

The experience of temperature is a basic and important human embodiment of the external environment.It plays a critical role in the process of constructing our abstract concepts.This article compares and analyses the metaphorical scope of the concept of “hot” in English and Chinese from the embodied cognitive perspective.It is discovered that the metaphorical mappings of “hot” in both English and Chinese are characterized by similarities and differences.Both of English and Chinese people make a full use of the concrete concept of “hot” in understanding and extending abstract concepts,on the basis of their experience and interactions with “hot” in the environment.

VisualizationofFocusesandFrontsinSecondLanguageAcquisitionResearchduring2006-2011, by LIU Hao, p.29

The paper adopts word frequency and co-word analysis in an attempt to get the research focuses and fronts in SLA by analyzing the keywords in articles published during 2006-2011, and also uses visualization tool to draw the mapping knowledge domains of recent SLA research.The survey reveals that the focuses and fronts are mainly about SLA at the syntactic level, the description of interlanguage’s features, and classroom-based language education.It could be seen that the cross-over studies between SLA and other disciplines, such as cognition science and neuroscience, cover many areas, displaying SLA’s interdisciplinary feature.This study, therefore, is a good reference for SLA researchers to quickly get access to the research fronts and focuses, and then choose their own research interests.

AStudyonCollegeForeignLanguageTeachers’CognitionofPhilosophyofLanguage, by CHENG Xiaoguang, ZHAO Huawei & WANG Guohua, p.34

At the core of foreign language teachers’ cognition is the cognition of professional essence, i.e.the cognition of philosophy of language.Yet, China witnesses a somewhat pessimistic situation in the college foreign language teachers’ cognition of philosophy of language.The findings of the present study indicate that studying philosophy of language is an effective way of improving teachers’ cognition.As a result, foreign language teachers have changed their cognition and their way and mode of thinking, and started to reflect more on the essence of their professional issues.

DueAwarenessofLiteraryEducationinCollegeEnglishTeaching, by LI Zhengshuan & TIAN Huimin, p.38

College English teaching, as a sub-part of humanity education, takes into account both improving students’ ability in language application and upgrading their cultural quality.However, recent research on the current state of non-English majors’ literary attainments has shown that the status quo of the literary education in college English teaching is quite gloomy.Based on the analysis of literary education’s roles in college English teaching, this paper puts forward that teachers’ beliefs on literary education should be strengthened, and suggests that different approaches to literary education should be harmoniously reintegrated into the college English classrooms.

CompositionandClassificationofTranslationStrategies, by FANG Mengzhi, p.47

With the deep and extensive study of macroscopic translation theories and microscopic translation techniques for recent decades, translation strategies bridging the two sides have also been developed rapidly.This paper discusses composition of translation strategies and classifies them into three types: traditional, theoretical and empirical according to their historical records, theoretical origins and practical aims respectively.Traditional translation strategies are formed historically, theoretical translation strategies are an inseparable part of the systematic translation theory, and empirical translation strategies originate from and have been verified through translation practice.

AProbeintotheTerminologicalTranslationStudiesandtheLackofLiteraryTerminologyTranslationStudiesinChina, by CHEN Zhigan & WANG Yufeng, p.59

The number of papers on the study of terminological translation published in 15 academic journals of foreign languages from 2000 to 2011 in China tends to increase as a whole.The areas of expertise involved in the papers have increasingly widened, which mainly focus on the terminological translation methods, principles and standardization of terminological translation from English into Chinese and so on, but it is extremely obvious that the literary term translation studies have been relatively neglected and the papers are short of in-depth theoretical analysis and research.It will help literary terminology translation research out of difficulty to analyze the reasons for the lack of literary terminology translation studies and implement relevant feasible measures.

OntheRelationsoftheLiteraryCriticismoftheMiddleAgeswiththeChristianity, by HE Weiwen, p.68

This article aims at exploring the relations of the literary criticism of the Middle Ages with the Christianity.It argues that the attitude of the Christianity towards the pagan culture determines that the criticism of this period is practical instead of aesthetic.Though it is not as glorious as the literary criticism of the Classical Age and unable to compete with that of the Renaissance Age, its powerful interpretation system, built up for revealing the allegorical meanings in the Bible, undoubtedly has great impact on the later literary criticism.

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