1. One day, Clifford misses his Dad. He runs as fast as he can to see his Dad.
2. His Dad is so happy to see Clifford again. He still thinks of Clifford as a puppy. He says, “My boy, let me teach you some skills!”
3. Cliffords Dad is a good digger. He shows Clifford how to dig a hole.
4. Clifford digs a hole. His Dad says, “Its a nice hole!” But the neighbours dont like it. Clifford has to fill the hole up.
5. Next, Cliffords father shows him how to find interesting things in trash cans.
6. Clifford has a better way. But the neighbours dont like it, either. Clifford cleans up the mess.
7. Just then, a motorcycle goes by. Cliffords Dad hates noisy motorcycles! He chases it.
8. Clifford is afraid his Dad could get hurt. Clifford runs ahead of the motorcycle. Suddenly, the motorcycle is climbing a hill. Cliffords Dad starts to rest.
9. Cliffords Dad is tired, so Clifford gives him a ride home. It is a very good visit.
1. What does Cliffords dad teach him?
A. Dig a hole. B. Find money in trash cans.
2. Why does Cliffords dad chase the motorcycle?
A. The motorcycle hits him. B. The motorcycle is noisy.
3. “Suddenly, the motorcycle is climbing a hill.” Here, what is the hill?
A. Cliffords back. B. A real hill.