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2013-10-12 05:40:07
瘋狂英語·口語版 2013年9期


Harry (reading): “Campaign to save local shops”.

Bindyu (proudly): Yes, they put my article on the front page of the newspaper.

Harry: “Historic buildings threatened by new development”.

Bindyu: I feel like a real journalist now!

Olivia: It must make a change from writing about interior design.

Bindyu: Oh yes.

Sarah: Lets have a look.

Harry: Great photo as well—look, you can see my banner on the front of the café!

Sarah (reading): “We have discovered that Tonys Café and the shoe shop threatened with 1)demolition are actually historic buildings...” Erm, it was really me and my friend who discovered that,

Bindyu, not you.

Bindyu: Yes, youre right,

but whats important is

that now they cant close

the café!

Olivia: Or my shop.

Bindyu: Exactly!

Sarah: I guess youre

r i g h t . . . ( c o n t i n u e s

reading) “We have found

2)exclusive information

which shows that the

company building the new flats—who want to demolish the historic buildings to make more space—know they should not demolish the buildings...” Hang on! The building company already know! How did you find that out?

Bindyu (proudly): Its an exclusive! A 3)scoop!

Sarah: But how did you find that information?

Bindyu: Thats a secret!

Olivia: Go on, tell us!

Bindyu: A good journalist never reveals her sources!

Sarah: Go on, tell us!

Bindyu: Magda told me!

(door opens)

Magda: Hello everyone!

Olivia: 4)Talk of the devil.

Magda: Sorry? Devil?

Olivia (laughing): Magda, Im sorry...its just an expression.

Magda: What does it mean?

Olivia: If youre talking about somebody, and then they appear, you say “Talk of the devil.”

Magda: Oh. I see. And why were you talking about me?

Olivia: You gave some important information to Bindyu.

Magda: Well, yes, its true—I did find out some interesting information. Its my new job—I work for that company, you know.

Olivia: Yeah. I was surprised you found that 5)confidential information!

Magda: But I didnt think youd write about it, Bindyu!

Bindyu: Dont worry—I didnt mention your name anywhere! This is good journalism.

Magda: I guess so...but...if my employers find out I gave information to you, I could be in trouble! I might lose my job!

Olivia: Oh no!

Bindyu: Dont worry Magda. No one will know, and our campaign will be successful.

Magda: OK.

Harry: Yeah—you watch—theres no way they can close the café now!

Olivia: I hope youre right.

(door opens)

Sarah: Oh!

Magda: Wow!

Harry: Hey!

Olivia: Hi!

Bindyu: Erm, whos this?

All: Its Johnny!

Johnny: Hi!

Olivia: Welcome back!

Harry: Good to see you man!

Johnny: Good to see you all again! Im back?。?!



牛津街 Oxford Street

牛津街是倫敦重要的購物街,長1.25英里的街道兩旁布滿了18世紀(jì)末期的精美建筑。超過300家的世界品牌店及大型商場云集于此。在街的起點(diǎn),靠近地鐵Marble Arch 站的地方,就能看到時(shí)尚前衛(wèi)的代表 Selfridges百貨公司。

Nike Town、Topshop、Gap、H&M;的大型旗艦店,Zara、MNG、Kookai、Next、無印良品等紅極一時(shí)的大眾時(shí)尚品牌店,各類服飾都可以在這里找到。除眾多的高級(jí)品店外,那些面向年輕人的隨意輕松風(fēng)格的店鋪也很引人注目,在這里可以了解到倫敦最前衛(wèi)的時(shí)尚風(fēng)向。

克林頓曾經(jīng)簽名售書的英國連鎖書店 Water Stone 也坐落在牛津街上。這條購物街,被譽(yù)為“歐洲最繁忙的街道”。當(dāng)然街上的東西絕對(duì)不便宜,因?yàn)檫@里的租金高居世界第三,緊隨美國紐約第五大道和香港銅鑼灣之后。

邦德街 Bond Street

沿著牛頓街向西走就會(huì)看到邦德街,這里是品牌服飾的集中地,各國際品牌在邦德街上都有店面。邦德街有新老之分,老街(Old Bond Street)是Tiffany、Cartier類的珠寶店、名表店還有古董商店,算得上倫敦最昂貴的地方;新街(New Bond Street)是時(shí)尚奢侈品的天下。在這里逛街經(jīng)??吹匠扇旱挠浾撸?yàn)檫@里是全世界明星的采購站。

攝政街 Regent Street


街道曲折蜿蜒,連接牛津廣場(O x f o r d Circus)和皮卡迪利廣場(Piccadilly)。世界上最大的玩具店 Wedgwood 和刀叉店 Mappin&JWebb; 都在這條街上,Liberty 百貨也在這里。這里許多商店均具英倫風(fēng)范,你會(huì)在街上看到很多中上階級(jí)的英國人,當(dāng)那些英國紳士打扮的人跟你擦肩而過時(shí),時(shí)光好像回到了上世紀(jì)初。


皮卡迪利廣場 Piccadilly

皮卡迪利廣場是一個(gè)古老的購物區(qū),是一些英國歷史最悠久的零售商店所在地。其中Fortnum and Mason 是一家優(yōu)雅的高檔商店,以其美味豐盛的食品而聞名遐爾。特色茶和魚子醬是這里的招牌美食。除食品之外這里還有琳瑯滿目的男女服飾、化妝品、家具、飾品、皮箱等各種商品,商廈六樓是個(gè)不可不去的地方。

杰明街 Jermyn Street

從皮卡迪利街(Piccadilly Street)轉(zhuǎn)進(jìn)去,就會(huì)走進(jìn)另一個(gè)時(shí)空。杰明杰街上商店至少都超過一百年,即使有三百年歷史的老店也不稀奇。建筑物及店牌都相當(dāng)古樸,木制的櫥窗有點(diǎn)斑駁,透著古意盎然的色澤。這里以定制襯衫店、時(shí)裝店和首飾店而聞名。同時(shí),在杰明街還有精美的藝術(shù)館和古董商店。

伯靈頓市場街 Burlington Arcade


軍事文摘(2023年16期)2023-09-04 07:11:12
大灰狼(2019年10期)2019-12-02 16:44:44
談如何上好一節(jié)單元導(dǎo)入課——以牛津初中英語8上Unit 4 Comic strip and welcome to the unit為例
應(yīng)用交互式教學(xué)法,彰顯閱讀實(shí)效——以牛津高中英語M4 Unit 1 Advertising中Reading部分為例
宜州市| 诸城市| 平山县| 长寿区| 乐山市| 黑水县| 威海市| 久治县| 庆安县| 科技| 且末县| 大洼县| 郎溪县| 安庆市| 南丹县| 资阳市| 凤冈县| 灵武市| 临江市| 东港市| 元氏县| 手游| 原平市| 通辽市| 柞水县| 伊吾县| 赫章县| 石台县| 昂仁县| 鹤庆县| 集贤县| 泸定县| 邢台市| 简阳市| 镇原县| 南召县| 甘肃省| 阳原县| 鄂托克旗| 宁夏| 轮台县|