魏德育 王忠明
摘 要:利用牛頓插值法和查短路電流表來計算供電系統(tǒng)兩相短路電流,是工程上廣泛采用的方法。
關鍵詞:差商 牛頓插值法 兩相短路電流
中圖分類號:O241.3 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-3791(2014)02(a)-0197-02
Short Circuit Current Calculation Method Based On The Newton Interpolation
Wei Deyu,Wang Zhongming
(Henan College of Industry & Information Technology,Jiaozuo Henan,454000,China)
Abstract:And check the short circuit current table to calculate the power supply system of two-phase short-circuit current using the Newton interpolation method, is a widely used method in engineering
Key Words:Difference;Newton Interpolation Method;Two-phase Short Circuit Current