(Collegeof Life Sciences,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China)
Stachyotis consists of two described species,based on male specimens only[1].The type species,Stachyotis epichrysa Meyrick,1905,was described from India.Another species,Stachyotis chunshengwui Sohn,2014 was described from China[2].The aim of this paper is to describe the female member for the first time in the genus and discuss the generic characters by comparison of the two species.All the studied specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection,College of Life Sciences,Nankai University,Tianjin,China.
Stachyotis Meyrick,1905
Stachyotis Meyrick,1905,Journ.Bombay Nat.His.Soc.,16:612.
Type species:Stachyotis epichrysa Meyrick,1905,by monotypy.
Diagnostic characters.Labial palpus upcurved,with third segment as long as second.Antenna filiform.Forewing with apex protruded,termen concave below apex,dorsal surface with scattered dark strigulae.Uncus with a pair of processes posteriorly,elongate socii longer than uncus,gnathos with ventral plate elongately tongueshaped,valva with a ventral process,and saccus elongate clubbed in the male genitalia;apophyses posteriores longer apophyses anteriores,lamella anvaginalis and lamella postvaginalis developed,ductus seminalis arising from ductusbursae,and corpus bursae with signum in the female genitalia.
Thebiology is little known in thisgenus.
Remarks.According to Sohn[2],CuA1and CuA2in the forewing of the type species are stalked basally.This study shows that the CuA1and CuA2in Stachyotis chunshengwui Sohn,2014 are close and parallel with each other in basal half.It might indicate vein variation exists within Stachyotis if the vein drawn by Sohn is correct.This can be confirmed only when more species are described.
Stachyotis chunshengwui Sohn,2014
Stachyotis chunshengwui Sohn,2014,F(xiàn)lorida Entomol.,97(4):1591.
Fig.1 Stachyotischunshengwui Sohn(Scales:a,d,e=0.5 mm;b,c=2 mm)
Forewing length 9.0-9.5 mm.Head smoothly scaled;white,with dark brown tipped scaleson vertex,with deep yellowish brown but white-tipped scale tuft behind each eye.Labial palpus white,covered with deep yellowish brown scalesventrally;second segment slightly thickened with indistinct scale tuft;third segment slender,pointed apically.Antenna 2/3 as long as forewing;scape white,covered with yellowish brown scales on dorsal surface;flagellum greyish white on ventral surface,annulated with greyish brown to dark brown on dorsal surface.Thorax deep yellowish brown basally and distally,with purplish luster,pale yellowish brown medially;tegula with basal half deep yellowish brown,with purplish luster,distal half greyish white mixed with yellowish brown.Fore-and midlegswith femora white mottled yellowish brown,tibiae and tarsi dark brown,tibia of midleg white distally,tarsi with indistinct white ring at apex of each segment.Hindleg with coxa and femur white mixed with yellowish brown; tibia greyish brown on outer surface, pale yellowish brown on inner surface;tarsus deep yellowish brown,basally white or with dense white scales on inner surface.Venation (Fig.1 (c)):forewing with R3from upper angle of cell,R4from outer margin of cell close to R3,R5to termen below apex;M2and M3very close at base,nearly from same point;CuA1and CuA2close and parallel in basal half,from lower angle of cell;hindwing with M3and CuA1from same point of lower angle of cell.Forewing narrow at base,slightly widened toward apex,costal margin gently arched,ventral margin almost straight,termen concave below apex;ground color white,mixed with yellowish brown,with dark yellowish brown scales concentrated near base and at middle,forming a large ill-defined subbasal patch and a broad median band;with scattered black strigulae,distinct along costal and dorsal marginsaswell ason whitebackground;basal,median and terminal lines black,sinuate,interrupted,basal and median lines inconspicuous against dark yellowishbrown;apical patch semicircular,dark yellowish brown,edged with black scales;fringe deep purplish brown.Hindwing greyish brown;fringe greyish yellow.
Malegenitalia(Fig.1(d)):Uncussubrounded,with a pair of large subtriangular processes posteriorly.Socii slender,club-shaped,distal 1/3 slightly expanded,with a short apical spine.Gnathos with ventral plate elongately narrow,nearly tongue-shaped,heavily sclerotized.Valva relatively narrow,irregularly shaped;costa narrow,basal and distal 1/4 slightly concave,median part arched,apically extended to a digitate process;ventral margin medially with a triangular process,this process bearing long setae distally,its inner side shallowly concave,outer side deeply concave semicircularly.Vinculum subsemicircular,straight posteriorly;saccus club-shaped,1.3 times length of valva,expanded in distal 1/3,rounded apically.Vesica narrowly banded,sclerotized.Phallus twice length of valva,weakly sclerotized,slightly bent medially;without cornutus.
Femalegenitalia(Fig.1(e)):Papillaeanalisnarrow,covered with short setae.Apophyses posteriores about twice length of apophyses anteriores.Ostium bursae narrow.Lamellaanvaginalis isapair of hairy subtriangular plates,slightly bent inward,pointed apically;lamella postvaginalis is a pair of foliate plates,covered with long hairs.Ductus bursae twice length of corpus bursae,with granules,expanded toward corpus bursae distally;ductus seminalis arising from about posterior 1/5 of ductus bursae.Corpus bursae rounded;signa small,being two closely adjacent semielliptical plates,covered with dense teeth.
Material exam ined.1♂,1♀,Yachang Forest Farm, Leye County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,3-Ⅴ-2007,coll.Min Wang et al.;1♀,Mt.Maoer,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,15-Ⅴ -2004;1♀,Nanling,Shaoguan,Guangdong Province,7-14-Ⅶ-2007,coll.Min Wang et al.Genitalia slide no.JQ10001♂,JQ10002♀,CPX15035♀.
Remarks.Sohn[2]described theabove speciesbased on one male specimen.According to his description,socius with two apical spines.However,we found only one spineat apex of socius.
[1]MEYRICK E.Descriptionsof Indian microlepidoptera[J].Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society,1905,16:580-619.
[2]SOHN JC.A taxonomic review of Stachyotis(Lepidoptera:Yponomeutoidea:Plutellidae)with description of a new species from China[J].Florida Entomologist,2014,97(4):1588-1593.