Now the wheat was ripe. It was ready to cut. "Who will help me cut the wheat?" said the farmer.
"Not I." said the lazy cat.
"Not I." said the lazy dog.
"Not I." said the lazy pig.
The cat, the dog and the pig went to kick shuttlecock on the lawn.
"Then I will do it myself."said the farmer. He cut the wheat all by himself.
It was time to make the wheat into flour. "Who will help me make the wheat into flour?" said the farmer.
"Not I." said the lazy cat.
"Not I." said the lazy dog.
"Not I." said the lazy pig.
The cat, the dog and the pig went to take a nap on the lawn.
"Then I will do it myself." said the farmer. He made the wheat into flour all by himself.
The farmer was hungry. The cat, the dog and the pig were hungry, too. It was time to cook dinner. "Who will help me cook dinner?" said the farmer.
"Not I." said the lazy cat.
"Not I." said the lazy dog.
"Not I." said the lazy pig.
The cat, the dog and the pig went to watch TV in the living room.
"Then I will do it myself." said the farmer. He cooked dinner all by himself. He cooked a lot delicious food.
Now dinner was ready. It was time to eat. "Who will help me eat the food?"
"I will!" said the lazy cat.
"I will!" said the lazy dog.
"I will!" said the lazy pig.
The cat, the dog and the pig raced to the dinner table.
"No, you will not!" said the farmer.
"I cooked the food myself, so I will eat it myself."
The farmer ate the food all by himself.