The exhibition of Liu Yushes landscape paintings was held in China Huaqiao History Museum in September 2015, which attracted numerous artists and collectors gathering together to enjoy the gorgeous scenery of Xinjiang. After having a good view of the show, I have profound understanding of Liu Yushes artwork.
時在乙未九月十一,天清氣爽金秋,同仁好友雅集華僑歷史博物館,賞“新疆一路風(fēng)光——劉玉社先生小幅山水畫展”。 陶醉其間!戈壁沙漠,天山綠洲,潑墨揮灑,彰顯西域美景,直抒胸臆,感悟大漠雄風(fēng)。雪松巍峨,溪流潺潺,胡楊牧歌飲馬,心泉旋律長韻。隨心偶得,觸景生歌,來之于心,寓之于情,寄于蒼茫天地間,晃晃一日飛逝。難解天山情,小幅禎禎大世界。大山大水氣象新,臥雪聽濤,朗目疏眉,秋高氣爽暢情懷;觀云聽濤,似作者信馬游疆走天涯。壯哉、美哉、大新疆!
Born in Hebei Province in 1954, Liu Yushe is Vice President of Artists Association of Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps, member of China Artists Association, member of Chinese Poetry Academy, part-time Professor of Yangzhou University, Chairman of Landscape Paintings Research Society of Xinjiang Production & Construction Crops, etc. He has participated in various exhibitions and won grand prizes. Many of his artworks have been collected by famous museums, organizations and individuals. Besides, his theoretical articles also have been published in various journals.