A New Family of Binary Sequences and Its Correlation Distribution
(College of Mathematics and Statistics,South-Central University for Nationalities,Wuhan 430074,China)
Letmbeodd, m≥5.Rothaussequencefamilywasconstructedfrom
Recently, by making use of
where 0≤τ≤N-1,t+τis computed by moduloN. Two sequences {u(t)} and {v(t)}are said to be cyclically equivalent if there exists an integerτsuch thatu(t+τ)=v(t) for allt. Otherwise, they are said to be cyclically distinct.
For a sequence familySof periodN, its maximum correlationCmaxis defined by:
wherex∈F2mandlis a divisor ofm. Letf(x) be a function fromF2mtoF2. The trace transform off(x) is defined by:
wherebi,j∈F2. The rank of a quadratic formf(x) is determined by the number ofz∈F2msuch that:
f(x)+f(z)+f(x+z)=0 for allx∈F2m.
It is well known that the rank off(x) must be even, and if there are 2m-2hz′sinF2msatisfying Eq.(2), then the rank off(x) is equal to 2h[2,15].
LetCbe a linear code overF2with lengthnand
dimensionl. Then, we callCis an [n,l] linear code overF2. The Hamming weight of a vector c∈Cis the number of its nonzero entries and is denoted WH(c). LetAibe the number of codewords inCwith Hamming weighti,0≤i≤n. The sequence {A0,A1,A2,…,An} is called the weight distribution ofC. The dual code of c, denotedC⊥, is defined by:
where x·c denotes the dot product. According to MacWilliams identity[15], if the weight distribution ofCis known, then the weight distribution ofC⊥will be uniquely determined, and vice versa.
Tab.1 Weight distribution of C
3New sequence family with large size
From now on, we will fix the following notations:
(i)mis an odd integer andm≥5;
(iii) αisaprimitiveelementofF2m.
The new sequence familySis defined by:
In order to study the correlation properties of the sequence familyS, we need to investigate some exponential sums.
whereS0(a,b)=2mif and only if (a,b)=(0,0).
From the above analysis, Eq.(6) is obtained.
Lemma 4Let:
Theorem1LetSbethesequencefamilydefinedinEq.(4).Then, Scontains22m+2m+1cycliclydistinctsequencesanditscorrelationdistributionisgiveninTab.2.
Tab.2 Correlation distribution of S
Proof Let
where (ai,bi,ci)∈Δ,i=1,2 . Then, the correlation function betweens1ands2is given by:
where 0≤τ<2m-1. In what follows, we will determine the values taken byCs1,s2(τ) and the times they occur when (a1,b1,c1) and (a2,b2,c2) run throughΔ, respectively, andτruns through {0,1,2,…,2m-2}. We consider the following cases.
Case 1: (a1,b1,c1) and (a2,b2,c2) run throughΔ0, respectively. In this case, Eq.(9) becomes:
Obviously, in this case,-1 occurs 2m-2 times and 2m-1 occurs once.
Case 2: (a1,b1,c1) runs throughΔ0and (a2,b2,c2) runs throughΔ1. Then,
Whena2runs throughF2mandτruns through {0,1,2,…,2m-2}, by the proof of Lemma 3, one has:
Case 3: (a1,b1,c1) runs throughΔ0and (a2,b2,c2) runs throughΔ2. Then,
Case 4:(a1,b1,c1) runs throughΔ1and (a2,b2,c2) runs throughΔ0. Then,
Whena1runs throughF2mandτruns through {0,1,2,…,2m-2}, by the proof of Lemma 3, we have:
Case 5:(a1,b1,c1) runs throughΔ1and (a2,b2,c2) runs throughΔ1. Then,
By Lemma 3 and its proof, in this case we have:
Note that in this caseCs1,s2(τ)=2m-1 if and only if (a1,b1,c1)=(a2,b2,c2) andτ=0.
Case 6:(a1,b1,c1) runs throughΔ1and (a2,b2,c2) runs throughΔ2. Then,
Case 7:(a1,b1,c1) runs throughΔ2and (a2,b2,c2) runs throughΔ0. Then,
Case 8:(a1,b1,c1) runs throughΔ2and (a2,b2,c2) runs throughΔ1. Then,
Case 9:(a1,b1,c1) runs throughΔ2and (a2,b2,c2) runs throughΔ2. Then,
Ifτ=0, by Lemma 3 and its proof, when (a1,b1,c1) runs throughΔ2and (a2,b2,c2) runs throughΔ2, the value distribution ofCs1,s2(τ) is as follows:
Summing the value distributions in Cases 1-9, the desired distribution in Tab.2 is obtained. From the above discussion, it is easily seen thatCs1,s2(τ)=2m-1 if and only if (a1,b1,c1)=(a2,b2,c2) andτ=0. By counting the number of elements inΔ, the family size ofSis obtained.
Tab.3 Known exponent pairs {d1,d2} such that C1,d1,d2 and
By computer experiment, the correlation distribution ofSis given by:
The numerical result coincides with Theorem 1.
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夏永波, 上官曉天
(中南民族大學(xué) 數(shù)學(xué)與統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)學(xué)院, 武漢 430074)
摘要對(duì)于奇整數(shù)m≥5, 構(gòu)造了一類(lèi)新的周期為2m-1的二元序列集, 并完全確定了衡量新序列集性能的一個(gè)重要指標(biāo)——相關(guān)分布. 新序列集的最大相關(guān)值為+1, 集合容量為2(2m)+2m+1, 和著名的Rothaus序列具有類(lèi)似的相關(guān)性質(zhì), 能適用于無(wú)線(xiàn)通信系統(tǒng)如CDMA通信系統(tǒng).