Priya Krishnakumar & Thomas Suh Lauder
After four years of conflict,about half of Syria's population of 22 million has been driven from their homes.
More than 4 million have fled the country.
More than 7.6 million have been displaced within Syria's borders.
Where are they heading?
The majorlty of thOSe fleeing Syria are being SheItered in neighboring ciuntrjes such as Turkey and Lebanon.From there,many are embarking on dangerous joumeys across the Mediterranean to reaCh Europe.According to the IntemationaI Organization for Migration,Greece and ltalv are the Ianding points for 99% of them,but most don't stay.
Where are Syria's refugees and asylum seekers?
The number of Syrians arriving in Europe haa exploded in the past year.By the end of July,there were more than 4 million Syrian refugees and asylum seekers in the Middle East,Europe and beyond.
Which European countries have received the most asylum requests from Syrians?
Wealthier European countries such as Sweden,Germany and Austria,which have been some of the most welcoming,are the favored destination of most of the refugees.Germany has said it would accept as many as 800,000 refugees in 2015,many of whom are expected to be Syrians.Britain and France recently pledged to increase the number of refugees they will accept.