(廣東警官學院刑事技術系,廣州 510320)
摘要:目的 針對高光條件下導致的視頻人像模糊、細節(jié)缺失的情況,研究高光條件下的視頻人像的處理方法,改善視頻中高光人像的視覺效果。方法 詳細分析了高光條件下視頻人像存在的問題,給出了高光視頻人像處理流程圖,闡述了普通監(jiān)控拍攝模式下和紅外監(jiān)控模式下高光人像處理方法。具體處理方法:在人像視頻中挑取成像質量較好、光照影響較小、尺寸較大的關鍵幀圖像,將人像剪裁出合適的尺寸。在空域內用曲線調節(jié)、伽馬校正,在頻域內用高通濾波、同態(tài)濾波等方法分別對彩色高光人像和灰度高光人像進行增強處理,然后進行人像重建、合成。結果 面對高光人像細節(jié)丟失這種普遍情況,在對人像重建、合成前,對原始高光人像進行增強處理是有必要的。相對于直接對原始高光人像,先對人像進行高光抑制,再進行重建、合成處理效果更好。在處理方法上,頻域內的高通濾波銳化加強效果更好。相對于彩色視頻人像,紅外視頻人像丟失了色彩,在高通濾波前進行曲線調節(jié)或伽馬校正是有必要的。在某些情況下,灰度圖像的處理效果比彩色圖像處理效果更好,將彩色圖像轉換為灰度圖像然后再進行重建處理也是可行的方法。結論 正確處理高光人像能夠為視頻偵查提供更準確線索,文中所提方法能夠改善高光人像視覺效果。
圖 1 普通拍攝模式下彩色圖像(左)和紅外拍攝模式下灰度圖像(右)Fig.1 Color image in normal mode (left) and gray image in infrared mode (right)
圖2 視頻人像處理流程Fig.2 The fl ow chart for processing video portrait
2.1 普通監(jiān)控拍攝模式下高光人像處理
2.2 紅外監(jiān)控模式下高光人像處理
圖 3 空域內視頻人像處理情況。從左至右:關鍵幀截圖、直接重建圖像、曲線調節(jié)重建效果、直方圖伽馬調節(jié)重建效果、曲線調節(jié)核心參數(shù)、直方圖伽馬調節(jié)核心參數(shù)。Fig.3 Video portrait processing in spatial domain. From left to right: key frame, the directly reconstructed image without processing, the reconstructed results of curve adjusting, the reconstructed results of gamma correction, the parameters of curve adjusting, and the parameters of gamma correction.
圖 4 頻域內視頻人像處理情況。從左到右:布萊克曼窗高通濾波重建、同態(tài)濾波重建、布萊克曼窗高通濾波參數(shù)、同態(tài)濾波參數(shù)。Fig.4 Video portrait processing in frequency domain. From left to right: the reconstructed results of Blackman window high pass fi lter, thereconstructed results of homomorphic fi ltering, the parameters of Blackman window high pass fi lter, the parameters of homomorphicfi ltering.
圖 5 灰度人像處理后重建效果。 從左到右:關鍵幀截圖、直接重建圖像、曲線調節(jié)重建效果、直方圖伽馬調節(jié)重建效果、布萊克曼窗高通濾波重建效果 、同態(tài)濾波重建效果。Fig.5 Reconstructed effect of grayscale video hunman image. From left to right: key frame, the image directly reconstructed without processing, the reconstructed results of curve adjusting, the reconstructed results of gamma correction, the reconstructed results of Blackman window high pass fi lter, and the reconstructed results of homomorphic fi ltering.
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作者簡介:廖廣軍,副教授,博士,研究方向為刑事技術。 E-mail: 56114827@qq.com
Methods on Processing Human Video Images under High Light Conditions
LIAO Guangjun1, QIU Wenmin1, ZHOU Wudeng1(Faculty of Forensic Science and Technology, Guangdong Police College, Guangzhou, 510320, China)
ABSTRACT:Objective Under high light conditions, human video images are often blurred, resulting in the details to be lost,therefore, a study on processing methods of human video images under high light is conducted in this paper. Methods Firstly,the problems of human video images under high light are analyzed in detail. Secondly, the fl ow chart for processing human video image is presented. The methods on how to process the high light human video images are described under normal and/ or infrared monitor mode. Finally, the specifi c processing methods are introduced. The human video images of high quality,less affected by high light and their key frame of larger size, are picked out. In spatial domain, curve adjustment and gamma correction have been used for enhancing the high light human images. And so have that in frequency domain with utilization of high pass and/or homomorphic fi ltering. Results For the high light human images video, it is necessary to enhance the original high light human images before their reconstructing and synthesizing. For facial details missing, it is better for human images to inhibit high light on comparison of the reconstructed and synthesized human images with the original ones. From the processing effect, the methods established for enhancing human images in frequency domain are suggested. Compared to the color video ones, the infrared human video images lose their color. It is indispensable for the processing to conduct curve adjustment or gamma correction before sharpening in enthancement by high pass fi ltering. In some cases, the processed results by gray imaging are clearer than by color handling. Thus, conversion of the color image to grayscale one is optional sometimes. Conclusion The right way for processing high light human video images can provide more accurate clues for video investigation. The methods proposed here could improve the visual effect of high light human images.
KEY WORDS:image processing; human video image; reconstructing human image; enhancing human image; high light