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2016-09-12 02:59:20byCarolAyer翻譯寒星
瘋狂英語·初中天地 2016年7期

by Carol Ayer翻譯:寒星

Track 5


by Carol Ayer

Track 5

My seventh grade yearbook picture1)boasts a handwritten2)caption: “Always remember, this picture isn't nearly as nice as the person.” There is another yearbook boasting the same caption—under the photo of my friend, Trudy. We both sufered the3)humiliation of having a bad picture that year, and we each wrote the phrase under the other's photo.

Before age twelve, I was self-confdent, with high self-steem, and an interest in many and varied subjects. I dreamed of being a writer, and had already sent my work to a publisher. I knew I had the right to be in the world. I belonged. And it had nothing to do with how I looked.

But at age twelve, I started to care more about my appearance than my intelligence, my hobbies,my sense of humor, or my kind4)disposition. With that decision came the doubts. My stomach wasn't as fat as my friend Laura's. My smile was5)crooked. My hair was6)blah. Maybe I wasn't as wonderful as I'd believed myself to be. Maybe I didn't have the right to be walking around, looking the way I did.

As I moved on to high school and college, the doubts only7)multiplied. The pretty girls got everything—the boys, the attention, the school glory. They dressed up in lovely8)gowns to go to the junior9)prom and the senior ball while I stayed home. They were the cheerleaders and popular girls,the ones everyone else looked up to. What was I? Yes, I got good grades, and yes, everyone said I was “nice.” But the rewards for those things weren't as obvious as what the pretty girls received, and thus didn't seem as worthy. If the rewards weren't as worthy, didn't that mean I wasn't as worthy?

2) caption ['k?p??n] n.(圖畫等的)文字說明

3) humiliation [hju?,mIlI'eI??n] n. 羞辱,蒙恥

4) disposition [,dIsp?'zI??n] n. 性情,素質(zhì),脾氣

6) blah [bla?] adj. 乏味的,平庸的

7) multiply ['m?ltIplaI] v. 增加

9) prom [pr?m] n. 正式舞會

10) ashamed [?'?eImd] adj. 慚愧的,羞恥的

11) berate [bI'reIt] v. 痛罵,嚴斥

12) envy ['envI] v. 羨慕,嫉妒

14) readily ['redIlI] adv. 容易地,欣然地

15) yearn for 渴望

16) adoration [,?d?'reI??n] n. 崇拜,愛慕

18) pitch [pIt?] v.(棒球中)投球

19) major league 職業(yè)體育總會,尤指美國職業(yè)棒球大聯(lián)盟

20) expert ['eksp??t] adj. 熟練的,內(nèi)行的

21) disfgurement [dIs'fIg?m?nt] n. 毀容,缺陷,畸形

22) superfcial [,su?p?'fI??l] adj. 表面的,膚淺的

23) be on to 意識到,找……岔子

24) suspect [s?'spekt] v. 覺得,以為,揣想

At one level, I knew appearance shouldn't be so important, and I didn't try all that hard to improve mine. But the pressure and desire were there. Every time I saw a picture of myself, I felt the same way I had in seventh grade—disgusted,10)ashamed,mad at myself. Why wasn't I prettier? Why was I such a failure at looking attractive? If a picture is worth a thousand words, each photo of myself was a biography about how worthless I was. I couldn't look at a single picture I was in without11)berating myself. I12)envied my friends who were prettier,with better figures, who were wonderfully13)photogenic. I longed for the compliments they so14)readily received. I15)yearned for the16)adoration and admiration.

At the same time, I knew I was being17)ridiculous. Why did I care so much?By adulthood, I'd accepted any number of things about myself. I would never swim in the Olympics. I would never18)pitch in the19)major leagues. So why couldn't I accept I would never be beautiful?

Besides, I didn't particularly value beauty in others. What I liked most about my friends wasn't their pleasing appearances. I loved Danielle's sense of humor, Jackie's20)expert cooking, and Hannah's enthusiasm for life.

I was perfectly healthy, with no21)disfgurements. I might not attract positive attention,but I didn't attract negative attention, either. In every other way, my life was extremely pleasant. Why did I care so much about such a22)superfcial aspect of my life?

I believe that life really is different for attractive people—maybe easier; perhaps,in certain circumstances, better. But in the end, does it really matter? I don't think so. Maybe Trudy and I23)were on to something when we said the picture wasn't nearly as nice as the person. Maybe we24)suspected being nice was better.

And now I am convinced it is.











Being Nice Is Better Than Looking Good

The Best Way Of Learning English
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