( 1. 甘肅農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué) 草業(yè)學(xué)院, 蘭州 730070; 2. 甘肅農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué) 天祝高山草原試驗站, 甘肅 天祝 733201 )
( 1. 甘肅農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué) 草業(yè)學(xué)院, 蘭州 730070; 2. 甘肅農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué) 天祝高山草原試驗站, 甘肅 天祝 733201 )
該文描述了甘肅東祁連山發(fā)現(xiàn)的豆科(Leguminosae)扁蓿豆屬(Melilotoides)一新變種——天祝扁蓿豆(Melilotoidesruthenicavar.tianhzhuensisC. L. Xu )。該變種植株節(jié)間(3~18 mm)短于原變種(30~65 mm);葉片小于原變種;小葉寬卵形或倒卵形;花冠外部(背部)和內(nèi)部(腹部)均為黃色,且不帶紫色和條紋。上述特征與原變種明顯不同,易于區(qū)別。
豆科, 扁蓿豆屬, 新變種, 天祝扁蓿豆, 中國
圖 1 天祝扁蓿豆 1. 植株; 2. 托葉; 3. 莢果; 4. 旗瓣; 5. 龍骨瓣; 6. 翼瓣。Fig. 1 Melilotoides ruthenica var. tianzhuensis C. L. Xu 1. A part of habit; 2. Stipule; 3. Pod; 4. Vexillum ; 5. Carina; 6. Wing.
筆者于2011-2012年在甘肅祁連山東段高山草原進行豆科扁蓿豆屬植物的考察過程中,在甘肅武威市天祝藏族自治縣抓喜秀龍鄉(xiāng)河谷階地(海拔2 960~3 100 m)采集到一種豆科扁蓿豆屬植物,并對其進行了野外觀察、標(biāo)本壓制和生物學(xué)特性觀測。從標(biāo)本形態(tài)看,該植物與扁蓿豆(Melilotoidesruthenica)相似,但兩者在植株高度、小葉形狀和花冠顏色上有明顯區(qū)別。據(jù)多方查證,可以確定,產(chǎn)在甘肅天??h的該類型植物在有關(guān)豆科植物論著中未見有記載,是一個未描述的扁蓿豆屬新變種。
天祝扁蓿豆新變種圖1: 1-6
Melilotoides ruthenica var. tianzhuensis C. L. Xu var. nov.Fig. 1: 1-6
Per inquisitionem comprobat varietasMelilotoidesruthenica(L.) Sojak. Signanter diversis a novo alicui characteres plantarum variant in diversis diversum ab originali virgultum excelsum 8-12 cm, sectio brevibus et longis sectionis inter 0.3-1.8 cm, laminis late obovatis, imprimis corolla lutea purpura non minus.
Herbs perennial,8-12 cm tall, stems is four prismatic, internode 3-18 mm,branched at base, and diffuse, decumbentor procumbent, taproot slim, Stipules is lanceolate-cones, veining parallel, base broadly, with fang teeth, with pilose; leaflets 3 is broadly ovate or obviated, pointed or slightly concave on distal projection, all with mucronulate, base wedge-shaped broadly or round nearly, parietal 8-12 mm length, 7-9 mm wide, leaf-stalk 4-6 mm length; leaflets 8-10 mm length,6-7 mm wide, shorest or no leaf-stalk, top leaves bigger than base leaves. The front glabrous basically, cover pilose on back, veins obvious, a stock work, main veins rib bulge, racemes axillary, corolla is pure yellow, 5-8 mm length, number of florets is 3-5,osteoporosis;flower-stalk 4-5 mm length, calyx’s color is light green clock shaped and length 3-4 mm, calyx teeth are triangular shape, shorter than calyx garland, Calyx garland with white pilose; flag flap is obviated and recessed cutout in front; petals are round and shorter than the Flag flap, base with claw, the keel is shortest. Pod flattened and slightly curved, rounded, length 9-13(-15) mm, width 3-5 mm, top with short beak, pod glabrous, vein nets obvious, vein lines transverse cellular, containing seeds 3-5 pieces, tan; Anthesis and podding stage from August to Octorber.
多年生草本,高8~12 cm。主根纖細。莖四棱形,節(jié)間長3~18 mm,基部多分枝,斜生或匍匐。托葉披針狀錐形,脈紋平行,基部寬,具尖齒,有被毛;小葉3,寬卵形或倒卵形,先端平截或微凹,具短尖,基部近圓形, 頂葉長8~12 mm,寬7~9 mm,葉柄長4~6 mm;復(fù)葉長8~10 mm,寬6~7 mm, 葉柄甚短或近無柄;植株頂部葉片較大,基部葉片較小,正面近無毛,背面具被毛,葉脈明顯,網(wǎng)狀,主脈向葉背面隆起。葉片邊緣具尖齒。總狀花序生于葉腋,花冠黃色,長5~8 mm,小花數(shù)3~5枚,疏松;花梗長4~5 mm;花萼鐘狀,淡綠色,長3~4 mm,萼齒長三角形,短于萼筒,萼筒具白色疏被毛;旗瓣長倒卵形,先端凹缺;翼瓣矩圓形,短于旗瓣,基部具爪,龍骨瓣最短。莢果扁平微彎,矩圓形,長9~13(~15) mm, 寬3~5 mm,頂端具短尖喙,喙偏于腹縫線一側(cè),莢果無毛,脈網(wǎng)清晰,脈紋橫向蜂窩狀,含種子3~5粒,棕褐色;花果期8~10月。
甘肅(Gansu): 天祝藏族自治縣(Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous county),抓喜秀龍(Zhuaxixiulong)(37°11′48″ N,102°47′10″ E),高山草原河谷階地(in alpine meadow soil on river valley),海拔(alt.)2 960~3 100 m,2012-08-10,徐長林(C. L. Xu)2012016,(Holotype: deposited in Herbarium,College of partacultural Science, Gansu Agricultural University)。
本研究中,新變種與原變種Medilotoidesruthenica(Linn.) Sojak. 植株形態(tài)特征明顯不同,原變種植株高大,葉片矩圓狀披針形,尤其花冠腹面為金黃色,背面紅褐色;而《中國植物志》第42卷第2分冊中描述花冠黃褐色,中央深紅色至紫色條紋(中國科學(xué)院中國植物志編輯委員會,1993);《青海植物志》第2卷中描述花冠黃色帶深紫色條紋,植株高25~80 cm,節(jié)間3.0~6.5cm(中國科學(xué)院西北高原生物研究所,1999)。新變種與原變種不同之處:植株矮小,高8~12 cm;節(jié)間短,節(jié)間長0.3~1.8 cm;葉片寬卵形或倒卵形;尤其是花冠黃色,且不帶紫色和條紋。
陰山扁蓿豆(Medilotoidesruthenicavar.inschanicaH.C.Fu et Y.Q.Jiang )花冠腹面金黃色,背面紅褐色,花冠中央帶紫色(賈篤敬等,1984)。青海苜蓿(Medicagoarchiducis-nicolaiSirj. ) (中國科學(xué)院中國植物志編輯委員會,1993)花冠橙黃色,中央帶紫紅色暈紋。毛果扁蓿豆 [Medilotoidespubescens(Edgew ex Baker. ) Yakovl.]花黃色,但莖枝和莢果均被柔毛,分布在海拔3 500~4 000 m的山坡草地或河灘礫地(中國科學(xué)院西北高原生物研究所,1999)。新變種花冠外部(背部)和內(nèi)部(腹部)均為黃色,沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)其他過渡類型的花色,莢果無毛,分布在海拔2 960~3 100 m的高山草原河谷階地,因此與上述近緣種易于區(qū)別。
綜上所述,新變種與原變種相比,主要區(qū)別在于植株矮小,節(jié)間長3~18 mm,頂葉長8~12 mm,復(fù)葉長8~10 mm, 花冠黃色, 不帶其它色澤或條紋。因此,植株矮小、節(jié)間短、葉片寬卵形或倒卵形、花冠黃色是新變種的穩(wěn)定性狀,故將其作為新變種處理。這與其他植物分類學(xué)家的處理方法相同(Wang,1994;吳玉虎等,2004;陸毛珍等,2006)。
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Melilotoidesruthenicavar.tianzhuensisC. L. Xu, a new variety ofMelilotoides(Leguminosae) from Gansu, China
XU Chang-Lin1,2
( 1.CollegeofPartaculturalScience,GansuAgriculturalUniversity, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2.TianzhuAlpineGrasslandExperimentalStationofGansuAgriculturalUniversity, Tianzhu 733201, China )
Melilotoidesruthenicavar.tianzhuensisC. L. Xu, a new variety of Leguminosae from Gansu, China, is described. It primarily differs from the typical one, by having shorter internode, smaller leaves with broadly ovate or obovate leaflets. And its’ corolla is pure yellow, without purple stripes.
Leguminosae,Melilotoides, new variety,Melilotoidesruthenicavar.tianzhuensis, China
國家自然科學(xué)基金 (31360569,31360570) [Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (31360569,31360570)]。
徐長林. 甘肅扁蓿豆屬(豆科)一新變種——天祝扁蓿豆 [J]. 廣西植物, 2016, 36(9):1023-1025
XU CL.Melilotoidesruthenicavar.tianzhuensisC. L. Xu, a new variety ofMelilotoides(Leguminosae) from Gansu, China [J]. Guihaia, 2016, 36(9):