(中國科學(xué)院植物研究所系統(tǒng)與進(jìn)化植物學(xué)國家重點實驗室,北京 100093)
(中國科學(xué)院植物研究所系統(tǒng)與進(jìn)化植物學(xué)國家重點實驗室,北京 100093)
冷水花屬Pilea Lindl.。
三萼組柔毛冷水花系Sect. Urticella Miq. ser. Pubescentes C.J.Chen
PileagracilisHand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 136. 1929; C. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res. Harbin 2(3): 87. 1982; et in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 23(2): 117, pl. 24: 9. 1995; X. W. Li in Fl. Yunnan. 7: 225. 1997; C. J. Chen et al. in Novon 17(1): 26. 2007. Type: 云南:思茅,A. Henry 13352(lectotype, designated by C. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 2(3): 87. 1982, K), 12556, 13167, 13167A(syntypes, K).
1.1 ssp. gracilis
Syn.P.verrucosaHand.-Mazz. l. c. 134. 1929, non Killip, 1925; S. X. Fu, Fl. Hupeh. 1: 170. 1976; C. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res. Harbin 2(3): 54. 1982; et in Icon. Corm. Sin. Suppl. 1: 178, fig. 8445. 1982; X. S. Zhang in Fl. Guizhou. 4: 20. 1989; C. J. Chen in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 23(2): 83, pl. 15: 1-3. 1995; X. W. Li in Fl. Yunnan. 7: 207. 1997; B. G. Li in Fl. Hunan 2: 276. 2000; C. J. Chen & A. K. Monro in Fl. China 5: 100. 2003; C. J. Chen in Fl. Guangxi 2: 233. 2005; C. X. Yang et al. Keys Vasc. Pl. Chongqing 148. 2009. Type: 湖南: 武岡, 云山, 1918-06-18, H. Handel-Mazzetti 12145(lectotype, designated by C. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 2(3): 55. 1982, WU; photo, PE). 湖北: 長陽, 1900-05, E. H. Wilson, Veitch Exp. 696(syntype, K).
P.symmeriaWedd. var.subcoriaceaHand.-Mazz. f. stenobasis Hand.-Mazz. l. c. Syntypes: 云南: 思茅, A. Henry 12007(K). 四川: 峨眉山, E. H. Wilson, Veitch Exp. 5153(?K).
P.purpurellaC. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res. Harbin 2(3): 57, pl. 4: 6. 1982; et in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 23(2): 88, pl. 15: 9. 1995; Y. Z. Ruan in Fl. Guangdong 6: 90. 2005. Type: 江西: 遂川, 1970-06-08, 236部隊614(holotype, PE); 上猶, 1972-05-10, 江西隊1158(paratype, PE); 武功山, 1954-05-04, 江西隊238(paratype, PE). 廣東: 和平, 衛(wèi)兆芬120256(paratype, PE).
P.nanchuaneneisC. J. Chen in l. c. 87. 1982; et in l. c. 117. 1995; B. G. Li in Fl. Hunan 2: 283. 2000; Y. Z. Ruan in Fl. Guangdong 6: 94. 2005; C. X. Yang et al. Keys Vasc. Pl. Chongqing 149. 2009. Type: 重慶: 南川, 金佛山, 1957-05-29, 李國鳳61618(holotype, PE). 湖南: 衡山, 1925-06-03, 湖南博物館s. n.(paratype, PE). 廣東: 蕉嶺, 1957-05-07, 鄧良4591(paratype, PE).
1.2 閩北冷水花(亞種)
ssp.fujianensis(C. J. Chen) W. T. Wang, comb. nov. —P.verrucosaHand.-Mazz. ssp.fujianensisC. J. Chen in l. c. 35. 1982; et in l. c. 85. 1995; C. J. Chen & A. K. Monro in Fl. China 5: 101. 2003. Type: 福建: 建寧, 1978-06-13, 李振宇10880(holotype, PE); 泰寧, 1978-07-16, 李敏生s. n.(paratype, PE).
1.3 離基脈冷水花(亞種)
ssp.subtriplinervia(C. J. Chen) W. T. Wang, comb. nov. —P.verrucosaHand.-Mazz. ssp.subtriplinerviaC. J. Chen in l. c. 56. 1982; et in l. c. 1995; C. J. Chen & A. K. Monro in Fl. China 5: 101. 2003; Y. Z. Ruan in Fl. Guangdong 6: 94. 2005. Type: 海南: 東方, 1956-11-27, 陳少卿11391(holotype, IBSC); 樂東, 1935-01, 劉心祈5201(paratype, IBSC); 保亭, 1936-10-17, 侯寬昭73853(paratype, IBSC).
Chen & Monro將PileagracilisHand.-Mazz.,PileapurpurellaC. J. Chen和PileananchuanensisC. J. Chen均歸并于PileaverrucosaHand.-Mazz.[4]. Chen et al.了解到在1925年有南美洲秘魯一冷水花屬新種PileaverrucosaKillip發(fā)表,于1929年發(fā)表的PileaverrucosaHand.-Mazz.實為一晚出異物同名(later homonym),應(yīng)予以廢棄,他們選擇了PileagracilisHand.-Mazz.作為疣果冷水花的學(xué)名,但對該種的2亞種的學(xué)名未加改變[5],現(xiàn)在本文對此2亞種的學(xué)名做出新組合。
PileashizongensisA. K. Monro, C. J. Chen & Y. G. Wei in PhytoKeys 19: 59, figs. 3: c, 4-5. 2012. Type: 云南:師宗縣,F(xiàn)eng Huang Gu gorge, alt. 1200 m, 2010-05-14, A. K. Monro & Y. G. Wei 6727(holotype, IBK; isotype, PE!).
Supplementary description to the original one, with the achene and persistent perianth described for the first time.: Achene brown, biconvex, broadly ovate,(0.5-)0.7-0.8 mm×(0.3-)0.5 mm, sparsely verruculose, apex oblique, with residual stigma; persistent tepals 3, slightly unequal in size, glabrous, dorsal tepal dark-green, oblong, ca. 0.5 mm long, two lateral tepals whitish, linear, ca. 0.4 mm long, often deciduous.(from H. N. Qin 3181)
標(biāo)本登錄:廣西(Guangxi):樂業(yè)縣(Leye Xian),同樂林場,alt. 1 050 m,1989-04-30,紅水河隊(Hongshuihe Exped.) 626(♂, PE);樂業(yè)縣(Leye Xian),alt. 1 400 m,2002-04-19,覃海寧(H. N. Qin) 3181(♀, PE);田林縣(Tianlin Xian),alt. 1 050-1 400 m,1989-04-25,紅水河隊477, 572(♀, PE)。湖南(Hunan):衡山,上封寺(Shangfeng Temple),Anonymous 0408(veg., PE)。
本種為小多年生草本植物,葉較小,狹卵形或狹橢圓形,長達(dá)4.4 cm,寬達(dá)2 cm,在這些特征方面與隆脈冷水花(PilealomatogrammaHand.-Mazz.)相似,與后者的區(qū)別在于本種的莖、葉和花序均被短柔毛,而隆脈冷水花,莖、葉和花序均無毛[2,6]。但在上引的廣西田林二號標(biāo)本,莖和葉片下面近無毛或無毛,只花序有疏毛,這時兩種就難于區(qū)別了。
圖1 師宗冷水花(A~B)、羅城冷水花(C~F)和貢覺冷水花(G~J) A.結(jié)果莖上部;B.瘦果和宿存花被;C.植株全形;D.雄花;E.果序;F.瘦果和宿存花被;G.植株全形;H.果序;I.瘦果和宿存花被;J.另一瘦果,示具鐘乳體Fig.2 Pilea shizongensis(A-B), Eluochengensis(C-F) and E.gongjueensis(G-J) A.Upper part of fruiting stem; B.Achene with persistent perianth(from H.N.Qin et al. 3181); C.Habit; D.Staminate flower; E.Infructescence; F.Achene with persistent perianth(from holotype); G.Habit; H.Infructescence; I.Achene with persistent perianth; J.Another achene with several bacilliform cystoliths(from holotype)
PilealomatogrammaHand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 135. 1929, p. p. excl. Mell 416; S. X. Fu, Fl. Hupeh. 1: 168. 1976; C. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res. Harbin 2(3): 65. 1982; in Icon. Corm. Sin. Suppl. 1: 180, fig. 8447. 1982; et in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 23(2): 93, pl. 17: 6. 1995; X. W. Li in Fl. Yunnan. 7: 208. 1997; C. J. Chen & A. K. Monro in Fl. China 5: 104. 2003; C. X. Yang et al. Keys Vasc. Pl. Chongqing 148. 2009. Type: 四川: 峨眉山, E. H. Wilson, Veitch Exp. 5152(lectotype, designated by C. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 2(3): 65. 1982, K), E. Faber 441(syntype, K).
P.oxyodonauct. non Wedd.: C. H. Wright in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 477. 1899.
標(biāo)本登錄:云南(Yunnan):貢山縣(Gongshan Xian),alt. 2800 m,1935-10,王啟元(C. W. Wang) 67153(PE)。貴州:梵凈山(Fanjing Shan),alt. 500-780 m,1964-04,張志松等(Z. S. Zhang et al.)400047, 400049, 4000380, 401018(PE)。
三萼組念珠冷水花系Sect. Urticella Miq. ser. Moniliferae C. J. Chen
PilealuochengensisW. T. Wang, sp. nov. Holotype: 廣西(Guangxi): 羅城縣,長安鄉(xiāng),龍屯村,穿洞(Luocheng Xian, Changan Xiang, Longtun Cun, Chuandong),石上,直立草本,花淡綠色(on stones; herbs erect; fls. greenish),2006-05-04,侯滿福(M. F. Hou) 15(PE).
Species nova haec est arcte affinisP.microcardiaeHand.-Mazz. endemicae necnon in Luocheng, quae caulibus humilioribus 3-8 cm altis, foliis minoribus, eorum laminis cordatis 0.6-1.5 cm longis 0.5-1.4 cm latis basi cordatis margine crenatis, cystolithis minoribus 0.2-0.3 mm longis differt.
Small perennial herbs, monoecious. Stems 7-15 cm tall, near base 0.8-1 mm across, glabrous, simple or above base 1-branched, below longitudinally shallowly 8-sulcate. Leaves glabrous, those of the same pair unequal in size; blades papery, deltoid-ovate,(0.5-)1-3.5 cm×(0.5-)1-3.6 cm, apex acute or shortly acuminate, base subtruncate, at the middle retuse, margin coarsely dentate, with teeth obliquely triangular in shape; nervation trinerved, with basal nerves adaxially flat, abaxially prominent and with 3-4 pairs of secondary nerves; cystoliths conspicuous, dense, bacilliform, 0.25-0.5 mm long; petioles slender, 0.4-3.2 cm long; stipules narrowly ovate or triangular, 0.5-0.8 mm long, with several bacilliform cystoliths. Staminate cymes few, singly axillary, including peduncle 4-8 mm long, 2-5 mm broad, glabrous, densely 4-10-flowered; peduncles slender, 3-6 mm long; bracts brown, narrowly ovate, ca. 0.5 mm long, apex slenderly caudate. Staminate flower ca. 2 mm in diam., glabrous; pedicel 0-0.4 mm long; tepals 4, navicular-oblong, ca. 1 mm long, slightly connate at base, abaxially below apex shortly corniculate; stamens 4, slightly surpassing tepals. Infructescences more and larger than staminate cymes, singly axillary, including peduncle 8-16 mm long, 6-9 mm broad, glabrous, sparsely branched, with 4-8 achene fascicles; peduncles slender, 4-9 mm long; bracts not seen. Achenes densely fascicled, brown, biconvex, narrowly ovate, ca. 0.8 mm×0.5 mm, smooth, sparsely minutely verruculose; persistent tepals 3, dark-green, unequal in size, glabrous, dorsal tepal larger, oblong-lanceolate, 0.5-0.6 mm long, abaxialy longitudinally thinly 3-ribbed, two lateral tepals smaller, narrowly ovate, 0.2-0.3 mm long.
本種在親緣關(guān)系方面與也特產(chǎn)羅城的廣西冷水花PileamicrocardiaHand.-Mazz.甚為相近,與后者的區(qū)別在于本種的莖較高,7~15 cm,葉較大,葉片正三角狀卵形,長達(dá)3.5 cm,寬達(dá)3.6 cm,基部近截形,在中央微凹,邊緣具斜三角形粗牙齒,鐘乳體較大,長0.25~0.5 mm。在廣西冷水花,莖較低矮,高3~8 cm,葉較小,葉片心形,長0.6~1.5 cm,寬0.5~1.4 cm,基部心形,邊緣具淺圓齒,鐘乳體較小,長0.2~0.3 mm[1~2]。
三萼組盾葉冷水花系Sect. Urticella Miq. ser. Peltatae C. J. Chen
PilearacemiformisC. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res. Harbin 2(3): 93. 1982; et in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 23(2): 123, pl. 26: 4-5. 1995; C. J. Chen & A. K. Monro in Fl. China 5: 111. 2003; C. J. Chen in Fl. Guangxi 2: 840. 2005. Holotype: 廣西: 那坡, 百合老虎跳自然保護(hù)區(qū), alt. 1600 m, 1977-04-18, 潘保強2-5207(♂, GXIM).
圖2 總狀序冷水花(A~C)和卵形盾葉冷水花(D~E) A.開花雌莖枝條;B.雌花;C.瘦果和宿存花被;D.結(jié)果莖上部;E.瘦果和宿存花被Fig.2 Pilea racemiformis(A-C) and P.peltata var. ovatifolia(D-E) A.Branch of flowering pistillate stem; B.Pistillate flower; C.Achene with persistent perianth(from H.N.Qin et al. s. n.); D.Upper part of fruiting stem; E. Achene with persistent perianth(from X.X.Huang et al. 10838)
Supplementary description to the original one, with the leaves of pistillate plant, pistillate thyrses, pistillate flower and achenes described for the first time.: Leaves glabrous; blades papery, lanceolate or narrowly ovate, 3.6-8.5 cm×1.3-3.2 cm, apex caudate-acuminate or long acuminate, 0.6-2.6 cm×0.1-0.3 cm, 6-12-denticulate, base usually peltate, margin dentate; petioles 0.5-2.3 cm long; stipules triangular, ca. 3 mm×5 mm. Pistillate thyrses singly axillary, including peduncle 5-8 cm long, glabrous, two times sparsely branched, each branchlet with sparsely arranged flower fascicles, each fascicle consisting of 3-6 flowers; peduncle 1.2-2.8 cm long; bracts linear or subulate, 0.3-0.6 mm long. Pistillate flower: pedicel 0.2-0.8 mm long, glabrous; tepals 3, unequal in size, oblong, glabrous, dorsal tepal ca. 0.25 mm long, two lateral tepals ca. 0.2 mm long; ovary ellipsoidal, ca. 0.3 mm long, glabrous; stigma penicillate, ca. 1.2 mm long, with dense thick hairs. Achenes brown, biconvex, ovate, ca. 1 mm×0.6 mm, sparsely verruculose; persistent tepals unequal in size, oblong, 0.3-0.7 mm long, glabrous.(from H. N. Qin et al. s. n.)
標(biāo)本登錄:廣西(Guangxi):那坡縣(Napo Xian),alt. 1200 m,2012-04-24,覃海寧等(H. N. Qin et al.)s. n.(♀, PE);環(huán)江縣(Huangjiang Xian),Mulung town,alt. 550 m,1997-05-07,P. J. Cribb et al. ASBK 452(♀, PE)。云南(Yunnan):西疇縣(Xichou Xian),法斗,alt. 1 420 m,2007-12-07,稅玉民,陳文紅等(Y. M. Shui, W. H. Chen et al.)80869(♀, PE)。
本種是根據(jù)一號雄性植株描述的[1],現(xiàn)在收集到數(shù)號雌性植株標(biāo)本,遂將雌聚傘圓錐花序、雌花和瘦果的描述加以補充。雌株的葉頂尖頭較狹長,長達(dá)2.6 cm,邊緣每側(cè)有3~5枚小牙齒,而與雄株的不同;雄株的葉頂端尖頭較短,長達(dá)1.5 cm,邊緣每側(cè)有1~2枚小牙齒[2]。
PileapeltataHance var.ovatifoliaC. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res. Harbin 2(3): 95. 1982; et in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 23(2): 127. 1995; C. J. Chen & A. K. Monro in Fl. China 5: 112. 2003; Y. Z. Ruan in Fl. Guangdong 6: 90. 2005. Type: 廣東: 乳源, alt. 300 m, 1971-04-10, 廣東隊51(holotype, IBSC); 連縣, 朱忠松690(paratype, IBSC); 從化, 鄧良8465(paratype, PE); 黃志44066(paratype, IBSC).
標(biāo)本登錄:江西(Jiangxi):崇義縣(Chongyi Xian),聶都鄉(xiāng),仙鶴巖,2011-09-06,黃向旭,陳有卿,李素英(X. X. Huang, Y. Q. Chen & S. Y. Li)10838(PE)。
三萼組波緣冷水花系Sect. Urticella Miq. ser. Cavalerianae C. J. Chen
PileagongjueensisW. T. Wang, sp. nov. Holotype: 西藏(Xizang): 貢覺縣,沙東鄉(xiāng),阿香村(Gongjue Xian, Shadong Xiang, Axiang Cun), alt. 3800 m, 山谷林緣草坡(on grassy slope at forest margin in valley), 多年生草本(perennial herbs), 2010-08-14, 康藏植物隊(Kham Exped.) 10-1886(PE).
Species nova haec est arcte affinisP.yadongensiW. T. Wang, quae foliorum laminis majoribus usque ad 18 mm longis et latis margine in quoque latere plerumque 1-5-denticulatis, floris pistillati tepalo dorsali dorso sub apice papilliformiter projecto distinguitur.
Small herbs. Stems slender, 8-15 cm tall, near base 0.8-1 mm across, glabrous, simple, rarely 1-branched, on nodes with dense cystoliths. Leaves opposite, those of the same pair subequal in size, rarely 3 verticillate, petiolate, glabrous; blades papery, ovate or elliptic, rarely obovate, 7-15 mm×5-10 mm, apex slightly acute or obtuse, base obtuse or subrounded, margin at each side 1-2-denticulate or entire; nervation trinerved, with basal nerves adaxially nearly flat or slightly impressed, abaxially slightly prominent, and with 1 pair of inconspicuous secondary nerves; cystoliths conspicuous, dense, bacilliform, 0.2-0.4 mm long; petioles 2-6 mm long; stipules narrowly triangular, 0.6-0.8 mm long. Staminate cymes and staminate flowers unknown. Infructescences in pairs or singly axillary, 2-4 mm broad, glabrous, shortly dichotomously branched, at each branch with dense achenes; peduncles slender, 1-11 mm long; bracts linear or deltoid, 0.2-0.5 mm long. Achenes sessile or very shortly pedicellate, greenish, biconvex, long ovate or long elliptic, ca. 1 mm×0.5-0.6 mm, glabrous, sparsely minutely verruculose, usually on each side with 4-10 bacilliform cystoliths; persistent tepals 3, strongly unequal in size, dark-green, glabrous, dorsal tepal navicular-oblong, 0.6-0.7 mm long, abaxially without any projection, apex acuminate and with white margin, two lateral tepals triangular, ca. 0.25 mm long.
本種在親緣關(guān)系方面與亞東冷水花(PileayadongensisW.T.Wang)甚為相近,與后者的區(qū)別在于本種的葉片較小,長達(dá)15 mm,寬達(dá)10 mm,邊緣每側(cè)有1~2小牙齒,背生花被片背面無任何突起。在亞東冷水花,葉片較大,長及寬均達(dá)18 mm,邊緣每側(cè)有1~5小牙齒,背生花被片在背面頂端之下有一乳頭狀突起[3]。
4.Chen C J,Monro A K.Pilea[M].//Wu Z Y,Raven P H.Flora of China.Beijing:Science Press,Missouri:Missouri Botanical Garden Press,2003:76-189.
5.Chen C J,Monro A K,Chen L.Name changes for ChinesePilea(Urticaceae)[J].Novon,2007,17(1):24-26.
6.Monro A K,Wei Y G,Chen C J.Three new species ofPilea(Urticaceae) from limestone karst in China[J].PhytoKeys,2012,19:51-66.
WANG Wen-Tsai
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Scienses,Beijing 100093)
In the present paper, two species of the genusPilea(Urticaceae) are described as new, two new combinations for the two subspecies ofPileagracilisare made, supplementary descriptions forP.shizongensisandP.racemiformisare given, and new distribution records forP.shizongensis,P.lomatogramma,P.racemiformisandP.peltatavar.ovatifoliaare provided.
Urticaceae;Pilea;new species;new combination;supplementary description;new distribution record;China