黃文娟 焦培培 黃金花 張 丹
(1.新疆生產(chǎn)建設兵團塔里木盆地生物資源保護利用重點實驗室,阿拉爾 843300; 2.塔里木大學植物科學學院,阿拉爾 843300; 3.塔里木大學生命科學學院,阿拉爾 843300)
黃文娟1,2焦培培1,3黃金花3張 丹2*
(1.新疆生產(chǎn)建設兵團塔里木盆地生物資源保護利用重點實驗室,阿拉爾 843300;2.塔里木大學植物科學學院,阿拉爾 843300;3.塔里木大學生命科學學院,阿拉爾 843300)
從區(qū)域尺度著手,沿塔里木河流域分別從上游、中游和下游選擇氣候和土壤條件有差異的阿拉爾、輪臺縣和尉犁縣分布的天然胡楊林為研究區(qū),在每個研究區(qū)內(nèi),選擇8個大小相等的50 m×50 m樣方,在樣方內(nèi)隨機選擇成年胡楊植株3株,并取其葉片作為研究對象,采用常規(guī)石蠟切片法,對3個不同區(qū)域分布的胡楊葉片解剖結(jié)構(gòu)特征進行比較觀察和研究,探討胡楊為適應不同分布區(qū)環(huán)境條件所表現(xiàn)出的解剖學特征及適應策略差異。結(jié)果表明:(1)3個研究區(qū)分布的胡楊在葉片基本解剖結(jié)構(gòu)特征上相一致,表現(xiàn)為:a.上下表皮均為由雙層細胞所構(gòu)成的復表皮;b.葉肉在接近上下表皮處均分化有柵欄組織,屬于等面葉,同時葉肉組織中均可見染色相對較深的粘液細胞;c.葉脈維管束外均可見呈“帽”狀包圍的厚壁細胞,類似禾本科植物的“維管束鞘”。(2)從整個塔里木河流域來看,葉片各解剖結(jié)構(gòu)指標變異程度不同:變異系數(shù)大小范圍為0.029~1.786,且上表皮細胞厚度變異系數(shù)最小,葉片厚度的變異系數(shù)最大。(3)葉片解剖結(jié)構(gòu)指標的量化值在不同地區(qū)間存在一定差異:葉片厚度、柵欄組織厚度、角質(zhì)層厚度、下皮層厚度和柵/海等指標均表現(xiàn)為尉犁縣>輪臺>阿拉爾,表明胡楊以增加葉片厚度、角質(zhì)層厚度、表皮細胞厚度等方式來儲藏水分和減少水分散失,以適應較為干旱的環(huán)境。(4)各結(jié)構(gòu)指標多與海拔、經(jīng)緯度間存在顯著相關性:上表皮厚度和上角質(zhì)層厚度分別與經(jīng)度呈顯著(P<0.05)和極顯著(P<0.01)正相關;葉片厚度、葉肉厚度、柵欄組織厚度和柵/海均與經(jīng)度呈極顯著(P<0.01)負相關;上表皮厚度、上角質(zhì)層厚度及柵/海與海拔高度呈顯著(P<0.05)或極顯著(P<0.01)負相關。
1.1 研究區(qū)自然概況
1.2 葉片樣品的采集
實驗于7月中旬胡楊葉片發(fā)育成熟時進行。在每個研究區(qū)域內(nèi)選擇胡楊較為集中分布的樣點各8個進行葉片樣品的采集(每個樣點間距約1 km)。每個樣點進行葉片采集時,均在樣方內(nèi)隨機選擇3棵成熟植株,為全面考慮到光照等因子對不同方位和不同冠層葉片生長的影響,采樣時每個樣株均應在同一方位相同高度進行葉片樣品的采集,且應盡量保證采集的葉片發(fā)育程度相同,本研究均選擇樣株的南面,距地面約5 m處進行葉片采集,每樣株采集發(fā)育成熟葉片3枚,用剪刀剪取中脈及周圍約5 mm×10 mm的組織,浸于事先備好的FAA固定液中封好,并用注射器抽凈其中空氣,放置48 h以上,用作葉片解剖結(jié)構(gòu)的研究。
1.3 解剖結(jié)構(gòu)的觀察和相關指標的測定
用石蠟切片法對FAA固定好的胡楊葉片進行制片,將制好的石蠟切片置于Leica數(shù)碼顯微鏡下,分別從表皮、葉肉和葉脈三部分結(jié)構(gòu)進行觀察,并記錄其主要結(jié)構(gòu)特點,同時拍照,并用Leica Application Suite V4.0.0 DVD圖像分析軟件對葉片厚度、葉肉厚度、柵欄組織和海綿組織厚度、角質(zhì)層厚度、表皮細胞厚度及寬度等結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)進行測量。
1.4 生態(tài)因子調(diào)查
1.5 數(shù)據(jù)分析
2.1 胡楊葉片基本解剖結(jié)構(gòu)特征
2.2 胡楊葉片各解剖結(jié)構(gòu)指標的變異性
2.3 塔里木河流域生態(tài)因子及其變異性
圖1 胡楊葉片解剖結(jié)構(gòu)圖 A.阿拉爾;B.輪臺;C.尉犁 1.葉脈維管束;2.柵欄組織;3.海綿組織;4.上表皮;5.下表皮;6.下皮層;7.厚角組織;8.厚壁組織Fig.1 Leaf anatomical structure of P.euphratica A. Alar; B. Luntai; C.Yuli 1.Vascular bundle; 2.Palisade tissue; 3.Spongy tissue; 4.Upper epidermis; 5.Lower epidermis; 6.Hypodermis; 7.Collenchyma; 8.Sclemchyma
表3 各生態(tài)因子的變異系數(shù)C.V
2.4 各研究區(qū)域胡楊葉片解剖結(jié)構(gòu)比較分析
表4 葉片各解剖結(jié)構(gòu)指標與各環(huán)境因子的Pearson相關系數(shù)
圖2 不同研究區(qū)胡楊葉片解剖特征比較Fig.2 Comparation of P.euphrates leaf anatomical features in the study area
2.5 胡楊葉片解剖特征與環(huán)境因子關系
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This work funded by Natural Science Foundation of China(31160110); Open foundation of Key Laboratory of Biological Resource Protection and Utilization of Tarim Basin,Xinjiang Production & Construction Group(BRYB1003); President Foundation of Tarim university(TDZKSS201419,TDZKSS201217); Corps special foundation for youth science and technology innovation(2013CB015)
introduction:HUANG Wen-Juan(1980—),female,associate professor,research on biodiversity and conservation of desert plants.
HUNG Wen-Juan1,2JIAO Pei-Pei1,3HUANG Jin-Hua3ZHANG Dan2*
(1.Key Laboratory of Biological Resources Protection and Utilization in Tarim Basin,Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Alar 843300;2.College of Plant Sciences,Tarim University,Alar 843300;3.College of Life Sciences,Tarim University,Alar 843300)
From the regional scale, three natural ranges ofPopuluseuphraticain Alar, Luntai and Yuli County with different climate and soil conditions were chosen from the upper, middle and lower reaches of Tarim River Basin, respectively. In each site, 8 plots with the same size of 50 m×50 m were chosen and within each plot, leaves from 3 adult trees ofP.euphraticawere selected randomly. Routine paraffin sectioning method was used to observe and compare the leaf anatomical characters ofP.euphratica, and explore their adaptive strategies and anatomical features to adapt to different environmental conditions. The results showed: (1)The basic leaf anatomical characters from 3 distribution areas were consistent with each other, and showed: a. The upper and lower epidermis were both mutiple epidermis and consisted of double layer of cells; b. Palisade tissue of mesophyll was differentiated close to upper and lower epidermis, and the leaf belonged to isolateral leaf. The mucous cells which relatively deep stained were also visible in the mesophyll tissue. c. The “bundle sheath” consisting of thick-walled cells was visible outside the vein vascular bundle. (2)From the whole point of the Tarim River Basin, there were vary degrees of variations among the leaf anatomical structure indexes. The range of variation coefficient was from 0.029 to 1.786, and the thickness variation coefficient of upper epidermal cells was smallest, while the blade thickness was largest. (3)The quantitative values of leaf anatomical structure index varied in different areas: leaf thickness, palisade tissue thickness, cuticle layer thickness, lower epidermis thickness and the grid/sea showed Yuli County>Luntai County>Alar County, which indicated thatP.euphraticastored water and reduced water loss to adapt to the relatively dry environment through increasing the thickness of leaf, cuticle layer and epidermal cells. (4)There was significant correlation between the structure indexes and altitude, latitude and longitude. The thickness of upper epidermal and upper cuticle layer were positively correlated with longitude significantly(P<0.05)and highly significantly(P<0.01). The leaf thickness, mesophyll thickness, palisade tissue thickness and grid/sea were negatively correlated with longitude highly significantly(P<0.01). The thickness of upper epidermal, upper cuticle layer and grid/sea were negatively correlated with altitude significantly(P<0.05)or highly significantly(P<0.01).
Tarim River Basin;PopuluseuphraticaOliv.;leaf anatomical characters;environmental factors;correlation analysis
* 通信作者:E-mail: hwjzky@163.com
* Corresponding author:E-mail: hwjzky@163.com