Friends: Wouldn’t it be nice if our children got married in the future?
Husband: No way! My daughter is only one, and your son is two; when she’s ten, your son would be 20. That’s disgusting!
wife: No, sweetie, your math is wrong. Our daughter will be two years old next year, and they will be the same age by then.
This joke is adapted from Xiaolin Guangji (《笑林廣記》, Extensive Gleaning from the Forests of Laughter ), a joke book published in 1781 that epitomized Chinese humor.
Across: 1. 花果山;3. 百年之好;5. 體育老師;7. 新加坡;9. 壯族
Down: 2. 茉莉花;4. 加法;6. 山體滑坡;8. 年輪; 10. 老當(dāng)益壯;11. 好為人師
1. The highest organ of power in China
4. Agree on a three-point decree; lay some ground rules
6. The small machine that keeps you connected, can be addictive
7. Secret code, password
10. Trifling skill of a scribe; literary skill of small order
13. Only the toughest grass can stand strong winds; adversity is
the best testing ground for strength
2. What Edward Snowden leaked
3. Approximately, by estimation
5. Classic Yunnan cuisine involving chopped black pickles and two other ingredients
8. Winter worm, summer grass
9. An idiom for proficiency in a particular field
11. Famous poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, from whose famous lines the name “Baidu”was taken
12. Ignorant