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2017-01-28 13:41:58VirtualCorporationAnInvisiblePushingHandbehindUsersInformationConsumptionBehavioronWechatPerspectiveforEmbeddednessTheory
未來傳播 2017年2期

Virtual Corporation: An Invisible “Pushing Hand” behind Users’ Information Consumption Behavior on Wechat- A Perspective for Embeddedness Theory

Wu Dan & Zhang Meilan

Cognition of the Morphological Function of Books and Periodicals and its Constructive Significance for the Theory of Editing Capability in the“Internet Plus” Era

Shen Min & Xu Kangliang

Nation State or Global Public Sphere? Two Research Paradigms of International Public Communication

Song Qi

Images of Zhejiang in African Media: A Comparative Study with the Reporting Framework of Western Media

Zeng Haifang

Current Situation and Thoughts on Public Communication in the Age of New Media

He Kun

A Power Facing Huge Obstacles but Still Moving Forward: The History of the Digital Broadcasting of American Television

Tao Ye

Exploring the Cultural Codes and Indigenous Identity in Taiwanese-dialect Films

Huang Zhongjun

“They won’t Forgive Me for Being so Gifted”- Cultural Rectification in the Biopics Camille Claudel and Camille Claudel 1915

Zhang Binning

On Targeted Advertising and Personal Data Protection in the Age of Big Data -A Discussion on the Modes of National Advertising Regulations in the United States, the European Union and Japan

Cheng Ming& Zhao Jingyi

Personal Data Protection and Internet Advertising Regulation in the Era of Big Data

Xu Weihua

Advertisement Law in the Internet Age: Impact and Response

Yao Zhiwei & Wang Yuanyuan

Online Games, Online Game Novels and Cyber-literature:Literary Narrative from a Gaming Perspective

Ge Juan

Implications of Sino-foreign Project-based Learning on the Promotion of Students’ Creativity-The Practice of Multimodal Documentary Making between Chinese and Australian Students via Video-conferencing

He Qiliang


Virtual Corporation: An Invisible “Pushing Hand” behind Users’ Information Consumption Behavior on Wechat- A Perspective for Embeddedness Theory

Wu Dan & Zhang Meilan

Embeddedness is the core issue of new economic sociology. This paper chooses Mark Granovetter’s “embeddedness theory” to discuss a new company pattern (virtual corporation) "embedded" into the WeChat public platform, and takes “Wu Xiaobo’s channel” as an example, analyzing it from the two aspects of structural embeddedness and relational embeddedness, then looking into the organizational form, performance characteristics and operation mode of virtual corporations. The articles find that virtual corporations “embedded” into Wechat help us re-examine this new media platform, providing a new way of thinking about the current collective transformation of traditional media in China, and exploring a new path for people working in traditional media and their teams to realize their “virtual survival” with the help of Internet thinking.

Cognition of the Morphological Function of Books and Periodicals and its Constructive Significance for the Theory of Editing Capability in the“Internet Plus” Era

Shen Min & Xu Kangliang

The traditional concepts on the cognition on the morphological function of books and publications basically stop at the level of the functions of the carrier, the media, the culture and the symbol. Especially the knowledge on the function of the carrier on the one side easily regards technology as an intrinsic factor of formal change, while also having a mechanical understanding of the relation between form and content. In the “Internet +” era, the change of publication forms have spilled over to the traditional publishing setting, causing the editing thinking processand ways of publication to fundamentally change, therefore it is important to recognize the function of the form. It should be stressed that the “Internet +” era helped achieving a better understanding of the dimensions of product and production, enhancing morphological and matching functions. Not only do these two functions benefit the innovation of the editing thinking process and practice, but they also improve upon the theory of editing capability, helping the cultivation of editing talents.

Nation State or Global Public Sphere? Two Research Paradigms of International Public Communication

Song Qi

This paper analyses two research paradigms of international public communication, the nation-state and the global public sphere, by defining the two concepts and comparing their subjects, discourses, channels, and problems. Theory, as an abstracted logical tool, should be able to be used to analyze and explain social reality. Both paradigms, under such perspective, are useful in the current situation, and can be chosen by researchers based on their objects of research and values. This paper concludes that the nation-state paradigm, with much similarity to public diplomacy and soft power research, still follows a single-subject model despite of multiple participation, and for a nation-state the social sector is more important than government. The global public sphere paradigm, meanwhile, puts more emphasis on multiple subjects’ rational dialogue, carrying the potential to offer new analytical tools for globalization and the internet revolution, and offering the possibility to promote a more democratic earth. This research is a positive theoretical construction rather than a review of previous research, with the attempt to offer new support to public communication research from an international perspective.

Images of Zhejiang in African Media: A Comparative Study with the Reporting Framework of Western Media

Zeng Haifang

As Sino-African relations are being taken to a new height, Zhejiang province has set up a close tie with several African countries. This article uses content analysis to carry out a comparison between images of Zhejiang in ten African newspapers and in The New York Times, in order to explore the influence of Western frameworks on African frameworks. The results show that the construction of images of Zhejiang is closely tied with China’s context. The New York Times has a great influence on African media's coverage of political news, while it appears that The New York Times and African media use different reporting frameworks when covering economic, social and cultural topics.

Current Situation and Thoughts on Public Communication in the Age of New Media

He Kun

Public communication is not a new form of communication parallel to interpersonal communication, organizational communication or mass communication, but a form dependent on and coexisting with them in the age of new media. The core values of public communication cover the publicity of the communication subject, audience, media and content, as well as the openness of information. In the age of new media, the extension between subject and object of public communication, combined with the discontinuity of values resulting from the failure of the gatekeeper, has gradually replaced the nature of publicity with that of entertainment. In view of the present situation, this paper holds that effective measures should be taken in the area of public communication in the context of the age of new media to regulate public space and restore the public characteristics of public communication.

A Power Facing Huge Obstacles but Still Moving Forward: The History of the Digital Broadcasting of American Television

Tao Ye

Lately one of the hottest topics of discussion in American television studies has been the periodization of the new era of television, although over a decade of this fuzzy new era has passed since the creation of Youtube in June 2005. During these ten years, the digital broadcasting of American television has been greatly challenged by the power of the traditional television industry, but it still moved forward, so much so that Youtube, Netflix and Hulu's success has given rise to numerous Chinese versions. Moreover, while following this path into a yet-to-be-determined direction, the digital broadcasting of American television has created its own distribution platforms, promoting the transformation of transmission channel, which has changed the economic model of American television. All the above-mentioned issues are worth discussing and reflecting upon.

Exploring the Cultural Codes and Indigenous Identity in Taiwanese-dialect Films

Huang Zhongjun

What we canonically call Taiwanese-dialect films those movies produced from 1955 to 1981 within the Taiwanese natural and cultural context and dubbed into Taiwanese dialect, thus reflecting the local life and social conditions in Taiwan in an ever so tense tone. Defined by its historical context, production system, aesthetic bias, diegetic space, and stakeholders at all levels, Taiwanese-dialect films are an important subject in both genre studies and cultural studies. This paper will take a close-up look at several Taiwanese-dialect films to further the understanding of how indigenous cultural codes, such as puppet opera (gezaixi), popular songs, folktales, legends and myths, are weaved into the cinematic practice via all possible approaches.

“They won’t Forgive Me for Being so Gifted”- Cultural Rectification in the BiopicsCamilleClaudelandCamilleClaudel1915

Zhang Binning

Biopics are a way in which directors have been deliberately rewriting and shaping art history, going beyond their entertaining function. This paper is mainly focused on the strategy of media communication and construction in terms of cultural rectification, in order to observe how personal views and constraints influence the way a director treats those documentary materials, by analyzing in detail two biopics on the life of Camille Claudel.

On Targeted Advertising and Personal Data Protection in the Age of Big Data -A Discussion on the Modes of National Advertising Regulations in the United States, the European Union and Japan

Cheng Ming& Zhao Jingyi

In the age of Big Data, personal data protection is facing many challenges, and targeted advertising as well as Chinese advertising regulations are in need to be supplemented and improved. In this paper the national advertising supervision models in the United States, the European Union and Japan are discussed. It is pointed out that Chinese advertising regulations should be improved by setting up a general law on personal data protection, restraining data gleaners in different supervision standards, enhancing the transparency of data usage via technological innovation, and taking advantage of third-parties to govern data business transactions. At the same time, this paper also recommends that a special law on personal data protection in targeted advertising should be set up in the future.

Personal Data Protection and Internet Advertising Regulation in the Era of Big Data

Xu Weihua

In the age of Big Data, internet advertising uses personal data on a large scale, resulting in violations of personal rights, property rights, privacy rights, and so on. The protection of personal data provides a historical opportunity for the advertising industry, based on a starting point of the commercial development of personal data, and on the principle of maintaining balance between different subjects, to construct a mechanism of interaction between the government’s legislative regulation and the self-regulation of the industry, and to promote the transformation of internet advertising regulations.

Advertisement Law in the Internet Age: Impact and Response

Yao Zhiwei & Wang Yuanyuan

On 24th April 2015, the 14th session of the 12th National People's Congress passed the reversion of the Advertisement Law of the People’s Republic of China, coming into effect on 1st September 2015. One of the main purposes of the revised Advertisement Law is to respond to the impact of the development of internet advertising, including the impact of the countless number of ads on censorship, the impact on the advertising legislation system brought by the low threshold of internet advertising operations and publications, as well as the harassment caused by internet ads. Therefore the revised Advertisement Law has responded to abovementioned impacts, such as integrating natural persons into the issue of ads publishers, which has narrowed the gap between law and reality. The revision changed the expression of“verifying” the content of the ads published by ads owners and publishers into “checking”, which reduced the burden on these operators. It can not only regulate the transmission and publication of internet ads, but also prevent the harassment of users and safeguard their rights.

Online Games, Online Game Novels and Cyber-literature:Literary Narrative from a Gaming Perspective

Ge Juan

Using literary narrative to look at online games, online game novels and cyber-literature from a gaming perspective, it can be observed that the three are interrelated and mutually permeating. The open space narrative in online games can highlight characteristics such as virtuality, interactivity, and artistry, bringing the resources of the novel and story-telling to the game, while also manifesting symbolic creativity of its own. The narrative of online game novels combines the characteristics of games and novels, representing a textual form that is integrated with virtuality and imagination. In the process of assigning the role and visual representation to the gamer, fiction and imagination transcend the rules of the game. Online games, representing the narrative paradigm of online game novels, are implied in the construction of world, plot organization and characterization, and regulate the textual form of online game novels, instilling epoch characteristics for the interpretation of the relationship between games and literature.

Implications of Sino-foreign Project-based Learning on the Promotion of Students’ Creativity-The Practice of Multimodal Documentary Making between Chinese and Australian Students via Video-conferencing

He Qiliang

Video-conferencing technology helps to create an authentic communicative environment for learning a foreign language, and has been very efficient for initiating projects between Chinese and overseas universities, such as cooperative teaching and research forums. This article reports on a project-based learning experience in which Chinese and Australian university students used video-conferencing, and discusses the multimodal documentary on’sustainability’ produced by students of the two universities, to see to what extent project-based, technology-aided learning experiences helped promote the cultivation of students’ creativity, especially in the fields of enquiry and probing, while experiencing multimodal communication, and realizing the goal set up in the course and in promoting cooperative learning between Chinese and Australian students.

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