Bloy, AW; Joumaa, M
New ground vibration testing techniques for large aircraft computation
Gloth, G; Degener, M; Fullekrug, U; et al.
The use of evacuation modelling techniques in the design of very large transport aircraft and blended wing body aircraft
Galea, ER; Blake, SJ; Gwynne, S; et al.
The lateral dynamic stability and control of a large receiver aircraft during air-to-air refuelling
Bloy, AW; Lamont, PJ; Abuassaf, HA; et al.
“大飛機”或“大型飛機”一般是指起飛總質(zhì)量超過100 t的運輸類飛機,包括軍用、民用大型運輸機,也包括一次航程達到3000 km的軍用或乘坐達到100座以上的民用客機。中國把150座以上的干線客機稱作大客機。大飛機技術(shù)復(fù)雜,制造周期長,質(zhì)量要求高,被稱為“現(xiàn)代制造業(yè)的一顆明珠”,具有氣動外形要求嚴(yán)格、設(shè)計更改頻繁、產(chǎn)品構(gòu)型眾多、零件材料和形狀各異、內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜、空間緊湊、各類系統(tǒng)布置密集以及零組件數(shù)量巨大等特點。
截至2017年5月12日,中國知網(wǎng)(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的數(shù)據(jù)報告顯示,以“大飛機”為詞條可以檢索到的期刊文獻分別為1143、476條,本專題將相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)按照:研究機構(gòu)發(fā)文數(shù)、作者發(fā)文數(shù)、期刊發(fā)文數(shù)、被引用頻次進行排行,結(jié)果如下。
根據(jù)Web of Science統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù),以“大飛機”為詞條可以檢索到的高被引論文排行結(jié)果如下。
基于Web of Science檢索結(jié)果,利用Histcite軟件選取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次數(shù))TOP 30文獻作為節(jié)點進行分析,得到本領(lǐng)域推薦的經(jīng)典文獻如下。
A brief summary of previous works is followed by an in-depth analysis of velocities, circulations, and decay histories of a number of trailing vortices generated by large aircraft during field tests in Memphis, Tennessee. The results suggest that the decay of trailing vortices is governed by the mutual straining of vortices; intermittent exchange of mass, momentum, and vorticity across the core boundary; rotational damping and restructuring of turbulence in the core; stretching of large turbulent structures, turbulent diffusion, and the interaction of oppositely signed vorticity in the overlapping regions of the vortex pair; and the draining of vorticity from the Kelvin oval.
來源出版物:AIAA Journal, 1998, 36(9): 1671-1679
Trailing vortex effects on large receiver aircraft
Bloy, AW; Joumaa, M
Abstract: The aerodynamic forces and moments on the Hercules receiver aircraft, due to its horizontal and vertical position and hank, yaw, and pitch attitudes in the wake of the KC10 tanker aircraft, are assessed relative to the receiver's aerodynamic characteristics in free air. Large changes in lift, drag, and pitching moment are predicted near the tanker wake centerline. As the receiver is displaced sideways towards the tanker wingtip vortices it experiences large side force and yawing moment and particularly high rolling moment. The most significant term due to the receiver attitude is the rolling moment due to bank.
來源出版物:Journal of Aircraft, 1995, 32(6): 1198-1204
New ground vibration testing techniques for large aircraft computation
Gloth, G; Degener, M; Fullekrug, U; et al.
Abstract: A ground vibration test on the prototype of a new aircraft is often regarded as necessary in order to make reliable flutter predictions for flight tests and to update the mathematical model of the aircraft. Due to very high development costs for such aircraft, the goal is to strive for a significantly shorter testing time. However, a degradation in the quality or reliability of the results is not acceptable because of the great impact they have on flutter stability. The French ONERA and the German DLR are cooperating on a test project to meet the necessary requirements. New techniques and test strategies were proven in a joint ground vibration test on an Airbus A340-300 in 1999. This article summarizes the approach and results of the project.
來源出版物:SV Sound and Vibration, 2001, 35(11): 14-18
The use of evacuation modelling techniques in the design of very large transport aircraft and blended wing body aircraft
Galea, ER; Blake, SJ; Gwynne, S; et al.
Abstract: Very Large Transport Aircraft (VLTA) pose considerable challenges to designers, operators and certification authorities. Questions concerning seating arrangement, nature and design of recreational space, the number, design and location of internal staircases, the number of cabin crew required and the nature of the cabin crew emergency procedures are just some of the issues that need to be addressed. Other more radical concepts such as blended wing body (BWB) design, involving one or two decks with possibly four or more aisles offer even greater challenges. Can the largest exits currently available cope with passenger flow arising from four or five aisles? Do we need to consider new concepts in exit design? Should the main aisles be made wider to accommodate more passengers? In this paper we demonstrate how computer based evacuation models can be used to investigate these issues through examination of staircase evacuation procedures for VLTA and aisle/exit configuration for BWB cabin layouts.
來源出版物:The Aeronautical Journal (1968), 2003, 107(1070): 207-218
The lateral dynamic stability and control of a large receiver aircraft during air-to-air refuelling
Bloy, AW; Lamont, PJ; Abuassaf, HA; et al.
Abstract: The lateral dynamic stability and control of a large receiver aircraft was considered during air-to-air refuelling. A simple aerodynamic model was developed in order to determine the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the receiver aircraft due to the tanker aircraft's vortex field. These forces and moments were then expressed in derivative form and included in the linearised equations of motion. Solution of these equations revealed a divergent oscillation, characteristic of air-to-air refuelling and consisting mainly of bank and sideways displacements. An approximation to this mode, which highlights two important aerodynamic derivatives was made. The values of these derivatives depend mainly on the vertical separation between the tanker and receiver aircraft and the ratio of the tanker-to-receiver aircraft wing spans. In flight, it appears that the pilot controls the divergent mode by frequent alternate movements of the ailerons.
來源出版物:The Aeronautical Journal (1968), 1986, 90(896): 237-243
1 歐美新一代大型飛機的材料技術(shù)特色
1.1 復(fù)合材料和鈦合金的用量創(chuàng)歷史新高
從波音787開始,50%用量的復(fù)合材料成為未來飛機的起點,也就是說,飛機機體以復(fù)合材料為主的時代從此起步。繼波音 787之后,空客 A350改進型(A350XWB)的復(fù)合材料用量從原來的 37%提高至52%,波音737后繼機和空客A320后繼機的復(fù)合材料用量也將高達50%左右,甚至可能逼近60%。
直至 2006年,波音 787仍出現(xiàn)超重問題,波音公司為了實現(xiàn)減重2500 kg的目標(biāo),決定在2006和2007年度再投入3億美元研究在飛機一些部位用鈦合金取代鋁合金制成零部件,并聲稱不會影響波音787投入運營的進度。
1.2 一些具有新意的材料技術(shù)嶄露頭角
復(fù)合材料與金屬材料相比,更適合于制備整體結(jié)構(gòu)件。波音 787機身由若干段復(fù)合材料大型整體結(jié)構(gòu)件組成,減少了1500個零件和4~5萬個連接件,顯著地減輕結(jié)構(gòu)重量,提高安全可靠性和降低制造、裝配、油耗、維修等成本。然而,要制成這么大型和復(fù)雜的機身段整體件還是有很大難度的。比如在2006年初,該機身段就出現(xiàn)孔隙率過高的關(guān)鍵問題,甚至有可能影響適航認(rèn)證,迫使公司投入更多人力財力進行試驗研究。
由于中央翼盒是關(guān)鍵的主承力件,因此以往均為全金屬結(jié)構(gòu)。A380中央翼盒率先采用復(fù)合材料與金屬材料的混合結(jié)構(gòu)(以復(fù)合材料為主),為在飛機上擴大復(fù)合材料應(yīng)用跨出了重要的一步。該翼盒質(zhì)量為8800 kg,其中復(fù)合材料5300 kg,取得了減重1500 kg的良好效果。
由于 LCM技術(shù)具有成本低、周期短、質(zhì)量高、工作環(huán)境好和有利于結(jié)構(gòu)整體化等優(yōu)點,使原來在減重方面就占優(yōu)勢的樹脂基復(fù)合材料如虎添翼,顯著增強了與金屬材料的競爭力。
比如A380中央翼盒的5個工字梁和襟翼導(dǎo)軌面板用RTM技術(shù)制成,并率先采用RFI技術(shù)制造復(fù)合材料襟翼導(dǎo)軌梁和后壓力框。該后壓力框是迄今為止最大的一個用RFI工藝制成的結(jié)構(gòu)件。由于它形狀均一、厚度較薄,很適于采用RFI技術(shù)??湛凸拘Q這一技術(shù)已很成熟。波音 787機身的很多地板橫梁用 RFI技術(shù)制造,其起落架撐桿則用RTM技術(shù)制造。
4)A380和波音 787分別選用層間混雜復(fù)合材料GLARE和TiGr
由于第1代層間混雜復(fù)合材料ARALL(芳綸纖維鋁合金層板)存在芳綸纖維容易在疲勞過程發(fā)生斷裂和成本較高的缺點,因而影響了它的擴大應(yīng)用。與ARALL相比,第 2代層間混雜復(fù)合材料 GLARE(玻璃纖維鋁合金層板)雖然密度較高和模量較低,但其成本顯著降低,而且顯著提高了疲勞性能、拉伸強度、壓縮性能、沖擊性能和阻尼性能,因此GLARE一問世,就引起了世界各大飛機制造公司的關(guān)注。A380的機身壁板、垂直尾翼前緣和水平穩(wěn)定面都選用了 GLARE,其用量占A380總結(jié)構(gòu)重量的3%。
這是空客公司與俄羅斯合作在 ВТ22(Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-1Cr-1Fe)基礎(chǔ)上研發(fā)的一種新合金(屬近β型),已選用于 A380機翼與掛架的連接裝置,它那令人驚異的強度與韌性之間的優(yōu)良組合受到了設(shè)計師和鈦合金工作者的青睞。
1999年,波音777的發(fā)動機后安裝框架鈦合金精鑄件在零件靜力試驗成功后已實際應(yīng)用。雖然鈦合金精鑄技術(shù)早些時候已在 F/A-22,V-22等軍用飛機上迅猛發(fā)展,但這是首次在安全可靠性要求更高的民機上獲得成功應(yīng)用,故這一開端具有重要意義。
最近,Howmet公司、波音公司與美國空軍研究實驗室聯(lián)合進行薄壁鈦鑄件的開發(fā),選擇 C-17軍用運輸機發(fā)動機掛架為對象,各用一個整體鑄件取代由 17個Ti-6A l-4V鈑金件組成的鼻帽和由多個零件、不少緊固件組成的防火封嚴(yán)件。目前已達到厚度1.27 mm的要求,并引入新生產(chǎn)的C-17飛機。60個鼻帽鑄件在全壽命期可節(jié)約320萬美元,防火封嚴(yán)件改用薄壁鑄件后可降低成本70%以上。
8) 第3代鋁鋰合金在A350,A380上的大量應(yīng)用是空客新一代飛機的一大特色
9) 新型高強鋁合金7085的問世為特大鍛件在A380上的應(yīng)用開辟了道路
已有高強鋁合金的鍛件或厚板的厚度均有一定限制,例如7055限于38 mm,7150雖較理想,其厚度也不允許大于 120 mm。為了獲得厚度更大的高強鋁合金鍛件或厚板,美國Alcoa設(shè)計了一個具有專利權(quán)的7085鋁合金,由于溶鑄性和淬透性好,其鍛件最大厚度已達240 mm。
7085鋁合金制成的A380飛機后翼梁是迄今為止最大的一個飛機模鍛件,長6.4 m,寬1.9 m,質(zhì)量約3900 kg。
2 關(guān)于中國大型飛機選材原則的建議
與戰(zhàn)斗機等較小型的飛機相比,大型飛機對選材的要求具有4個“更高”的特點,即更高安全性,更高經(jīng)濟性,更高舒適性和更高環(huán)保性。波音公司之所以把波音787的復(fù)合材料用量增加至50%左右,就是認(rèn)為這在更高層次上符合了“四性”的要求。其具體理由是:復(fù)合材料經(jīng) 30多年的研究和應(yīng)用,技術(shù)上已經(jīng)成熟,在安全可靠性上是不成問題的,何況復(fù)合材料的損傷容限和抗蝕性顯著優(yōu)于鋁合金,更有利于耐久性和安全性的提高;飛機結(jié)構(gòu)重量大幅度減輕帶來的經(jīng)濟效益(包括燃油消耗和維修費用顯著降低等),遠遠超過了它的負(fù)面效應(yīng)(制造成本較高);復(fù)合材料的應(yīng)用使舷窗尺寸加大30%,客艙濕度和氣壓有所提高,讓旅客享受更舒適的空中旅行;大量節(jié)省燃油也明顯有利于環(huán)保性。中國大型客機在將來推出之時,應(yīng)具有當(dāng)時的國際市場競爭力,因此其選材也必須充分考慮“四性”,否則就不具備與屆時國外同類客機的競爭能力。這個要求非常高,難度很大,但又必須努力去達到。這是因為:一代飛機,一代材料;一代材料,一代飛機。
3 結(jié)束語
【作者單位:1. 北京航空材料研究院;2. 南昌航空大學(xué)材料科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院】
來源出版物:中國有色金屬學(xué)報, 2010, 20(9): 1705-1715
來源出版物:航空學(xué)報, 2008, 29(3): 227-233
來源出版物:計算機集成制造系統(tǒng), 2007, 13(7): 1367-1373
來源出版物:航空學(xué)報, 2008, 29(3): 701-706
來源出版物:航空學(xué)報, 2008, 29(3): 605-610
摘要:大型整體壁板是現(xiàn)代先進民用飛機的重要結(jié)構(gòu)件,大型整體壁板成形技術(shù)是整機研制過程中所必須要解決的重大關(guān)鍵技術(shù)。從大型整體壁板的結(jié)構(gòu)特點出發(fā),介紹了整體壁板的結(jié)構(gòu)形式和分類,重點闡述了整體帶筋壁板噴丸成形技術(shù)和時效成形技術(shù)的國外研究應(yīng)用進展及發(fā)展趨勢,分析了國內(nèi)現(xiàn)有整體壁板成形技術(shù)的基礎(chǔ)和存在問題,特別介紹了國內(nèi)在 ARJ21新支線飛機研制中所取得的最新進展。最后針對中國大飛機研制的緊迫需求,提出了盡快開展大飛機機翼和機身整體壁板成形技術(shù)研究的建議和對策。
來源出版物:航空學(xué)報, 2008, 29(3): 721-727
來源出版物:航空制造技術(shù), 2008, (1): 50-53
摘要:碳纖維復(fù)合材料具有質(zhì)量輕、高比強度、高比模量、耐疲勞、耐腐蝕、耐高溫和尺寸穩(wěn)定性好等一系列優(yōu)異性能,已廣泛用于飛機制造業(yè)。尤其是近年來,在大型客機 A380和 B787上的用量已占到結(jié)構(gòu)總量的50%左右,引起人們的極大關(guān)注。這一市場的需求必將促進碳纖維工業(yè)的大發(fā)展。
來源出版物:高科技纖維與應(yīng)用, 2007, 32(6): 5-8
來源出版物:中國制造業(yè)信息化, 2007, 36(3): 26-29
摘要:為實現(xiàn)飛機大部件裝配過程的數(shù)字化、自動化和柔性化,研制了大型飛機機身調(diào)姿與對接試驗系統(tǒng)。闡述了該系統(tǒng)的工作原理,通過激光跟蹤儀測量試驗機身上的檢測點,集成管理系統(tǒng)計算試驗機身的位姿,控制系統(tǒng)驅(qū)動多個三坐標(biāo)數(shù)控定位器協(xié)同運動,實現(xiàn)試驗機身的調(diào)姿與對接。建立了位姿調(diào)整機構(gòu)的運動學(xué)模型,針對構(gòu)建的硬件平臺完成了包括集成管理系統(tǒng)、測量系統(tǒng)和控制系統(tǒng)在內(nèi)的軟件開發(fā)與集成,并對系統(tǒng)的性能進行了測試。試驗結(jié)果表明,試驗機身的位置調(diào)整精度優(yōu)于0.09 mm,姿態(tài)調(diào)整精度優(yōu)于0.0005。試驗系統(tǒng)涉及的若干關(guān)鍵技術(shù)已成功應(yīng)用于多項國家重點型號工程,大幅提高了飛機裝配的質(zhì)量和效率。
來源出版物:航空學(xué)報, 2011, 32(5): 908-919
Impinging jet studies for turbulence model assessment - I. Flow-field experiments
Cooper, D; Jackson, DC; Launder, BE
Abstract: The paper reports an extensive set of measurements of a turbulent jet impinging orthogonally onto a large plane surface. Two Reynolds numbers have been considered, 2.3 × 104and 7 × 104while the height of the jet discharge above the plate ranges from two to ten diameters, with particular attention focused on two and six diameters. The experiment has been designed so that it provides hydrodynamic data for conditions the same as those for which Baughn and Shimizu [ASME J. Heal Transfer 111, 1096 (1989)] have recently reported Nusselt number data (at Re = 23000). In both experiments, before discharge, the air passed along a smooth pipe sufficiently long to give fully developed flow at the exit plane of the jet—a feature that is helpful in using the data for turbulence-model evaluation. Hot-wire measurements have been made with pipes of nominally one-inch (26 mm) and four inches (101.6 mm) diameter. Data are reported of the mean velocity profile in the vicinity of the plate surface and also of the three Reynolds-stress components lying in the x-r plane. Computational results reported in a companion paper [Inl. J. Heal Mass Transfer 36, 2685–2697 (1993)] indicate a good degree of internal consistency between the mean and turbulent field data in that models predicting the mean flow poorly (or well) also predict the turbulence data poorly (well).
來源出版物:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1993, 36(10): 2675-2684
Measurement of large plane surface shapes by connecting small-aperture interferograms
Otsubo, M; Okada, K; Tsujiuchi, J
Abstract: We propose a method to obtain the shape of a large plane surface by connecting phase distributions measured by a small-aperture interferometer. These separately measured phase distributions cannot be connected directly because the object will tilt or have vertical displacement during the measurements. To correct these errors, the measurements are made so that the adjacent interferograms have common areas, and these interferograms are connected to minimize the difference of the phase distributions in the common areas. A matrix equation is derived to obtain coefficients to correct tilt and vertical displacement, and the accuracy of connection increases in proportion to an exponent of 1.5 of the width of the common area.
關(guān)鍵詞:interferometry; precision measurements; leastsquares methods; large optical elements
來源出版物:Optical Engineering, 1994, 33(2): 608-613
Noise sensitivity and reactions to noise and other environmental conditions
Miedema, HME; Vos, H
Abstract: This article integrates findings from the literature and new results regarding noise sensitivity. The new results are based on analyses of 28 combined datasets (N = 23038), and separate analyses of a large aircraft noise study (N = 10939). Three topics regarding noise sensitivity are discussed, namely, its relationship with noise exposure, its working mechanism, and the scope of its influence. (1) A previous review found that noise sensitivity has no relationship with noise exposure. The current analyses give consistent results, and show that there is at, most a very weak, positive relationship. (2) It was observed earlier that noise sensitivity alters the effect of noise exposure on noise annoyance, and does not (only) have an additive effect. The current analyses confirm this, and show that the relation of the annoyance score with the noise exposure is relatively flat for nonsensitives while it is steeper for sensitives. (3) Previous studies showed that noise sensitivity also influences reactions other than noise annoyance. The current analyses of the aircraft noise study extend these results, but also indicate that noise sensitivity has relatively little influence on reactions to nonenvironmental conditions.
來源出版物:The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2003, 113(3): 1492-1504
Towards application of fibre metal laminates in large aircraft
Vlot, A; Vogelesang, LB; de Vries, TJ
Abstract: Fibre metal laminates were developed at Delft University during the last two decades as a family of new hybrid materials consisting of bonded thin metal sheets and fibre/adhesive layers. This laminated structure provides the material with excellent fatigue, impact and damage tolerance characteristics and a low density. While the 20 per cent weight reduction was the prime driverbehind the development of this new family of materials, it turns out that additional benefits like cost reduction and an improved safety level have become more and more important. The combination of these aspects in one material makes fibre metal laminates a strong candidate material for fuselage skin structures of the new generation of high capacity aircraft. The focus on this application currently leads to industrialization and qualification that makes this material available to the aircraft designer.
關(guān)鍵詞:flight safety; laminates; fatigue; aircraft; flame resistance
來源出版物:Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 1999, 71(6): 558-570
Flight dynamics of highly flexible flying wings
Patil, MJ; Hodges, DH
Abstract: The paper presents a theory for flight-dynamic analysis of highly flexible flying-wing configurations. The analysis takes into account large aircraft motion coupled with geometrically nonlinear structural deformation subject only to a restriction to small strain. A large motion aerodynamic loads model is integrated into the analysis. The analysis can be used for complete aircraft analysis including trim, stability analysis linearized about the trimmed-state, and nonlinear simulation. Results are generated for a typical high-aspect-ratio “flying-wing”configuration. The results indicate that the aircraft undergoes large deformation during trim. The flight-dynamic characteristics of the deformed aircraft are completely different as compared with a rigid aircraft. When the example aircraft is loaded sufficiently, the pair of complex-conjugate short-period roots merges to become two real roots, and the phugoid mode goes unstable. Furthermore, nonlinear flight simulation of the aircraft indicates that the phugoid instability leads to catastrophic consequences.
來源出版物:Journal of Aircraft, 2006, 43(6): 1790-1799
Demand driven dispatch: A method for dynamic aircraft capacity assignment, models and algorithms
Berge, ME; Hopperstad, CA
Abstract: A major problem for the airline industry is the assignment of airplane capacity to flight schedules to meet fluctuating market needs. Demand Driven Dispatch (D3) is an operating concept that addresses this problem. Utilizing a demand forecast which improves as flight departure approaches, aircraft are dynamically assigned to flights to better match the predicted final demands. The result, demonstrated in studies of actual airline systems, is an increase in passenger loads and revenues with simultaneously reduced costs for a net of 1%–5% improvement in operating profits. Concept implementation is simplified by the prevalence of yield management systems which provide the forecasting capability, and the emergence of airplane families which provide the necessary operational flexibility. Implementation also requires frequent solution of extremely large aircraft assignment problems. These problems, which can be formulated in terms of a multicommodity network flow, can be solved with heuristic algorithms shown to exhibit an accuracy and efficiency essential to successful concept implementation.
來源出版物:Operations Research, 1993, 41(1): 153-168
High-power density switched reluctance motor drive for aerospace applications
Radun, AV
Abstract: An advanced development, variable speed, 120 hp motor drive system for an electric motor-driven, large aircraft engine fuel pump application is described. The system is designed to demonstrate advanced technologies that will allow the design of motor drive systems with the necessary power densities, reliability, and environmental specifications for aerospace applications. The drive runs from 270 VDC, which is the emerging power standard for future aircraft power. The intended load of the drive is a centrifugal pump, although all system testing was done on a dynamometer test stand.
來源出版物:Transactions on Industry Applications, 1992, 28(1): 113-119
Evaluation of ice water content retrievals from cloud radar reflectivity and temperature using a large airborne in situ microphysical database
Protat, A; Delanoe, J; Bouniol, D; et al.
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to assess the performances of the proposed ice water content (IWC)–radar reflectivity Z and IWC–Z–temperature T relationships for accurate retrievals of IWC from radar inspace or at ground-based sites, in the framework of the forthcoming CloudSat spaceborne radar, and of the European CloudNET and U.S. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program projects. For this purpose, a large airborne in situ microphysical database is used to perform a detailed error analysis of the IWC–Z and IWC–Z–T methods. This error analysis does not include the error resulting from the mass–dimension relationship assumed in these methods, although the expected magnitude of this error is bounded in the paper. First, this study reveals that the use of a single IWC–Z relationship to estimate IWC at global scale would be feasible up to ?15 dBZ, but for larger reflectivities (and therefore larger IWCs) different sets of relationships would have to be used for midlatitude and tropical ice clouds. New IWC–Z and IWC–Z–T relationships are then developed from the large aircraft database and by splitting this database into midlatitude and tropical subsets, and an error analysis is performed. For the IWC–Z relationships, errors decrease roughly linearly from +210%/?70% for IWC = 10?4g m?3to +75%/?45% for IWC = 10?2g m?3, are nearly constant (+50%/?33%) for the intermediate IWCs (0.03–1 g m?3), and then linearly increase up to +210%/?70% for the largest IWCs. The error curves have the same shape for the IWC–Z–Trelationships, with a general reduction of errors with respect to the IWC–Z relationships. Comparisons with radar–lidar retrievals confirm these findings. The main improvement brought by the use of temperature as an additional constraint to the IWC retrieval is to reduce both the systematic overestimation and rms differences of the small IWCs (IWC < 0.01 g m?3). For the large IWCs, the use of temperature also results in a slight reduction of the rms differences but in a substantial reduction (by a factor of 2) of the systematic underestimation of the large IWCs, probably owing to a better account of the Mie effect when IWC–Zrelationships are stratified by temperature.
來源出版物:Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2007, 46(5): 557-572
Method for accelerating the destruction of aircraft wake vortices
Rennich, SC; Lele, SK
Abstract: The wake vortices shed by large aircraft and their associated hazard to following aircraft remain an important issue in commercial aviation. Extensive research into methods for alleviating this wake vortex hazard has been continuing for many years. This paper presents results from numerical simulations detailing a potentially useful mechanism for accelerating the destruction of the aircraft vortex wake and reducing the wake vortex hazard, The term destruction is used to refer to the progressive annihilation of the wake caused by mixing of vorticity of opposite sign and the associated elimination of large coherent structures, The emphasis here is on a description of the mechanism and its connection to previous work.
來源出版物:Journal of Aircraft, 1999, 36(2): 398-404
Multi-agent system design and evaluation for collaborative wireless sensor network in large structure health monitoring
Wu, J; Yuan, SF; Ji, S; et al.
Abstract: Much attention has been focused on the research of structural health monitoring (SHM), since it could increase the safety and reduce the maintenance costs of engineering structures. In recent years, wireless sensor network (WSN) has been explored for adoption to improve the centralized cable-based SHM system performances. This paper presents a multi-agent design method and system evaluation for wireless sensor network based structural health monitoring to validate the efficiency of the multi-agent technology. Through the cooperation of six different agents for SHM applications, the distributed wireless sensor network can automatically allocate SHM tasks, self-organize the sensor network and aggregate different sensor information. In the evaluation work, the strain gauge and PZT sensors are used to monitor strain distribution change and joint failure of an experimental aluminum plate structure. A dedicated sensor network platform including the wireless strain node, wireless PZT node and wireless USB station is designed for the evaluation system. Based on the hardware platform, the multi-agents software architecture is defined. The multi-agent monitoring principle and implementation in the validation work for two typical kinds of structure states are presented. This paper shows the efficiency of the multi-agent technology for WSN based the SHM applications on the large aircraft structures.
來源出版物:Expert Systems with Applications, 2010, 37(3): 2028-2036
來源出版物:力學(xué)與實踐, 2017, 39(1): 25-29
來源出版物:航空制造技術(shù), 2016, 497(1/2): 58-63
來源出版物:航空制造技術(shù), 2016, 497(1/2): 53-57
來源出版物:航空學(xué)報, 2016, 37(8): 101-110
摘要:TPS(渦扇動力模擬器)試驗技術(shù)是風(fēng)洞中模擬發(fā)動機反推力狀態(tài)最有效的手段。開展反推力試驗的目的是獲得反推力發(fā)動機對飛機氣動特性的影響,確定反推力發(fā)動機的再吸入速度邊界。為滿足我國大飛機研制的試驗技術(shù)需求,中國空氣動力研究與發(fā)展中心在8 m × 6 m風(fēng)洞發(fā)展了全模TPS反推力試驗技術(shù)。自主研制了TPS反推力試驗專用的高精度六分量桿式應(yīng)變天平、大流量空氣橋和流量控制單元、TPS監(jiān)視報警系統(tǒng)、數(shù)據(jù)采集系統(tǒng)、綜合顯示系統(tǒng)等 TPS反推力試驗系統(tǒng),制定了試驗?zāi)M準(zhǔn)則、試驗流程和試驗方法,建立了完善的全模TPS反推力試驗技術(shù)。利用TPS反推力試驗技術(shù),開展了國內(nèi)首期全模 TPS反推力風(fēng)洞試驗,研究了某型飛機反推力發(fā)動機的再吸入特性,獲得了反推力發(fā)動機的再吸入速度邊界。
來源出版物:空氣動力學(xué)學(xué)報, 2016, 34(3): 67-74
來源出版物:復(fù)合材料學(xué)報, 2015, 32(2): 317-322
來源出版物:南京航空航天大學(xué)學(xué)報, 2015, 47(5): 637-649
來源出版物:微電子學(xué)與計算機, 2015, (6): 36-40, 45
來源出版物:航空制造技術(shù), 2014, 461(17): 88-92
Control system designing for correcting wingfuselage assembly deformation of a large aircraft
Fang, Q; Chen, WD; Zhao, AA; et al.
Abstract: Purpose: In aircraft wing–fuselage assembly, the distributed multi-point support layout of positioners causes fuselage to deform under gravity load, leading to assembly difficulty and assembly stress. This paper aimsto propose a hybrid force position control method to balance aerodynamic shape accuracy and deformation of assembly area, thereby correcting assembly deformation and reducing assembly stress. Design/methodology/ approach: Force and position control axes of positioners are selected based on screw theory and ellipsoid method. The position-control axes follow the posture trajectory to align the fuselage posture. To exert force on the fuselage and correct the deformations, the force-control axes follow the contact force derived by using orthogonal experiments and partial least squares regression (PLSR). Finite element simulation and one-dimension deformation correction experiment are conducted to verify the validity of this method. Findings: Simulation results indicate that hybrid force position control method can correct assembly deformation and improve the wing–fuselage assembly quality significantly. Experiment on specimen verifies the effect of this method indirectly. Originality/value: The proposed method gives a solution to solve the deformation problem during aircraft wing-fuselage assembly, thereby reducing assembly stress and improving assembly quality.
來源出版物:Assembly Automation, 2017, 37(1): 22-33
Optimal placement of measurement points on large aircraft fuselage panels in digital assembly
Bi, YB; Yan, WM; Ke,YL
Abstract: A large aircraft fuselage panel is commonly composed of a variety of thin-walled components. Most of these components are large, thin and compliant, and they are also prone to some flexible deformation during assembly and remain deformed after assembly. Besides, many different fabrication and assembly manners are adopted in order to guarantee the complicated assembly relationships between each component. The above characteristics often cause large aircraft fuselage panels to exhibit low stiffness and weak strength, thereby inducing deformation during assembly. Since the posture of a large aircraft fuselage panel is commonly evaluated by matching the theoretical and actual positions of the measurement points placed on it, and its assembly deformation is also represented by the position errors of the measurement points, a reasonable measurement point placement is significant for the large aircraft fuselage panel in digital assembly. This article presents a method based on the D-optimality method and the adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithm to optimize the placement of the measurement points which can cover more deformation information of the panel for effective assembly error diagnosis. By taking the principle of the D-optimality method, an optimal set of measurement points is selected from a larger candidate set through adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithm. As illustrated by an example, the final measurement point configuration is more effective to maximize the determinant of the corresponding Fisher Information Matrix and minimize the estimation error of the assembly deformation than those obtained by other methods.
關(guān)鍵詞:large aircraft fuselage panel; deformation; measurement point; D-optimality; adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithm; Fisher Information Matrix
來源出版物:Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2017, 231 (1): 73-84
聯(lián)系郵箱:Yan, WM;
Design and test of dual actuator nose wheel steering system for large civil aircraft
Zhang, M; Jiang, RM; Nie, H
Abstract: In order to improve aircraft ground handling characteristics and airport working efficiency, large handling angle and torque are requested for the nose wheel steering system of large civil aircraft. A following swivel selector valve is firstly designed to meet the demand for the hydraulic pressure commutating as soon as the dual actuator nose wheel steering mechanism passes through its dead center position. Considering the multiple objective functions of nose wheel steering mechanisms, those core design parameters are multiobjective optimized. A nose wheel steering electrohydraulic servo system with handling and antishimmy functions is designed for the steering mechanism. Then the prototypes of the steering mechanism and electrohydraulic servo system are researched to validate the design. Using the swing actuator to provide the load torque and ground excitation, the steering test bench is prepared to test the system working. The steering test and the antishimmy test are conducted to verify the functions of the system. The test results, such as steer angle, steer torque hydraulic pressure, and antishimmy torque, are analyzed in detail and compared with the theoretical results. The results show that the property of the prototype achieves the design objectives, such as work mode, steer angle, and steer torque.
來 源 出版物: International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2016, 1626015
聯(lián)系郵箱:Zhang, M;
Variation modeling for fuselage structures in large aircraft digital assembly
Cheng, L; Wang, Q; Li, JX; et al.
Abstract: Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present a new variation modeling method for fuselage structures in digital large aircraft assembly. The variation accumulated in a large aircraft assembly process will influence the dimensional accuracy and fatigue life of airframes. However, in digital large aircraft assembly, variation analysis and modeling are still unresolved issues. Design/methodology/approach: An elastic structure model based on beam elements is developed, which is an equivalent idealization of the actual complex structure. The stiffness matrix of the structure model is obtained by summing the stiffness matrices of the beam elements. For each typical stage of the aircraft digital assembly process, including positioning, coordinating, joining and releasing, variation models are built using the simplified structure model with respective loads and boundary conditions. Findings: Using position errors and manufacturing errors as inputs, the variations for every stage of the assembly process can be calculated using the proposed model. Practical implications—This method has been used in a large fuselage section assembly project, and the calculated results were shown to be a good prediction of variation in the actual assembly. Originality/value: Although certain assumptions have been imposed, the proposed method provides a better understanding of the assembly process and creates an analytical foundation for further work on variation control and tolerance optimization.
來源出版物:Assembly Automation, 2015, 35(2): 172-182
聯(lián)系郵箱:Wang, Q;
Accurate and efficient analysis of large antenna arrays with radome on a large aircraft
Zhao, HH; Jian, LR; Liu, Y
Abstract: An accurate and efficient computational approach is presented for analyzing radiation characteristics of large antenna arrays with radome. This approach is based on the hybrid finite element-boundary integral-multilevel fast multipole algorithm (FE-BIMLFMA). Unlike the conventional single-domain FE-BIMLFMA, the whole domain of the antenna array with radome is separated into many disconnected domains. A large free space area unavoidable in the single-domain FE-BI-MLFMA is eliminated in this multi-domain FE-BIMLFMA formulation, thus the number of unknowns is greatly reduced in the presented multi-domain FE-BIMLFMA approach. Different from the single-domain FEBI-MLFMA, many integral equations are required in this multi-domain FE-BI-MLFMA. The numerical experiment shows that the presented multi-domain FE-BI-MLFMA is more efficient than the single-domain one while maintaining the same accuracy. A whole complicated system of a slottedwaveguide array with radome mounted on an aircraft is analyzed to further demonstrate the generality and capability of the presented multi-domain FE-BI-MLFMA.
來源出版物:Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2015, 153: 103-111
聯(lián)系郵箱:Liu, Y;
Electrical load-sizing methodology to aid conceptual and preliminary design of large commercial aircraft
Seresinhe, R; Lawson, C
Abstract: The importance of the more electric aircraft has been highlighted in many publications, projects and industrial presentations. By definition, the more electric aircraft concept achieves the majority of the required system functionality by using electrically powered sub-systems and components. This manifests itself in much higher electrical power demands on-board aircraft, compared to conventional architectures. This presents many challenges in the design process. To alleviate the risk and choose the optimum architectures for the systems on the aircraft, it is essential to incorporate the characteristics and possible configurations of the electrical network in the conceptual and preliminary design stages. Hence the current practice of performing an electrical load analysis at the detailed design stage is not adequate. To address this gap, this paper presents a viable and robust methodology to define requirements, size components and systems and calculates the electric power requirements at the preliminary design stages. The methodology uses the conventional aircraft, systems and components as the baseline and uses mathematical techniques and logical sequences of component operation, developed through the research, to size electrical load profiles for conventional aircraft. It then adapts this result to the more electric aircraft concept by adding key components that would account for the difference between a conventional system and a more electric system. The methodology presented here makes the design process more robust and aids the choice of the optimum design for the aircraft.
關(guān)鍵詞:aircraft design; aircraft systems; electrical load analysis; more electric aircraft
來源出版物:Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2015, 229(3): 445-466
聯(lián)系郵箱:Seresinhe, R;
Comparing different fidelity models for the impact analysis of large commercial aircrafts on acontainment building
Lu, XZ; Lin, KQ; Cen, S; et al.
Abstract: Three Boeing 767 finite element models with different fidelities are built using CATIA, Hypermesh and LS-DYNA in this study. The impacts of these models on a rigid wall and a containment building are simulated with LS-DYNA. The simulation results show that the time histories of the impact forces and impulses differ significantly among these models for the low-speed impact case. With the increase of the impact velocity, the time histories of impact forces and the damage of the containment building become similar. Moreover, the impact on the back side of the containment building will occur only when the high fidelity model impacts the containment building with a high velocity. The over-simplified aircraft models will underestimate the impact load and induce a different failure mode compared to the high fidelity model. The internal structures of an aircraft should be accounted for in the impact simulation. This investigation provides a reference for further studies of aircraft impacts on containment buildings.
關(guān)鍵詞:impact; large commercial aircraft; containment building; different fidelity models; finite element simulation
來源出版物:Engineering Failure Analysis, 2015, 57: 254-269
Adaptive decoupling synchronous control of dissimilar redundant actuation system for large civil aircraft
Shi C; Wang XJ; Wang SP; et al.
Abstract: In order to meet the increasing reliability requirements of actuation system for large civil aircraft, the novel distributed dissimilar redundant actuation system composed of one hydraulic actuator (HA) and one electro-hydrostatic actuator (EHA) has been applied to the design of advanced aircraft. This configuration can greatly improve the system reliability and effectively avoid potential common-mode/common-cause (CM/CC) failure. However, this actuation configuration can exhibit force fighting problem between HA and EHA due to their different driving mechanisms and rigid coupling when they operate in the active/active mode, which may even cause damage to the control surface. To resolve this problem, an adaptive decoupling synchronous controller (ADSC) is proposed in this study. The coupling effect between HA and EHA is taken into account, and an adaptive decoupling controller is designed to eliminate the coupling term. Parameter adaption law is designed for the parametric uncertainties. In addition, a feed-forward compensator is proposed to compensate for the difference between HA and EHA by accelerating the dynamic response of EHA. Finally, the comparative simulation results indicate that the proposed ADSC controller has high speed/high robustness performances and can effectively reduce the force fighting between HA and EHA.
關(guān)鍵詞:actuation system; dissimilar redundant; force fighting; adaptive decoupling control; synchronous control
來源出版物:Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015, 47: 114-124
聯(lián)系郵箱:Wang, XJ,
Efficient optimisation of large aircraft fuselage structures
Vankan, WJ; Maas, R; Grihon, S; et al.
Abstract: This paper presents an innovative optimisation method for aircraft fuselage structural design. Detailed local finite element analyses of panel buckling are further processed such that they can be applied as failure constraints in the global level optimisation. The high computational costs involved with the finite element analyses are limited by advanced use of surrogate modelling methods. This yields high flexibility and efficiency in the local level optimisation procedure and allows for efficient gradient based search methods as well as more costly direct search optimisations like genetic algorithms (GAs). The method is demonstrated on a composite fuselage barrel design case considering common structural sizing variables like thicknesses and stringer dimensions. Optimised barrel designs are obtained where the constraints that are derived from the panel buckling analyses are active. The total computational cost for the complete local and global level optimisation procedures is in the order of days on common-performance hardware.
來源出版物:The Aeronautical Journal, 2014, 118(1199): 31-52
文章題目第一作者來源出版物1 D e c a y o f w a k e v o r t i c e s o f l a r g e a i r c r a f t S a r p k a y a , T A I A A J o u r n a l , 1 9 9 8 , 3 6 ( 9 ) : 1 6 7 1 -1 6 7 9 2 T r a i l i n g v o r t e x e f f e c t s o n l a r g e r e c e i v e r a i r c r a f t B l o y , A W J o u r n a l o f A i r c r a f t , 1 9 9 5 , 3 2 ( 6 ) : 1 1 9 8 -1 2 0 4 3 N e w g r o u n d v i b r a t i o n t e s t i n g t e c h n i q u e s f o r l a r g e a i r c r a f t c o m p u t a t i o n G l o t h , G S V S o u n d a n d V i b r a t i o n , 2 0 0 1 , 3 5 ( 1 1 ) : 1 4 -1 8 T h e u s e o f e v a c u a t i o n m o d e l l i n g t e c h n i q u e s i n t h e 4 d e s i g n o f v e r y l a r g e t r a n s p o r t a i r c r a f t a n d b l e n d e d G a l e a , E R T h e A e r o n a u t i c a l J o u r n a l ( 1 9 6 8 ) , 2 0 0 3 , w i n g b o d y a i r c r a f t 1 0 7 ( 1 0 7 0 ) : 2 0 7 -2 1 8 5 T h e l a t e r a l d y n a m i c s t a b i l i t y a n d c o n t r o l o f a l a r g e r e c e i v e r a i r c r a f t d u r i n g a i r -t o -a i r r e f u e l l i n g B l o y , A W T h e A e r o n a u t i c a l J o u r n a l ( 1 9 6 8 ) , 1 9 8 6 , 9 0 ( 8 9 6 ) : 2 3 7 -2 4 3
Decay of wake vortices of large aircraft
Sarpkaya, T