Since China Southern Airlines announced the establishment of a strategic partnership with American Airlines, comprehensive cooperative movements have taken place. With China Southern's current operation of 6 routes to the Americas, after the Special Prorate Agreement (SPA) comes into effect, it will be able to extend its networks into 227 destinations beyond the Americas, including 70 destinations from Los Angeles, 46 destinations from New York City, 8 destinations from San Francisco, 9 cities from Toronto, 3 cities from Vancouver, and 5 cities from Mexico City. China Southern is confi dent that the SPA arrangement will become a strong support for its further development in the Americas.
On 9thAugust 2017, China Southern Airlines and the Melbourne Demons launched a special promotion event at Guangzhou Baiyun lnternational Airport. China Southern fi rst signed the agreement to be the offi cial airline of this oldest football club in Australia in 2014, and it has now entered a three-year partnership through 2019. The event is aimed at promoting Aussie Football by having players teach basic techniques, give out brochures that introduce the rules, and providing opportunities for audience to play throw and catch with the players. Apart from getting Chinese audience to know the game, China Southern successfully leveraged international awareness to the Guangzhou hub.
On 29 August 2017, Terminal 1 at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport stops service, and all international fl ights and all inbound/outbound services operated by China Southern Airlines will move to Terminal 3, with new integrated transport hub becoming available at the same time. The China Southern counter is located at 3F, with a new VlP lounge covering 850 sqm, which can comfortably hold 187 passengers.
On 18 July 2017, lATA awarded China Southern Airlines with the Best E-Cargo Development Award. Since China Southern launched the fi rst domestic Electronic Waybill on 10 October 2009, domestically over 13 departure stations and 85 destinations are now using E-waybills, total volumes reaching 100,000 waybills every month, ranked #3 in the world. On top of that, 23 international routes are using E-waybills, volumes reaching 10,000 waybills per month. By use of the electronic waybills, China Southern managed to save over 1,000,000 paper waybills, the height of which can double the Canton Tower if being put together.
On 24 July 2017, a passenger had a stroke on the fl ight CZ329 from Guangzhou to Vancouver, four and a half hours after the fl ight took off. A doctor on board advised immediate medical care should be given, and the crew decided to make diversion to the nearest airport at Tokyo. At 20:20 local time, once the aircraft touched down at the Narita lnternational Airport, the ambulance, refueling and catering teams were readily in place. At 21:37 the fl ight took off again. Thanks to the effi cient and wellcoordinated actions of the fl ight crew and ground handling teams, it took only 1 hour 11 minutes for the passenger to get help.