ZOU Min,CHEN Rong-san,LIU An-ping
(School of Mathematics and Physics,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China)
ZOU Min,CHEN Rong-san,LIU An-ping
(School of Mathematics and Physics,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China)
In this paper,we mainly deal with the oscillation problems of nonlinear impulsive hyperbolic equation with functional arguments.By using integral averaging method and a generalized Riccati technique,a sufficient condition for oscillation of the solutions of nonlinear impulsive hyperbolic equation with functional arguments is obtained.We can make better use of some existing conclusions about oscillation of the solutions of impulsive ordinary dif f erential equations with delay.
oscillation;impulsive;delay;hyperbolic equation;Riccati inequality
The theories of nonlinear partial functional di ff erential equations are applied in many fi elds.In recent years the research of oscillation to impulsive partial di ff erential systems caught more and more attention.In this paper,we study the oscillation properties of the solutions to impulsive delay hyperbolic equation
The following is the boundary conditionwhere G is a bounded domain of Rnwith the smooth boundary?G and n is the unit exterior normal vector to?G.
Following are the basic hypothesis
(H1)r(t)∈C([0,+∞);(0,+∞)),a(t),bi(t)∈PC([0,+∞);[0,+∞)),i=1,2,···,n.j=1,2,···,m,where PC denotes the class of functions which are piecewise continuous in t with discontinuities of the fi rst kind only at t=tk,k=1,2,···.
(H3)h(u),hi(u)∈C(R,R),uh(u)≥0,uh′(u)≥0,≥0,i=1,2,···,n;φj(s)∈C(R,R),=const.>0 for s 6=0.αk,βk=const.>-1,0<t1<t2<···<tk<
We introduce the notations
De fi nition 1.1The solution u(x,t)of the problems(1.1)-(1.4)is said to be nonoscillatory in domain Ω if it is either eventually positive or eventually negative.Otherwise,it is called oscillatory.
Def i nition 1.2We say that functions Hi,i=1,2,belong to a function class H,if Hi∈C(D;[0,+∞)),i=1,2,satisfy
1.Hi(t,s)=0,i=1,2 for t=s, 2.Hi(t,s)>0,i=1,2 for t>s,
where D={(t,s):0<s≤t<+∞}.Moreover,the partial derivatives?H1/?s and?H2/?s exist on D such that
where h1,h2∈Cloc(D;R).
In recent years,there was much research activity concerning the oscillation theory of nonlinear hyperbolic equations with functional arguments by employing Riccati technique. Riccati techniques were used to obtain various oscillation results.Recently,Shoukaku and Yoshida[2]derived oscillation criteria by using oscillation criteria of Riccati inequality.In this work,we study the hyperbolic equation with impulsive.
Theorem 2.1If for each T≥0,there exist(H1,H2)∈H and a,b,c∈R such that T≤a<c<b and
then every solution of the problems(1.1)-(1.4)oscillates in Ω,where
ProofSuppose to the contrary that there is a nonoscillatory solution u(x,t)of the problems(1.1)-(1.4).Without loss of generality we may assume that u(x,t)>0 in G× [t0,+∞)for some t0>0 because the case where u(x,t)<0 can be treated similarly.Since (H2)holds,we see that u(x,τi(t))>0(i=1,2,···n)in G×[t1,+∞)for some t1≥t0.
(1)For t≥t1,t 6=tk,k=1,2,···,integrating(1)with respect to x over G,we obtain
that is
Thus we obtain that the functions U(t)is a eventually positive solution of the impulsive dif f erential inequality
Multiplying(2.4)by H2(t,s)and integrating over[c,t]for t∈[c,b),we have
which contradicts condition(2.1).
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?Received date:2015-11-25Accepted date:2016-03-04
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(11201436).
Biography:Zou min(1981-),female,born at Xiantao,Hubei,lecturer,major in partial dif f erential equation.
2010 MR Subject Classif i cation:58J45;35B05