ZHANG Jian-jun,YUAN Wen-jun
(1.School of Mathematics and Information Technology,Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing 210013,China)
(2.School of Mathematics and Information Science,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China)
ZHANG Jian-jun1,YUAN Wen-jun2
(1.School of Mathematics and Information Technology,Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing 210013,China)
(2.School of Mathematics and Information Science,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China)
In this paper,we investigate the growth order of meromorphic solution of algebraic dif f erential equations.By using normal family theory,we give an estimation of the growth order of meromorphic solutions of certain class of second order algebraic dif f erential equations,which depend on the degrees of rational function coefficients of the equations,and generalize a result by Liao Liangwen and Yang Chungchun(2001).
algebraic dif f erential equations;meromorphic functions;growth order
Let f(z)be a function meromorphic in the complex plane C.We assume that the reader is familiar with the standard notations and results in Nevanlinna’s value distribution theory of meromorphic functions(see e.g.[1-3]).We denote the order of f(z)by ρ(f).
As one knows,it was one of the important topics to research the algebraic dif f erential equation of Malmquist type.In 1913,Malmquist[4]gave a result for the f i rst order algebraic dif f erential equations.In 1933,Yosida[5]proved the Malmquist’s theorem by using the Nevanlinna theory.In 1970s,Laine[6],Yang[7]and Hille[8]gave a generalization of Malmquist’s theorem.Later,Steinmetz[9],Rieth[10]and He-Laine[11]all gave corresponding generalizations of Malmquist’s theorem for the f i rst order algebraic dif f erential equations. In 1980,Gackstatter and Laine[12]gave a generalized result of Malmquist’s theorem for some certain type of higher order algebraic dif f erential equations.However,Malmquist type theorem for an arbitrary second order algebraic dif f erential equation remains open.For a second
order algebraic dif f erential equation
where R is a rational function in z,f and f′,a classical and unsolved conjecture is the following.
Conjecture 1.1(see[3])If equation(1.1)has a transcendental meromorphic solution, then the equation can be reduced into the form
where Li(z,f)(i=0,1,2)are rational functions in their variables.
In 2011,Gao,Zhang and Li[13]studied the problem of growth order of solutions of a type of non-linear algebraic dif f erential equations.In 2001,Liao and Yang[14]considered the f i nite order of growth of the meromorphic solutions of equation(1.2)and obtained the following result.
Theorem ALet f be a meromorphic solution of equation(1.2).Further assume that L2(z,f)6≡0 in equation(1.2)and has the form
where ai(z),bj(z)(s≤i≤n,r≤j≤m)are rational functions.If m-n<1 or r-s>1, then ρ(f)<∞.
RemarkThe conditions m-n<1 and r-s>1 in Theorem A cannot be omitted simultaneously.Liao and Yang[14]gave a simple example to show it.
The paper is organized into 3 sections.After introduction some basic concepts and lemmas will be given in Section 2.In Section 3,we will give the main results.
Let D be a domain in C.We say that a family F of meromorphic functions in D is normal,if each sequence{fn}?F contains a subsequence which converges locally uniformly by spherical distance to a meromorphic function g(z)in D(g(z)is permitted to be identically inf i nity).In this paper,we denote the spherical derivative of meromorphic function f(z)by f](z),where
and def i ne
For convenience,we still assume thatrewrite equation(1.2)into
where M(z,f)=Q(z,f)L1(z,f),N(z,f)=Q(z,f)L0(z,f),P,Q are de fi ned as in Theorem A.
We denote the largest number of the degrees at inf i nity of all the rational function coefficients in variable z concerning L(z,f)by degz,∞L(z,f).Denoting
where P(z,f),Q(z,f)are two polynomials in f with rational function coefficients,M(z,f) and N(z,f)are rational functions in variable z and f.
The following lemmas will be needed in the proof of our results.Lemma 2.1 is a result of Zalcman concerning normal families.
Lemma 2.1(see[15])Let F be a family of meromorphic functions on the unit disc,α is a real number.Then F is not normal on the unit disc if and only if there exist,for each -1<α<1,
a)a number r,0<r<1;
b)a sequence points{wk},|wk|<r; c)a sequence{fk}k∈N?F;
d)a positive sequence{ρk},ρk→0
The next lemma is a generalization of the Lemma 2 in[16]of Yuan et al.
Lemma 2.2Let f(z)be meromorphic in the complex plane,ρ:=ρ(f)>2,then for any positive constants ε>0 and 0<λ<,there exist points zk→∞(k→∞),such that
ProofSuppose that the conclusion of Lemma 2.2 is not true,then there exist a positive number M>0,such that for arbitrary z∈C,we have
Thus we obtain an estimation of Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic function
Therefore,the order of f(z)can be estimated as ρ≤2+,namely,λ≥This is a contradiction with the choice of λ.
Lemma 2.3(see[17])Let f(z)be holomorphic in the complex plane,σ>-1.If f](z)=O(rσ),then T(r,f)=O(rσ+1).
The result of Lemma 2.4 is more sharper than Lemma 2.2 when f(z)is an entire function.
Lemma 2.4Let f(z)be holomorphic in the complex plane,ρ:=ρ(f)>1,then for any positive constants ε>0 and 0<λ<(ρ-1)ε,there exist points zk→∞,as k→∞, such that
ProofSuppose that the conclusion of Lemma 2.4 is not true,then there exist a positive number M>0,such that for arbitrary z∈C,we havenamely,.By Lemma 2.3,we have
Therefore the order of f(z)can be estimated as ρ≤1+λε,namely,λ≥(ρ-1)ε.This is a contradiction with the choice of λ.
We are now giving our main results as follows.
Theorem 3.1Let f be a meromorphic solution of equation(2.1).Further assume that6≡0 in equation(2.1),M(z,f)6≡0,N(z,f)6≡0 are birational functions and have following forms
where cj1(z)(t1≤j1≤q1),dj2(z)(t2≤j2≤q2),ej3(z)(t3≤j3≤q3)and uj4(z)(t4≤j4≤q4)are rational functions,ct1(z)6≡0,dt2(z)6≡0,et3(z)6≡0 and ut4(z)6≡0,then
By Lemma 2.2 we know that forthere exist points zk→∞,as k→∞,such that
This implies that the family{f(zk+z)}k∈Nis not normal at z=0.Then by Lemma 2.1, there exist a sequence{βk}and a positive sequence{ρk}such that
and gk(ζ):=converges locally uniformly to a nonconstant meromorphic function g(ζ).In particular,we may choose βkand ρk,such that
According to(3.1),(3.2)and(3.3),we can get the following conclusion.
For positive constant α and any constant 0≤λ<we have
Substituting βk+ρkζ for z in(2.1),we have
Case 2 r-s>1.We choose α such that 0<α<minand assume that
Then there exist a sequence{βk}and a positive sequence{ρk}satisfying
such that hk(ζ)=ρ-αkf(βk+ρkζ)converges locally uniformly to a nonconstant meromorphic function h(ζ).By similar argument as in Case 1,we can obtain
Hence h is a constant,which is a contradiction.Thus we have completed the proof of Theorem 3.1.
Similarly,from the proof of Theorem 3.1 and Lemma 2.4,we have
Corollary 3.2Let f be an entire solution of equation(2.1).Further assume that≡0 in equation(2.1),M(z,f)6≡0,N(z,f)6≡0 are birational functions and have the forms
where cj1(z)(t1≤j1≤q1),dj2(z)(t2≤j2≤q2),ej3(z)(t3≤j3≤q3)and uj4(z)(t4≤j4≤q4)are rational functions,ct1(z)6≡0,dt2(z)6≡0,et3(z)6≡0,ut4(z)6≡0,then
Remark In Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2,if m-n<1,M(z,f)≡0 and N(z,f)6≡0, then for arbitrary 0<α<minthe results of Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2 are also true.Similarly,if m-n<1,M(z,f)6≡0 and N(z,f)≡0,then we may choose any 0<α<min{}.If r-s>1,M(z,f)≡0 and N(z,f)6≡0,then we may choose any 0<α<min{,1}.If r-s>1,M(z,f)6≡0 and N(z,f)≡0,then we may choose any 0<α<min{,1}.If M(z,f)=N(z,f)≡0,m-n<1 or r-s>1, then we may choose any 0<α<1.
ExampleThere exists the entire function f(z)=ezn(n≥1)such that it is of order n and satis fi es the following second-order di ff erential equation
where degz,∞a=2(n-1)and 0<α<1,then the order of any meromorphic solution f of equation(3.6)can be estimated as ρ(f)≤2+and the order of any entire solution f of equation(3.6)can be estimated as ρ(f)by Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2,respectively.In particular,the estimation of growth order of entire solution is sharp when n=1.
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?Received date:2016-08-19Accepted date:2016-08-31
Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(BK20140767); Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(14KJB110004);Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province.
Biography:Zhang Jianjun(1982-),male,born at Taixing,Jiangsu,associate professor,major in complex analysis.
2010 MR Subject Classif i cation:34A34;30D35