【Abstract】A Letter to Lord Chesterfield, by Samuel Johnson, was written for an attack to Lord Chesterfields recommendation of Johnsons “Dictionary of the English Language”. Johnson wrote this famous Letter to achieve a satirical purpose. Two Chinese versions of this letter are compared in terms of Translation Equivalence.
【Key words】stylistic equivalence; social-cultural equivalence; linguistic equivalence
A Letter to Lord Chesterfield, by Samuel Johnson, was written for an attack to Lord Chesterfield. At first, Chesterfield indicated that he could be Johnsons patron. While Johnson needed concrete help, what he received was neglect and insults. When the Dictionary was about to publish after seven years, Chesterfield openly recommended it, hoping to get some credit for it. Johnson wrote this Letter to achieve a satirical purpose. This article, in terms of Translation Equivalence, aims to compare two Chinese versions by Gu Zhengkun(辜正坤) in classical Chinese and Luo Luojia(羅珞珈) in vernacular.
1. Translation Equivalence
Equivalence is the theoretical base on which the act of translation can be performed. Translation equivalence between source text (ST) and target text (TT) is the concrete equivalence a translator intends to establish in his translation. As the criterion for judging the quality of translation, Translation Equivalence is composed of stylistic equivalence, socio-cultural equivalence and linguistic equivalence.
2. Comparison of Two Versions
2.1 Difference in Stylistic Equivalence
Whenever a text is produced, it bears the marks of style, both the style of its genre and the style of its producer. It is obvious that the Letters stylistic feature results from the fashionable use of classical language in 1750s as well as Johnsons habitual use of Latin writing style. The Latin writing style to English is what the Classic Chinese to Mandarin.
“…being very little accustomed to favours from the great, I know not well how to receive, or in what terms to acknowledge.”
Lous version mainly adopts vernacular with several Classical Chinese words which are permeated in Gus Classic Chinese version. Gus words chosen are terse and concise. The phrase of “favours from the great” is transfer into a four-character phrase in Gus(貴人垂青), but ten characters in Luos(偉人提攜獎(jiǎng)勵(lì),驟得恩寵).endprint
2.2 Difference in Social-cultural Equivalence
In John Lyons view, “the language of a particular society is an integral part of its culture, and that the lexical distinctions drawn by each language will tend to reflect the culturally-important features of objects, institutions and activities in the society in which the language operates.” In Johnsons Letter, an allusion is quoted to show the writers disappointment.
“The shepherd in Virgil grew at last acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks.”
Luos translation indicates that the Love is dead, which appears an obvious misunderstanding of the original meaning. By contrast, Gus version catches the original intention.
2.3 Difference in Linguistic Equivalence
Linguistic equivalence includes grammatical, semantic and pragmatic equivalence. The semantic equivalence serves as the fundamental one in the process of translating and starts from lexical equivalence and ends at textual equivalence.
“Is not a Patron, my Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help? ”
Compared Gus and Luos version, the phrase “encumber (him) with help” in the Letter is handled in totally different ways. In Luos translation, this part is abandoned while in Gus version it is conveyed properly in a four-character phrase.
3. Conclusion
Judging by the criterion mentioned, though Gus version was in archaism and Luos in vernacular, their translations attain as much translation equivalence as possible between source text and target text.