(SCI or EI Indexed)
September 21-23, 2018, Zhengzhou, China
The Fourth International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE, originally ICYCSEE)2018(http://2018.icpcsee.org)will be held in Zhengzhou, China, Sept 21-23 2018, hosted by Henan Computer Federation and Zhengzhou Computer Federation and Zhengzhou University and National Academy of Guo Ding Institute of Data Science. ICPCSEE 2018 is planned to publish the proceedings with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series, which will be indexed by EI Compendex according to previous experience of Springer. The program committee will recommend some high-quality papers to international journals.
·Submission Deadline of SCI Journals:March 8th,2018
·Submission Deadline of EI Journals:March 8th,2018
·Submission Deadline of Springer (EI indexed):March 8th,2018
·Notification of acceptance:April 19th,2018?
·Conference Dates:September 21-23, 2018
Papers submitted to the conference should be in English. Authors should submit papers reporting original work that are currently not under review or published elsewhere. Papers submitted to the conference should be in the CCIS one-column page format following Springer's manuscript submission guideline:http://www.springer. de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Papers in research, industry and education track must not exceed 15 pages. Papers in demo track must not exceed 6 pages.
For Local Information:2018@icpcsee.org
For all other information:icpcsee@dbw.org.cn
Conference Tel: 86-137-0451-1101,186-1821-1101
Local Tel: 86-186-3814-2916