王智遠 任崇廣 陳榕 秦莉
Abstract: Log analysis is a very important business of cloud computing platform management work, which aims to guarantee the efficiency and availability of cloud platforms. There exist such problems as complex logs and massive logs. A log anomaly detection method is proposed in this paper. First of all, the template is formed by using text clustering based on edit distance; then, on this basis, characteristic vector is constructed, and weak classifier training is used to form scoring feature vector; finally, combined with Random Forest, weak classifier is continuously used to build strong classifier. Experimental results show that mutual information is 0.91 between the real template and log template, which has been relatively close; and the classification accuracy of using Random Forest to build strong classifier on data sets is the best, which could be up to 0.94.
本文首先對日志進行基本的清洗,然后基于Levenshtein distance(編輯距離)求得日志聚類、并形成日志模板,針對日志模板利用TF-IDF(詞頻-逆文件頻率)生成特征向量,使用貝葉斯、邏輯回歸、支持向量機、決策樹等分類器構建得分特征向量,再利用得分特征向量與隨機森林構建強分類器。在結果檢驗部分,用互信息檢測真實模板與聚類形成的模板之間的關聯性,利用準確率與召回率檢測分類器的效果,最后展示了各種分類器的分類效果。
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