Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science(《針灸推拿醫(yī)學》,英文版,CN 31-1908/R,ISSN 1672-3597,雙月刊,64頁)為中國英文版科技期刊數(shù)據(jù)庫統(tǒng)計源期刊,德國Springer數(shù)據(jù)庫、中國核心期刊(遴選)數(shù)據(jù)庫收錄期刊。 本刊由上海市針灸經絡研究所主辦,以介紹針灸和推拿臨床醫(yī)學、推廣中醫(yī)針灸和推拿文化、促進國際交流為主旨,設有“973計劃”專欄、述評、名中醫(yī)經驗、臨床研究、基礎(實驗)研究、臨床報道、病例報告、經絡腧穴、針刺麻醉、針灸器械等欄目,全面報道國內外針灸、推拿的臨床和基礎研究成果。論文強調具有中醫(yī)特色,突出中醫(yī)基礎理論的實際運用。是從事針灸推拿醫(yī)學臨床、教學和科研的各級醫(yī)技人員以及醫(yī)學院校相關專業(yè)大學生的良師益友;相關醫(yī)療器械研制、生產者了解市場的窗口。
Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science
Special Topic Study
- Therapeutic efficacy observation on needling Yangming method for facial palsy
- Observation on clinical effect of acupuncture for peripheral facial paralysis in acute period and facial nerve F-wave
- Therapeutic efficacy observation on combining interaction and routine acupuncture for intractable facial palsy
Clinical Study
- Effect of breathing and Daoyin exercises on the quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Moxibustion on Governor Vessel for ankylosing spondylitis due to kidney yang deficiency: a clinical controlled study
- Effect of acupoint injection of Neostigmine on gastrointestinal function after cholecystectomy
- Clinical observation of Da Huang (Rheum Officinale) application at Shenque (CV 8) for constipation after operation for lumbar vertebral fracture
- Intensive stimulation tuina at tender points plus medication for cervical intervertebral disc herniation
- Efficacy observation of combining tuina and Chinese herbal fumigation for chronic ankle sprain
- Efficacy observation on tuina for children with cough