也許你不認識畫家蒙克,但你絕對不會不認識他的名畫《吶喊》。很多人都以為《吶喊》中捂著耳朵的人是在尖叫,其實,他只是在對尖叫作出反應。Munch made clear what was going on in an inscription on a rarely-seen black-and-white version of the image, which Munch annotated with the words "I felt the great scream throughout nature."
Munch, a Norwegian artist, finished the first painting in 1893.In the decades since, the image has morphed into a universal symbol for anxiety, and is clearly reference in the "person screaming" emoji.
Munch very deliberately included the caption on this version to describe how his inspiration came from the anxiety he suddenly felt as he walked along a path in Oslo.Munch said that the piece recreated the feeling of panic he felt when the sky turned blood red on his walk.
Munch was known for creating images that symbolize strong emotions, like love or jealousy. "The Scream" transmits the feeling of a panic-inducing scream with a simple design: Wavy bands in the sky give the sensation of a quivering tuning fork, as a figure covers its ears.This stylized gesture will always be instantly recognizable to people as despair.