【導讀】蒙太古夫人(1689—1762),英國書信作家、詩人、旅行家,出身于貴族家庭。自幼天資聰穎,博覽群書,少女時期即開始寫詩,并自學了拉丁文。1712年,她違抗父命,與相戀的愛德華·渥特萊·蒙太古(Edward Wortley Montagu)秘密結婚?;楹蟛痪?,愛德華升任財政大臣,蒙太古夫人也因此得以廣結社會名流,與當時的著名文人斯梯爾、艾狄生、康格里夫、蒲柏、蓋依等交往甚密。1716年,愛德華擔任英國駐土耳其大使,她便隨夫沿歐洲各國一路行至土耳其,直到兩年后才返回故土。在此期間,她寫下一組“東方來信”1,共計52封,記錄、分享了沿途的旅行見聞以及土耳其的風土人情。返回倫敦后,蒙太古夫人大力推廣她在土耳其見到的用以預防天花的種痘術,被后世傳為美談?!稏|方來信》的初版刊行于1763年。
To Lady Mar2,
Rotterdam3, 3 August 1716
I flatter myself, dear sister, that I shall give you some pleasure in letting you know that I am safely past the sea, though we had the ill fortune of a storm. We were persuaded by the captain of our yacht to set out in a calm, and he pretended that there was nothing so easy as to tide it over; but, after two days slowly moving, the wind blew so hard that none of the sailors could keep their feet and we were all Sunday night tossed very handsomely. I never saw a man more frighted than the captain. For my part I have been so lucky neither to suffer from fear or sea-sickness, though I confess I was so impatient to see myself once more upon dry land that I would not stay till the yacht could get to Rotterdam, but went in the long boat to Helvoetsluys4, where we hired voitures5 to carry us to the Brill6. I was charmed with the neatness of this little town, but my arrival in Rotterdam presented me a new scene of pleasure. All the streets are paved with broad stones, and before the meanest artificers’ doors seats of various coloured marbles, and so neatly kept that, I’ll assure you, I walked almost all over the town yesterday, incognito, in my slippers, without receiving one spot of dirt, and you may see the Dutch maids washing the pavement of the street with more application than ours do our bedchambers. The town seems so full of people, with such busy faces, all in motion, that I can hardly fancy that it is not some celebrated fair, but I see it is every day the same. ’Tis certain no town can be more advantageously situated for commerce. Here are seven large canals, on which the merchant ships come up to the very doors of their houses. The shops and warehouses are of a surprising neatness and magnificence, filled with an incredible quantity of fine merchandise, and so much cheaper than what we see in England I have much ado to persuade myself I am still so near it. Here is neither dirt nor beggary to be seen. One is not shocked with those loathsome cripples so common in London, nor teased with the importunities of idle fellows and wenches that choose to be nasty and lazy. The common servants and the little shop women here are more nicely clean than most of our ladies, and the great variety of neat dresses (every woman dressing her head after her own fashion) is an additional pleasure in seeing the town.
You see, hitherto, dear sister, I make no complaints, and if I continue to like travelling as well as I do at present, I shall not repent my project. It will go a great way in making me satisfied with it, if it affords me opportunities of entertaining you. But it is not from Holland that you must expect a disinterested offer. I can write enough in the style of Rotterdam to tell you plainly, in one word, that I expect returns of all the London news. You see I have already learnt to make a good bargain, and that it is not for nothing I will so much as tell you that I am your affectionate sister.