China announced that it will raise the rate of additional[額外的] tariffs [關稅]imposed on some of the imported US products from June 1. China had earlier imposed additional tariffs on $60 billion worth of US imports, the rates of additional tariffs on some of the products will now be increased to 25%, 20%, and 10%, according to a statement by the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council. This is China’sresponse to the additional UStariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods.
我國宣布,自6月1日起對原產于美國的部分進口商品提高加征關稅稅率。國務院關稅稅則委員會發(fā)布公告,我國對已實施加征關稅的600億美元清單美國商品中的部分,提高加征關稅稅率,分別實施25%、20% 或10%加征關稅。此舉是對美國政府決定對從中國進口的2000億美元清單商品加征關稅的回應。
Fill in the blanks:
Chinese government will raise the rate of additional tariffs as the response to the
additional ________ tariffs.
China's Tsinghua University claimed the number one spot in the TimesHigher Education (THE)' s Asia University Rankings 2019, becoming the first university on the Chinese mainland to top the list. Tsinghua University knockedNational University of Singapore off the top, which has held onto the number one ranking since 2016 and has now dropped to second place. TsinghuaUniversity's move further up the list was due to a large boost in the scores for teaching environment, citation [引用] impact and international outlook [前景].THE noted that overall, 72 Chinese universities feature in the ranking, up from63 last year. PekingUniversity dropped twoplaces to 5th, which isattributed to declinesin its research incomeand industry incomescores.
《泰晤士高等教育》雜志日前發(fā)布2019年亞洲大學排名,清華大學位列第一,成為中國內地首所登頂該榜單的高校。自2016年以來一.直占據該榜單首位的新加坡國立大學此次退居第二。清華大學排名進一步上升得益于其在教學環(huán)境、論文引用影響力和國際前景等方面的分數大幅提高。《泰晤士高等教育》 指出,今年共有72所中國大學上榜,多于去年的63所。北京大學的排名下降了兩位,降至第5位,這是由于其研究收入得分和行業(yè)收入得分下降所致。
Fill in the blanks:
China's Tsinghua University becomes the number ________ among Asia University.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have named their newborn son ArchieHarrison Mountbatten-Windsor. The announcement came after the Queen andDuke of Edinburgh met their eighth great一grandchild[重孫] for the first time atWindsor Castle. Introducing him to the cameras earlier in Wednesday, Meghansaid,“He has the sweetest temperament[氣質,性情], he’s really calm." Talkingabout their first few days as parents, the duke said,“It’ S great. Parenting isamazing.”Meghan said, “It s magic, it' s pretty amazing. I have the two bestguys in the world so I' m really happy." On which parent the baby resembledmore, Harry said,“Everyone saysthat babies change so much over twoweeks. We’re basically monitoring howthe changing process happens overthis next month really. But his looksare changing every single day, so whoknows. ”
蘇塞克斯公爵哈里和公爵夫人梅根給他們剛剛出生的兒子取名為阿爾奇·哈里森·蒙巴頓-溫莎。寶寶名字公布前,英國女王和愛丁堡公爵在溫莎堡首次見到了他們的第八個重孫。當地時間5月8日清晨,哈里王子夫婦攜寶寶亮相。梅根表示:“小阿爾奇有著最甜美的氣質,他很安靜。”在談到兩人初為父母的這幾天時,哈里說:“非常棒,養(yǎng)育孩子真是令人驚嘆?!泵犯鶆t表示:“這真是太神奇 了,我擁有世界上最棒的兩個男人,真的很幸福?!痹趯殞毴菝哺裾l的問題上,哈里表示:“大家 都說寶寶在兩周內長相會改變很多,接下來的一個月我們會仔細觀察這個變化過程是如何發(fā)生的。不過他的模樣每天都在改變,所以誰知道呢。”
Fill in the blanks:
Harry and Meghan named their baby ________.
It took just one day of use for several common sunscreen [防曬霜] ingredients to enter the bloodstream at levels high enough to trigger a government safety investigation, according to a pilot study conducted by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, an arm of the US Food and Drug Administration. “Looking through the results tables of the study, one thing about oxybenzone [氧苯酮] stood out, ,” said David Andrews, senior scientist at the EWG. Oxybenzone is one of a dozen chemicals that the FDA recently said needed to be researched by manufacturers.“Oxybenzone was absorbed into the body at about 50 to 100times higher concentration than any of the other chemicals they tested, "he added. So, should you stop using sunscreen? Absolutely not, the sun is the realenemy, experts say. When going outside, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends applying at least 1 ounce[盎司]of sunscreen to all exposed skin every twohours or after swimming.
根據美國食品和藥物管理局下屬的藥品評價和研究中心開展的一項初步研究,防曬霜中的幾種常見成分在涂抹一天后就會進入血液,且濃度高到足以啟動政府安全調查。環(huán)境工作組的資深科學家戴維·安德魯斯說:“ 研究結果顯示,氧苯酮的問題非常突出。”該物質是食品和藥物管理局近日要求制造商調查的12種化學成分中的一種。安德魯斯還說,氧苯酮被人體吸收的濃度比測試的其他化合物中的任何一種都要高出約50一100倍。那么人們是否應該停用防曬霜呢?專家說,絕對不行,烈日才是真正的敵人。美國皮膚科學會建議,外出時每隔兩小時或游泳后要在裸露的皮膚上涂抹至少1盎司(約等于28.35克)的防曬霜。
Fill in the blanks:
American experts advice applying at least 1 ounce of ________ every 2 hours.