This article corrects:Retraction:A survey of anaphylaxis etiology and treatment.Med Gas Res 2019;9:54.1Article first published online:28 March 2019.This article has been retracted at the request of:Author ‘A survey of anaphylaxis etiology and treatment’,by Ahanchian H,Behmanesh F,Azad FJ,Ansari E,Khoshkhui M,Farid R,Hassanpur Y,Kouzegaran S.The above article,first published online onMedical Gas Research(,and in Med Gas Res 2019;9:54,has been retracted by agreement between the authors,the journal,and the publisher.
The original retraction note was incorrect,2since the first author Dr.Hamid Ahanchian and the corresponding author Dr.Samaneh Kouzegaran submitted and published the paper,and also signed the copyright form on behalf of Dr.Yalda Hassanpour without her permission,after the further investigation,there was no proof of all the other authors’ credit to the paper.Therefore,the decision has been made to retract this article.The journal would like to apologize to the readers for the error and any confusion this may have caused.