Mary Shelley
Two months later, I reached Geneva. That evening, I hid among some trees outside the town and went to sleep. I woke up when a little boy ran into my hiding place. I thought I would catch the child and make him my friend before he was old enough to be frightened of my terrible face. I caught the little boy, but when the child saw me, he covered his eyes with his hands and screamed loudly.
“Let me go, you monster,” the child shouted. “Let me go, or I will tell my father, Mr Fran?kenstein. He will call the police, and theyll punish you.”
“Frankenstein!” I shouted. “You belong to my enemy, the man that I want to hurt.”
The child fought me and screamed, and I put my hand round his neck to stop him shouting. In a moment, the child lay dead at my feet. I looked down at his body, and was pleased with what I had done. I knew that the death of this child would hurt you, Victor Frankenstein, my creator.
Then I saw something bright round the childs neck. It was a gold chain, and at the end of it was a picture of a very beautiful woman. I knew that a beautiful woman would never smile at me, and I wanted to run into Geneva and kill as many people as I could. But I stopped myself, and went to look for another hiding place. Soon I found a hut, which seemed to be empty, but when I entered, I saw a pretty young woman asleep on the floor. I hated her because she was pretty. So I put the gold chain into one of her pockets, and then, before she could wake up, I ran away. I knew the police would think that she had killed the little boy.
What can be used to describe the monster in this chapter?