封面圖展示了通過多通道電子顯微鏡揭示出的反滲透膜三維納米結構 (圖中金色部分),以及為了提高性能而控制其聚合物質量分布的需求。納米分辨率級別的容積重建被用作顯示流線的水流模擬輸入(灰色部分;如圖所示,水流自上而下流動)。為了實現(xiàn)最大化水產(chǎn)量,關鍵就是最大限度地減少“死區(qū)”,從而在整個薄膜上獲取更均勻的密度。
Multimodal electronmicroscopy reveals the threedimensional nanostructure (gold)of reverseosmosis membranes.as well as the need to controltheir polymer mass distributionfor improved performance.Volume reconstructions withnanometer resolution are used asinputs for water flow simulationsthat reveal streamLines (gray:here. water flows from topto bottom). Minimizing lideadzonesll, thereby achieving amore uniform density throughoutthe membranes. is key tomaxmizing water production.
A mouse sperm lackingglycylation swlms in circles.Glycylation is a posttranslationalmodification of tubulin that ispredominately found in cilia andflagella, where it contributes tOcoordinating axonemal dyneinmotors that power the flagellarbeating. Lack of glycylationcauses an abnormal flageLlar beatand results iIl circular instead ofstraight sperm swlmming. This inturn severelv affects male fertility.
The 30s-meterwide radiodish of Puerto Rico S AreciboObservatory. as seen from abovein the late 1980s. For nearly 60years. the telescope stood at thevanguard of astronomy, planetaryscience. and atmospheric science.On l December 2020, itS heavyinstrument platform collapsedafter the failure of its suspensioncables. Researchers are examiningthe causes of the disaster even asthey advocate for rebuilding.
Some cobras. such asthis Mozambique spitting cobra (Najamossambica). use venom spitting as an effective long-range defense mechanism. The three origins of venom spitting in snakes coincide with convergent changes to venom composition,
aLlowing venomto serve a defensive function by producing enhanced pain inthe recipient. These findings emphasize that evolution canfunnel complex adaptations down repeatable pathways.