Department of Mathematics,Eastern Mediterranean University,Famagusta,North Cyprus via Mersin 10,Turkey;
Abstract In this paper,we introduce the?h-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials An(x,y;h)via h-Gould-Hopper polynomials(x,y).These polynomials reduces to?h-Appell polynomials in the case y=0,?-Appell polynomials in the case y=0 and h=1,2D-Appell polynomials in the case h→0,2D?-Appell polynomials in the case h=1 and Appell polynomials in the case h→0 and y=0.We obtain some well known main properties and an explicit form,determinant representation,recurrence relation,shift operators,difference equation,integro-difference equation and partial difference equation satis fied by them.Determinants satis fied by?h-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials reduce to determinant of all subclass of the usual polynomials.Recurrence,shift operators and difference equation satis fied by these polynomials reduce to recurrence,shift operators and difference equation of?h-Appell polynomials,?-Appell polynomials;recurrence,shift operators,differential and integro-differential equation of 2D-Appell polynomials,recurrence,shift operators,integro-difference equation of 2D?-Appell polynomials,recurrence,shift operators,differential equation of Appell polynomials in the corresponding cases.In the special cases of the determining functions,we present the explicit forms,determinants,recurrences,difference equations satis fied by the degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials,degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials,degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials,?h-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials and?h-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind.In particular cases of the degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials,degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials,?h-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials and?h-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind,corresponding determinants,recurrences,shift operators and difference equations reduce to all subclass of degenerate socalled families except for Genocchi polynomials recurrence,shift operators,and differential equation.Degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials do not satisfy the recurrences and differential equations of 2D-Euler and Euler polynomials.
Key words ?h-Appell polynomials;determinant;recurrence;difference equation
Recently,there has been an active research on Appell polynomials.Many authors have studied on Appell polynomials because they have some useful applications in pure and applied mathematics.
Appell polynomials are de fined by
For some special choices ofa
we have the well known Bernoulli and Euler polynomialsrespectively. The recurrence relations and differential equations of the above polynomials were studied in[21].Besides,differential equation satis fied by Frobenius-Euler and Frobenius-Genocchi polynomials were obtained[58].Bivariate Appell polynomials were de fined by
and corresponding differential equations were obtained in[3].Besides,some extensions of the above family were introduced and differential,integro-differential and partial differential equations satis fied by the extended 2D
Bernoulli and Euler polynomials were obtained in[57]as a special cases.Moreover,some main properties of the Apostol type extensions of the above polynomials were studied in[38,40,42].Also,q
-extensions of the Apostol type polynomials were introduced and some addition theorems were obtained in[39].Differential,integro-differential and partial differential equations for the Hermite-based Appell polynomials were obtained in[51].Furthermore,uni fication of the Hermite-based Apostol Bernoulli,Euler and Genocchi polynomials was introduced,and some properties such as symmetry identities and generalized sum of integer powers were obtained in[41].The common property of the Appell polynomial sequence{A
is the derivative operator.ReplacingD
by difference operator?,
the polynomial sequence A(x
)that arises satisfyingwere de fined in[15]and called by?-Appell sequences.
Here,?is the finite difference operator which is
Finite difference operator of orderi,i
is given by where?=I
is the identity operator.Related interpolation problem of?-Appell sequences was handled in[15].In[15],?-Appell sequences{A(x
)}were de fined by the power series of the product ofa
)was given byTwice iterated?-Appell polynomials were introduced and difference equations for a class of twice iterated?-Appell polynomials were obtained in[52].Very recently,the Hahn-Appell polynomials which include the usual,?andq
-Appell polynomials were introduced and analyzed,corresponding difference equations andd
-orthogonality problem has been solved for Hahn-Appell polynomials in[54].On the other hand,Carlitz introduced the degenerate Bernoulli polynomials in[5]
Degenerate Euler polynomials were introduced in[6,27,32],
Degenerate Genocchi polynomials were de fined in[27,37],
Recently,Khan et al.[27]de fined a uni fied class of degenerate Apostol-type polynomials.In the special caseλ
uni fied degenerate family reduce to uni fied family satis fied by the Apostol polynomials of orderα.
By monomiality principle,uni fied degenerate Apostol-type polynomials were investigated.Some recurrence relations and explicit representations were obtained.Also,some authors worked on degenerate Bernoulli,Euler and Genocchi polynomials[32,37].The results that are satis fied by the degenerate Bernoulli,Euler and Genocchi polynomials reduce to the results that are satis fied by the usual Bernoulli,Euler and Genocchi polynomials whenλ
We observe that the possible de finition of the degenerate Appell polynomials can be the same as the?-Appell polynomials.That is
)is given byThis observation motivate us to introduce and study on the?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials,since the results will also be reduced to the newly de fined bivariate degenerate versions of many known polynomials.
Gould-Hopper polynomials are given by
which are solutions of the heat equation
Explicitly,they are given by
Degenerate Hermite(or Gould-Hopper)polynomials were introduced in[25]
They reduce to usual case whenλ
The explicit form of the degenerate Gould-Hopper polynomials was given in[25]Because of the same intention that we point out about the motivation of this paper,we will call the polynomials,de fined by
-Gould-Hopper polynomials.By means of the above polynomials,we de fine?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials A(x,y
)asand the?-Gould-Hopper Appell numbers as
In this paper,we introduce degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind by
Degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials are introduced as
Degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials are de fined as
Degenerate Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials are de fined as
?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind are de fined as
By fully degenerating the Gould-Hopper polynomials with aq
-parameter,Gould-Hopper based fully degenerate poly-Bernoulli polynomials with aq
-parameter were introduced and addition and difference rule properties were analyzed in[18].Generalized degenerate Gould-Hopper based fully degenerate Bell polynomials were introduced and some representations were obtained for generalized degenerate Gould-Hopper based degenerate Bernoulli,Euler and Genocchi polynomials[17].Note that some properties satis fied by the higher order Boole type polynomials and numbers were obtained.Also,some derivative formulas,recurrence relations and finite combinatorial sums including the Apostol-Euler polynomials,the Stirling numbers and Daehee numbers were given in[53].Degenerate Hermite-Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind[24]were introduced and in the caseλ
they reduce to the Hermite Bernoulli polynomials(2D
Bernoulli polynomials).Some explicit formulas for the higher order degenerate Bernoulli numbers of the first kind and the second kind were obtained and some recurrence formulas were proved.Also,some formulas related with the degenerate Genocchi numbers,degenerate tangent numbers and the coefficient of the higher order degenerate Euler polynomials were deduced in[7].In[15]generalized Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind(?-Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind)were de fined.Some interpolation properties satis fied by these polynomials were obtained.h
-Gould-Hopper polynomials are de fined byit can be directly seen that they satisfy the following equations:
and satis fies the discrete heat equation
with the initial condition
Using series expansion of(2.1)and applying the Cauchy product,with the fact that
Comparing equations(2.9)and(2.11),we get the discrete heat equation
=0 in(2.4),we get the following initial condition:In this Section,we introduce the?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials and obtain an explicit form and the determinantal form of the?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials.First,we de fine the?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials.
De finition 3.1
?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials are de fined bywhere the degenerate numbers A(0,
)are given by the seriesRemark 3.2
?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials reduce 2D
?-Appell polynomials in the caseh
=1;?-Appell polynomials[15]in the casey
=0;?-Appell polynomials in the casey
=0 andh
-Appell polynomials in the caseh
→0[3];Appell polynomials in the caseh
→0 andy
=0[21].In some special cases of the?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials,we have 2D
Bernoulli polynomials,2D
Euler polynomials,2D
Daehee polynomials of orderk,
Daehee polynomials of orderk
Peters polynomials(generalized 2D
Boole polynomials),2D
Boole polynomials,Boole polynomials[4,35,36,48],2D
Changhee polynomials,Changhee polynomials[33],2D
Poly-Cauchy polynomials of the first kind,2D
Poly-Cauchy polynomials of the second kind,and Poly-Cauchy polynomials of the first kind and second kind.We should also note that some recurrence relations,differential,integro-differential and partial differential equations were obtained for the 2D
Bernoulli polynomials and for the 2D
Euler polynomials[3,57],respectively.Note that some explicit formulas for the Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind(in one variable)were obtained in[44].Moreover,general order of the Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind was introduced in[43].An explicit formula for the higher order Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind was obtained in[55].Note that some new matrix representations for the higher-order Daehee numbers and polynomials were obtained in[19].The casek
=1 was investigated in[34].Some mixed-type polynomials like Barnes-type Daehee polynomials of the second kind and the Poly-Cauchy polynomials of the second kind were introduced in[30].Some properties of the Poly-Cauchy and Peters mixed-type polynomials were investigated in[29].Theorem 3.3
The following properties are satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomialsTheorem 3.4
A polynomial sequence{A(x,y
)}is a?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomial sequence if and only if it has an explicit formwhere
Multiplying both sides of(2.1)bya
)and applying the Cauchy product,then inserting the generating function of?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials and using(3.1)on the right sides of the equality,we haveUsing(2.4)in(3.6),we have
Theorem 3.5
?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials are de fined for eachn
bywhere the numbersβ
)are the coefficients of the Maclaurin series of 1/a
Inserting the series forms of theh
-Gould Hopper polynomials in the generating function of the?-Gould Hopper Appell polynomials,we haveMultiplying both sides by
Applying Cauchy product in(3.11)gives This equality leads to the system ofn
-equations with unknown A(x,y
Solving this system using Cramer’s rule and using the fact that denominator is the determinant of lower triangular matrix with determinant(β
)and by taking transpose of the numerator,then replacing thei
-th row by(i
+1)-th position,fori
gives the desired result.Determinants of?-Appell polynomials and Appell polynomials were obtained in[15]and[14],respectively.
Corollary 3.6
Determinant satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials reduces to the determinant of?-Appell polynomials[15]in the casey
=0;?-Appell polynomials in the casey
=0 andh
-Appell polynomials in the caseh
??-Appell polynomials in the caseh
=1;Appell polynomials[14]in the caseh
→0 andy
In this Section,we obtain recurrence relation,lowering operator,raising operator,difference equation,integro-difference equation and partial difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials.
Theorem 4.1
Recurrence relation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials is given byProof
Taking derivative with respect tot
on both sides of(3.1),we haveNow,substituting(3.1),(4.2)and series forms of
in(4.3),we have
Applying the Cauchy product in(4.5)and writing all summations from 1 to∞,we have
On the other hand,by(3.5)we have A(x,y
and A(x,y
.Inserting(3.2)into(4.2)and after some series manipulations and Cauchy product,we haveγ
Hence,we can writeRecurrence relation satis fied by 2D
-Appell and Appell polynomials were obtained in[3]and[21]respectively.Theorem 4.2
Lowering operator,raising operator and difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials are given byProof
By(1.7),it can be seen that the lowering operator is given by(4.8).To obtain the difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials,we need to find the raising operator.First,we write A(x,y
)and A(x,y
)in terms of the lowering operator aswith the fact that
then dividing both sides byh
,we get the result.Lowering operator,raising operator and differential equation satis fied by 2D
-Appell polynomials were obtained in[3].Lowering operator,raising operator and differential equation satis fied by Appell polynomials were obtained in[21].Theorem 4.3
Integro-lowering operator,integro-raising operator and integro-difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials are given byrespectively.
We introduce the inverse forward difference operators by
Inserting the terms
into the recurrence relation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials and taking into brackets of A(x,y
),we get the integro-raising operator(4.17).then dividing both sides of the equation byh
,we get the integro-difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials.Theorem 4.4
Partial difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials is given byProof
Applying forward difference operator with respect tox
?1)-times in the integrodifference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials and using the factintroduced in[15]and then dividing both sides of the equation byh
,we get the partial difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials.Corollary 4.5
Recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation and integro-difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials reduce to recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by?-Appell polynomials in the casey
=0;?-Appell polynomials in the casey
=0 andh
=1;recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,differential equation and integro-differential equation of 2D
-Appell polynomials[3]in the caseh
→0;recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,differential equation of Appell polynomials[21]in the caseh
→0 andy
In the caseh
=1,recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation and integro-difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials reduce to recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation and integro-difference equation satis fied by 2D
??-Appell polynomials.In this Section,as a special case of our main theorems,we derive explicit forms,determinants,recurrence relations,shift operators and difference equations for degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind,degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials,degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials,?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials and?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind,in Subsections respectively.
In this Subsection,we present the corresponding explicit forms,determinants,recurrence relations,shift operators and difference equations satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind.
Corollary 5.1
A polynomial sequence{B(x,y
)}is a degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomial sequence of the first kind if and only if it has an explicit formwhere degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli numbers B(0,
):=Bare given by the seriesSome degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli numbers of the first kind are given by
In the caseh
degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli numbers of the first kind reduce to the Bernoulli numbers of the first kind.Some degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind are given by
In the caseh
→0 andy
degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind reduce to the Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind.Corollary 5.2
Determinant satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind is given byCorollary 5.3
Determinant satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind reduces to determinant satis fied by degenerate Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials in the casey
=0;?-Bernoulli polynomials in the casey
=0 andh
=1;determinant of 2D
-Bernoulli polynomials in the caseh
→0;Bernoulli polynomials[10–12,45],in the caseh
→0 andy
In the caseh
=1,determinant satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind reduces to determinant satis fied by 2D
??-Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind(2D-falling factorials).Corollary 5.4
Recurrence relation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind is given byIn the following Corollary,we present the lowering operator,raising operator and difference equation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind.
Corollary 5.5
Lowering operator,raising operator and difference equation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind are given byrespectively.
Corollary 5.6
Recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind reduce to recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by degenerate Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials in the casey
=0;?-Bernoulli polynomials in the casey
=0 andh
=1;recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,differential equation of 2D
-Bernoulli polynomials[3,57]in the caseh
→0;Bernoulli polynomials[10,21,57]in the caseh
→0 andy
In the caseh
=1,recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind reduce to recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by 2D
???Bernoulli polynomials of the first kind(2D
-falling factorials).In this Subsection,we present the corresponding explicit forms,determinants,recurrence relations,shift operators and difference equations satis fied by the degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials.
Corollary 5.7
A polynomial sequence{ε(x,y
)}is a degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomial sequence if and only if it has an explicit formwhere degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler numbers ε(0,
):=εare given bySome degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler numbers are given by
Some degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials are given by
Corollary 5.8
Determinant satis fied by the degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials is given byCorollary 5.9
Determinant of degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials reduces to the determinant of Euler polynomials[46]in the caseh
→0 andy
In the caseh
=1,determinant of degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials reduces to the determinant of 2D
-Changhee polynomials.Corollary 5.10
Recurrence relation satis fied by the degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials is given byCorollary 5.11
Lowering operator,raising operator and difference equation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials are given byrespectively.
Recurrence relation satis fied by Euler polynomials was obtained in[10,21].
Corollary 5.12
Recurrence relation,lowering operator and raising operator,difference equation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials reduce to recurrence relation,lowering operator and raising operator,difference equation of degenerate Carlitz Euler polynomials in the casey
In the caseh
=1,recurrence relation,lowering operator and raising operator,difference equation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Carlitz Euler polynomials reduce to recurrence relation,lowering operator and raising operator,difference equation of 2D
-Changhee polynomials.In this Subsection,we present the corresponding explicit forms,determinants,recurrence relations,shift operators and difference equations satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials.
Corollary 5.13
A polynomial sequence{G(x,y
)}is degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomial sequence if and only if it has an explicit formwhere degenerate Genocchi numbers G(0,
):=Gare given bySome degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi numbers are given by
In the caseh
degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi numbers reduce to the Genocchi numbers.Some degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials are given by
In the caseh
→0 andy
degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials reduce to the Genocchi polynomials.Corollary 5.14
Determinant satis fied by the degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials is given byCorollary 5.15
Determinant satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials reduce to determinant satis fied by degenerate Genocchi polynomials in the casey
=0;?-Genocchi polynomials in the casey
=0 andh
=1;determinant of 2D
-Genocchi polynomials in the caseh
→0;Genocchi polynomials[10,13]in the caseh
→0 andy
In the caseh
=1,determinant satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials reduce to determinant satis fied by 2D
??-Genocchi polynomials.Corollary 5.16
Recurrence relation satis fied by the degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials is given byCorollary 5.17
Lowering operator,raising operator and difference equation satis fied by the degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials are given byrespectively.
Differential equations for classical and non classical polynomial sets were obtained in[47].For the classical case,differential equations satis fied by Bernoulli,Euler and Genocchi polynomials were obtained.
Corollary 5.18
Recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials reduce to recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by degenerate Genocchi polynomials in the casey
=0;?-Genocchi polynomials in the casey
=0 andh
=1;recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,differential equation of 2D
-Genocchi polynomials in the caseh
→0.In the caseh
=1,recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by degenerate Gould-Hopper Genocchi polynomials reduce to recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by 2D
??-Genocchi polynomials.In this Subsection,we present the explicit forms,determinants,recurrence relations,shift operators and difference equations satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials.
Corollary 5.19
A polynomial sequence{Bl
)}is a?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomial sequence if and only if it has an explicit formwhere?-Boole numbers Bl
are given bySome?-Boole numbers are given by
In the caseh
=1 andy
?-Gould-Hopper Boole numbers reduce to the Boole numbers.Some?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials are given by
In the caseh
=1 andy
?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials reduce to the Boole polynomials.Corollary 5.20
Determinant satis fied by the?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials is given byCorollary 5.21
Determinant satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials reduces to determinant satis fied by?-Boole polynomials in the casey
=0;Boole polynomials in the casey
=0 andh
=1;determinant of 2D
-Boole polynomials in the caseh
=1.Corollary 5.22
Recurrence relation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials is given bywhere Bl
)are the?-Boole numbers.Corollary 5.23
Lowering operator,raising operator and difference equation satis fied by the?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials are given byrespectively.
Corollary 5.24
Recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Boole polynomials reduce to recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by?-Boole polynomials in the casey
=0;Boole polynomials in the casey
=0 andh
=1;recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,differential equation of 2D
-Boole polynomials in the caseh
=1.In this Subsection,we present the explicit form,determinant,recurrence relation and difference equation satis fied by the?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind.
Some?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli numbers of the second kind are given by
Some?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind are given by
In the caseh
=1 andy
=0,?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli numbers of the second kind reduce to Bernoulli numbers of the second kind and in the caseh
=1 andy
=0,?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind reduce to Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind.Corollary 5.26
Determinant satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind is given byCorollary 5.27
Determinant satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind reduces to determinant satis fied by?-Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind in the casey
=0;Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind in the casey
=0 andh
=1;determinant of 2D
-Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind in the caseh
=1.In the caseh
→0,determinant satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind reduces to determinant of Gould-Hopper polynomials.Corollary 5.28
Recurrence relation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind is given byCorollary 5.29
Lowering operator,raising operator and difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind are given byrespectively.
Corollary 5.30
Recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind reduce to recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by?-Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind in the casey
=0;Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind in the casey
=0 andh
=1;recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,differential equation of 2D
-Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind in the caseh
=1.In the caseh
→0,recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,difference equation satis fied by?-Gould-Hopper Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind reduce to recurrence relation,lowering and raising operators,differential equation satis fied by Gould-Hopper polynomials.Some identities and relations involving the modi fied degenerate Hermite-based Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials were obtained in[49].A new uni fied class of degenerate Apostol-type polynomials was introduced.By series de finition and within the context of monomiality principle,degenerate Apostol-type polynomials were investigated.Some recurrence relations and explicit representations were obtained in[27].Taking into consideration of the generating functions satis fied by the?-Gould-Hopper Appell polynomials and using the degenerate uni fied Hermite based exponential function[41,42],the generalized uni fied Hermite-based degenerate Apostol polynomials can be introduced.
Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2021年4期