Series Four, Episode Seven: Solutions and Compromises
Harry: Hi Olivia!
Olivia: Hi there Harry!
Harry: Listen, can I ask you a favour?
Olivia: Sure. What is it?
Harry: Well, I know youve always got good ideas for solving problems.
Olivia: Thank you very much!
Harry: Its true!
Olivia: So whats your problem this time?
Harry: Well, you know Bindyus got her heart set on going somewhere exotic for our honeymoon.
Olivia: Yeah.
Harry: Well…
Olivia: I get it—you dont want to.
Harry: Yeah. Well, not exactly. I mean, I wouldnt mind, but I do like camping and…
Olivia: And?
Harry: Well, to tell you the truth, works been going a bit slowly recently and this wedding is costing us a fortune, so…
Olivia: You dont have that much money?
Harry: Exactly!
Olivia: Hmm…I think Ive got an idea—lets just go next door to my shop and check some things on the internet.
(door opens)
Fadi: So…h(huán)ows the job hunting going, Johnny?
Johnny: To tell you the truth, not too well.
Fadi: Shame. This is a difficult time, the recession and everything…
Johnny: Yeah, but Im pretty positive—you know me!
Fadi: Yeah, I certainly do!
Johnny: Ive just got to check my email now…Im expecting a couple of replies.
(door opens)
Bindyu: Hi!
Fadi: Hi Bindyu!
Bindyu: Hello boys. Have you seen Harry?
Fadi: He just went out with Olivia. Said hed be back in a minute.
Bindyu: OK. Is it OK if I sit and wait with you?
Fadi: Of course. Come and join us. Johnnys just checking his email—hes expecting some good news about new jobs!
Johnny: Hmmmm…
Bindyu: That doesnt sound good.
Fadi: No, it doesnt, does it? Bad news, Johnny?
Johnny: “We are sorry to inform you…”, “We regret…”, “Unfortunately…”—Why doesnt anybody realise how talented I am?! How much experience I have?! What a great asset Id be for their company…?!
Bindyu: I guess thats bad news.
Fadi: Im sure they do realise how good you are, Johnny. Its just that there arent that many jobs around at the moment.
Bindyu: Mmm…dont worry Johnny, Im sure something will turn up soon.
Johnny: I hope so.
(door opens)
Fadi: Here are Harry and Olivia now.
All: Hi! Hey! Hello there!
Harry: So, Bindyu, Ive been thinking about our honeymoon.
Bindyu: Oh great—our honeymoon; somewhere hot and exotic?
Harry: Erm, well…
Bindyu: On a Mediterranean island?
Harry: Ah…
Bindyu: Or did you think of somewhere else? The Maldives?
Harry: Actually, I think there is a compromise solution.
Bindyu: A “compromise”?
Harry: Yeah—you know I like camping.
Bindyu: Yes, you did mention it.
Harry: Well, I think we should go camping.
Bindyu: What?!
Harry: …on a Mediterranean island!
Bindyu: Oh…
Harry: Here, Ive just done some research with Olivia, and weve found loads of places—lovely little towns, private beaches, clear sea…nature all around!
Bindyu: Hmmm….
Harry: So, what do you think?
Bindyu: I think that isnt a bad idea at all, Harry!
Harry: Aw, great! Im glad weve sorted that out. Lets book somewhere right away.
Bindyu: Good idea.
Harry: Whew—So, hows the job hunting going, Johnny?
Johnny: Fadi just asked me that.
Fadi: Yeah, perhaps its better if you dont ask.
Harry: Ah? But youre always positive, arent you, Johnny?
Johnny: (sadly) Yeah. I try to be.
Bindyu: You sound a bit down, Johnny.
Johnny: (sighs)
Harry: Listen, mate, I wanted to ask you something, something important.
Johnny: Whats that?
Harry: Well, you know, for the wedding, I need a best man.
Johnny: A best man? To make a speech? And organise everything on the big day?
Harry: Yeah, thats right! I was wondering if youd like to be my best man?
Johnny: Me?
Harry: Yeah. You!
Johnny: Wow! Harry! Im really flattered! Id love to be your best man! Thats great news! Oh, thats really cheered me up!
Harry: Oh, brilliant! Brilliant!
Fadi: Why didnt you ask me? Or Carlos?
Bindyu: (whispering to him) Look, Johnny really needed cheering up. Hes having a difficult time at the moment.
Fadi: (grudgingly) Fair enough.
Harry: Listen, Fadi, Ill make sure you and Carlos can be ushers or something…
Fadi: An usher?
Bindyu: Yes—its a very important job at a wedding.
Fadi: Hmm, OK then.
Bindyu: Oh, Im glad thats all sorted out. No more problems then. I cant wait!
Harry: Me neither!