Qian Guo·Haijun Peng·Bing Hong·Hu Yao·Yongxuan Zhu·Hanwei Ding·Ning An·Yetang Hong
Correction to:Acta Geochim https://doi.org/10.1007/s11631-021-00477-z
The article‘‘Variations of methane stable isotopic values from an Alpine peatland on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau’’written by Qian Guo,Haijun Peng,Bing Hong,Hu Yao,Yongxuan Zhu,Hanwei Ding,Ning An,Yetang Hong was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal(currently SpringerLink)on 3 June 2021.There were some errors in the published article which should be corrected.The authors apologize for these errors and any confusion caused.
In the article,all the units of the isotopic values should be‰and all of the isotopic signatures from wetlands should be negative values.Other errors are also corrected in the following table.
A list of errors with their corrections
Error number Error locations Errors Corrections 1 Abstract -71%±1.3% -71±1.3‰2 Section 2.2 paragraph 2 δ13C(%) δ13C(‰)3 Section 3.1 paragraph 3%‰4 Section 3.1 paragraph 6 2- 2-3 5 Section 4.1 paragraph 2 CH4 CH4 6 Section 4.2 paragraph 1-68.30%±1.6% -68.30±1.6‰7 Section 4.2 paragraph 1-2.39%±0.8% -72.39±0.8‰8 Section 4.2 paragraph 1-69.49%±1.8% -69.49±1.8‰9 Section 4.2 paragraph 2 3% 3‰10 Section 4.3 paragraph 1-60% -60‰11 Section 4.3 paragraph 1 53% -53‰12 Section 4.3 paragraph 1-55% -55‰13 Section 4.3 paragraph 1 66.1% -66.1‰14 Section 4.3 paragraph 1-67% -67‰15 Section 4.3 paragraph 1-70% -70‰16 Section 4.3 paragraph 1 10% 10‰17 Section 4.3 paragraph 1 67.8% -67.8‰18 Section 4.3 paragraph 1 56.7% -56.7‰
Error number Error locations Errors Corrections 19 Section 4.3 paragraph 2-71% -71‰20 Section 4.3 paragraph 2 altitude latitude 21 Table 2 55.9 -55.9 22 Conclusions -71% -71‰